B ILL R EVIEWS -N EED TO G ET C OMPLETED • Read Entire Bill • Summary of Bill • Add to the Abstract • Position • Reasoning
E XECUTIVE D IRECTOR ’ S R EPORT Executive Director Ed Wojcicki 1. Report on Southern Illinois Summit in Effingham 2. Requests on bill positions 3. “Cop for a Day” for legislators, Springfield, April 24 4. Grasstops efforts 5. Website updates
L OBBYIST R EPORT 1. Chief John Millner 2. Filing a Witness Slip
O NGOING ISSUES FOR 2018 1. Juvenile Expungement-Chief Newton 2. Cannabis Legalization (SB?)- Chief Lemming 3. U-Visa-SB 32-Chief Menough 4. Small Cell Tower-SB 1451- Colonel Allen
T OP L EGISLATIVE P RIORITIES 2018 N O CURRENT BILL 1. Amend Juvenile Expungement Act-Chief Roy Newton 2. Amend Body Cam Legislation 3. Quota Law Repeal/Use for Officer Evaluation 4. Cannabis Legalization-Chief Terry Lemming
5 T OP B ILLS 2018 1. ??? 2. HB 4499-Public Duty Rule-Support 3. HB 4208-Prohibit Funding for SROs-Oppose 4. SB 3415-Pedestrian Data Stop Act Extension-Oppose 5. SB 2925-SRO Standards-Oppose
N EXT T EN B ILL L IST FOR L OBBY D AY 1. HB 4029-Cell Phone Surcharge LE Exemption-Support 2. SB 2642-Retired Officer Tan Card Exemption-Support 3. SB 3023-Safe Passage-Support 4. HB 4405-Drone Act-Support 5. SB 880-LPR Bill-Support 6. ??-Fight Crime-Support 7. HB 4594-Court Fee Reform Bill-Oppose 8. SB 32-U Visas Certification-Oppose 9. HB 2367-Juvenile Records Sealing-Oppose
L EGISLATIVE C ONTACTS 1. What Issue are they trying to address? 2. What is the Remedy Sought? 3. Ask for the Data that Supports their position
L OBBY D AY April 11 Plan-Chief Lemming In District March 27-28 Reports
L OBBY D AY Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police Legislator Contact Form Please visit your senator or representative before _(date)_________________ ILACP member completing form____________________________________________________ Senator/Representative Visited____________________________________________________ While visiting with legislator please provide their position on each of the five ILACP priorities. 1. Priority to be named by ILACP Proponent_____ Opponent______ Undecided______ Explanation_______________________________________________________
L EGISLATIVE R ECEPTION Abraham Lincoln Doubletree April 11 - Springfield
P UBLIC O FFICIALS OF THE Y EAR Senator Michael Hastings Sen. Elgie Sims
M EETING S CHEDULE 2018 Dates January 19-Plainfield PD March 9-Oakbrook PD April 11 - Springfield
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