#nowalls Innovations in Community Based Day Services
Hello! & Ja James El Elder Da David id Leigh Le Sano Sa non So Soares Wi Wilmot Hoff Ho
Agenda ◎ Best “Aspirational” Practices for CBDS ◎ NuPath’s No Walls ◎ Benchmarking Success ◎ Community Mapping ◎ Purposeful Schedules: See for yourself! 3
As Aspire to Innovate
Best “Aspirational” Practices ◎ Person-Driven ◎ Maximize Community and ◎ Purposeful Natural Supports ◎ Maximize Time in ◎ Community-Based Community ◎ Facilities and Location ◎ Manage Staff and Ratios ◎ Career-Driven ◎ Scheduling: Avoid Global One Size Fits All 6
“ There is no no “One ne Size ze Fits All” design to approaching CBDS. Many variables—including age agency size ze , geogr ge graph aphic locati ation , and th the go goal als & & needs of the people —will determine CBDS program specs.
Challenges ◎ Narrow set of activities; Not purposeful ◎ Lack of knowledge of community ◎ Lack of connection with employment ◎ “Plugging” people into staff-chosen activities ◎ Lack of self-advocacy and self determination by individuals ◎ “Special” activities that segregate ◎ Large groups ◎ Over-reliance on “the building” ◎ Staffing ◎ Transportation
Ho How w did we we get here?
Ma May 201 2015 After initial work with ICI, NuPath team travelled to Washington D.C. to learn from SJCS, an agency offering only “facility-free” day programming 10
Not in [Massachusetts] anymore…
Facility- Free?
Wh What is No Wa Walls? ◎ A CBDS program model in which people supported and their frontline staff ne never enter a day program facility ◎ Staff pick them up at their homes or meet them in the community and then begin their activity schedule 14
1 Person-Centered Planning Pos Positive e Per Person onal Pr Prof ofile e (“PPP” PPP”)
The “PPP” ◎ El Elements: - Goals - Work/Volunteer Experience - Interests - Preferences - Challenges ◎ Proto tocol: - Done upon entry to program with input from person and team - Living Document: Updated every 6mo
2 Considering Geography Ma Mapping Locations of homes, home bas bases, an and d ac acti tivi vity ty site tes
Community Mapping Community Mapping
ZeeMaps.com On Online Mapping Program ◎ Fr Freewa ware ◎ Ea Easily y La Label Ma Maps ◎ Cut Cuts time-wa wast sting routes es ◎ He Helps in the creation of new groups ◎ Ad Add color-co coded m markers - La Labe bel homes of staff & & pe peopl ple su supported ed - La Labe bel workpl kplaces & & activity y sites
3 Identifying Staff Re Recruiting, training and supervising st staff in “No Walls” s”
Identifying Staff ◎ Sta Staff ff Expecta tation tion: Co Communi unity is Key - Sta Staff ff Recruitm itment - In Inter erviewi ewing - Trai Traini ning ng - Ov Overs rsight ht ◎ Su Supervis vision ion: - Co Communi unity-Ba Based - Sp Spot ot-ch check cking A Act ctivities - Us Using technology for mobile ove oversigh ight
CBDS Measurement in Benchmarking Gold Go Pl Platinum num Si Silver Commu Co mmunity Expl Ex ploration <45m spen <4 ent 100% 100% 60 60-75% 75% in in build ildin ing Commu Co mmunity Commu Co mmunity An Any “trip” