npanm anm iii 20 2016 16 2025 2025

(NPANM ANM III), ), 20 2016 16-2025 2025 Za Zalma ma Ab - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

31 st NSM Conference, 31 May - June 2016, Istana Hotel Kuala Lumpur Th The e Th Third ird Nat ational ional Pla lan n of Act ction ion for Nutrition trition of Mal alaysia aysia NPANM III 2016-2025 (NPANM ANM III), ), 20 2016

  1. 31 st NSM Conference, 31 May - June 2016, Istana Hotel Kuala Lumpur Th The e Th Third ird Nat ational ional Pla lan n of Act ction ion for Nutrition trition of Mal alaysia aysia NPANM III 2016-2025 (NPANM ANM III), ), 20 2016 16-2025 2025 Za Zalma ma Ab Abdul ul Razak Razak Nutrition rition Divi vision sion Mini nistry stry of Hea ealth h Mal alay aysia sia

  2. Co Content ntent • Background of NPANM • NPANM III, 2016-2025 Framework • NPANM III Indicators • NPANM III Strategies & Activities • Conclusion

  3. Background of NPANM International Conference on Nutrition (ICN), Rome 1992 NPANM (1996-2000) National Nutrition Policy of Malaysia (Endorsed by the Cabinet in 2003) NPANM II (2006-2015) - 12 Strategies based on the National Nutrition Policy Mid-term Review of NPANM II International Conference on Nutrition NPANM III, (ICN2), Rome 20 14 2016-2025

  4. INTERNATIONAL & NATIONAL NUTRITION COMMMITMENTS IN International Conference Global Action Plan to Reduce Double on Nutrition 2014 (ICN2) Nutrition Burden of Malnutrition in the Global Action Plan for the Target 2025 -- Rome Declaration Western Pacific Region Prevention & Control of NCD (WHO) - Framework for Action 2013-2020 (2015-2020) Western Pacific NPANM II Region Action Plan (2006-2015) for the Prevention & Control of NCD 2014- 2020 NPANM III (2016 - 2025) Nutrition ASEAN Integrated Food programmes in the Security (AIFS) Framework & country Strategic Plan of Action on Food Security in the ASEAN (SPA-FS) (2015-2020) MOH Strategic Plan Bandar Seri Plan of Action Begawan 2016-2020 & for Prioritizing Declaration on other ministries 11 th Intervention to THE NATIONAL SCP NCDs in ASEAN policy & plan of Malaysia fight Obesity in BLUEPRINT 2016-2030 action 2013 Plan Malaysia

  5. Global NCD Targets 2025 – nutrition-related 40% reduction in the number of children under-5 who are stunted 50% reduction of anaemia in women of reproductive age 30% reduction in low birth weight No increase in childhood overweight Increase the rate of exclusive breastfeeding in the first 6 months up to at least 50% Reduce and maintain childhood wasting to less than 5% ICN2, Rome Global NPANM III Nutrition Declaration on 2016-2025 Nutrition & FFA Target 2025 5

  6. NP NPAN ANM M II III, I, 20 2016 16-2025 2025 FRAMEW AMEWOR ORK

  7. TOWARDS ACHIEVING OPTIMAL NUTRITIONAL WELL-BEING OF MALAYSIANS Goal Objectives To reduce diet-related To strengthen food To enhance non-communicable and nutrition nutritional status diseases security Promoting maternal, infant and young child nutrition Promoting healthy eating and active living Enabling Preventing and controlling nutritional deficiencies Strategies Preventing and controlling obesity and other diet related NCD Sustaining food systems for healthy diets Supporting efforts to promote food safety and quality Strengthening Ensuring sufficient Continuous Strengthening institutional and Facilitating numbers of qualified food and nutrition assessment and Providing standard community Strategies nutrition guidelines for research and nutritionist and monitoring of the capacity for targeted groups dieticians development nutrition situation nutrition Incorporating nutrition objectives, considerations and components into national Foundation strategies development policies and action plans

  8. NPANM III, 2016 – 2025 • 45 indicators • 198 activities • 59 stakeholders (other ministries & government agencies, industries, academicians, professional bodies)

  9. Promoting Optimal Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition Anemia (9.3% to <5%) Pregnant women GDM (No increase from baseline - 8.7%) Total Weight Gain (30% increased from baseline) Neonatal Low Birth Weight (11.3% to 8%)

  10. Continue…. Exclusive breastfeeding at 6 months ( Target will be determined based on NHMS 2016) Infant Exclusive breastfeeding at 6 months of age (29.4% to 70%) (AMP reten) Complementary food: Target will be - Timely introduction determined - Minimum dietary diversity based on - Minimum meal frequency NHMS 2016 findings - Minimum acceptable diet

  11. Promoting Healthy Eating & Active Living Percentage of adults meeting recommended servings : Malaysian Food Pyramid 1) Cereal, cereal products & tubers (41.3 % to 60%) 2) Fruits (14.9% to 25%) 3) Vegetables (7.9% to 15%) 4) Meat, poultry & egg (66.8% to 75%) 5) Fish & fish products (31.3% to 50%) 6) Legumes & nuts (17.1% to 50%) 7) Milk & dairy products (24.4% to 60%) Other MDG Key Messages 1) Percentage of adults consume sodium less than 2000 mg/ day (52.5 % to 70%) 2) Percentage of adults meeting recommended water intake (44% to 65%) 3) NIP (Read at least 4 nutrients) (5.7% to 12%)

  12. Preventing & Controlling Nutritional Deficiency Non-pregnant Women Percentage of anemia among women in reproductive age (22.8% to <11%) Children below 5 years Underweight (12.4% to <10%) Stunting (392,973 - 17.7% to 250,000 - 11%) Wasting (8.0% to <5%) School Children Thinness 5-9 years (9.0% to 6%) 10-14 years (6.9% to 5%) 15-17 years (7.0% to 5%)

  13. Continue…. Reduced household food insecurity status based on 6 parameters. Food & Nutrition Security 1) Food quantity (25% to 15%) 2) Food variety (26% to 15%) 3) Meal size reduction (22% to 13%) 4) Skip meals (15% to 9%) 5) Affordable food (24% to 14%) 6) Could not afford to feed children with variety food (21% to 12%)

  14. Preventing & Controlling Obesity & NCD Overweight Childhood Obesity No increase from baseline data (3.4%) (Under 5 years) Obesity No increase from baseline data (3.7%) Overweight 5-9 years - No increase from baseline data (12.1%) School Children Obesity 10-14 years – No increase from baseline data (16.0%) 15-17 years – No increase from baseline data (14.4%) Obesity 5-9 years - No increase from baseline data (14.8%) 10-14 years – No increase from baseline data (14.4%) 15-17 years – No increase from baseline data (9.6%)

  15. Continue…. Overweight No increase from baseline data (29.5%) Adult Obesity (18-59 years old) Obesity No increase from baseline data (17.9%) Abdominal Obesity No increase from baseline data (40.0%) Elderly Obesity Overweight (>59 years old) No increase from baseline data (33.6%) Obesity No increase from baseline data (15.7%)

  16. Continue…. Hypercholesterolemia Diet related NCD No increase from baseline data - 47.7% Diabetes Mellitus 17.5% to < 15% Hypertension 30.3% to 24%

  17. EN ENABLING ABLING STRATEGIES STRATEGIES ES 1: Promoting Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition ES 2: Promoting Healthy Eating and Active Living ES 3: Preventing and Controlling Nutritional Deficiencies ES 4: Preventing and Controlling Obesity and Other Diet Related NCD ES 5: Sustaining Food Systems for Healthy Diets ES 6: Supporting Efforts to Promote Food Safety and Quality

  18. ES 1 : PROMOTING MATERNAL, INFANT & YOUNG CHILD NUTRITION • Development and Training Module - Training Module on Therapeutic Diet for pregnant mothers comprising: MATERNAL  Gestational Diabetes Mellitus  Under and over nutrition  Anaemia  Hypertension • Conduct promotional activities on exclusive BREASTFEEDING breastfeeding .  Printed promotional material  Dialogue/forum  Convention/ Seminar  Advertisement through mass and social media

  19. ES 2: HEALTHY EATING & ACTIVE LIVING • Promotion - Parental involvement in promoting healthy CHILD CARE eating. CENTRE • Training – TOT (health care givers) to educate mothers and care givers on infant feeding based on Infant and Young Child Feeding modules. • Promotion - parental involvement in promoting healthy eating, develop teaching materials (e.g. interactive, PRESCHOOL educational games and conduct conference/ convention . • Provision of healthy menu . • Kebun Dapur Project -Integrate nutrition components into “Kebun Dapur Project” initiated by KEMAS.

  20. Continue…. • Promotion PRIMARY/ SCHOOL  Enhance nutrition promotion CHILDREN  Development of educational package on healthy eating in line with MDG key messages for school children.  Review healthy eating component in school curriculum • Intervention Program – School Meal Program • Promotion - Carry out nutrition promotion, promote healthy menu at cafeteria, develop educational materials on healthy eating INSTITUTE HIGHER targeted to university students and promote healthy eating LEARNING component into culinary courses. • Training – TOT on healthy eating in PROSIS module and related club/ programme. • Revise/ establish the nutrition component in PROSIS module and related club/ programme and conduct TOTs training.

  21. Continue…. • Promotion - Develop healthy eating education materials including articles, slots in mass media where feasible based on Malaysian Dietary Guidelines (including My Healthy Plate ), COMMUNITY Empower consumers through digital technology MyNutriDiari, Strengthening of Nutrition Information Centers and Healthy Community Kitchen .  Creating a calorie conscious society (i.e.: R&R and hotels)  Increasing fruit & vegetable intake  Reducing salt & sugar

  22. Continue…. • Component for active living will be implemented PHYSICAL ACTIVITY under the National Action Plan for Physical Activity (NASPAL), (2016-2025) monitored by the Health Education Division, Ministry of Health.

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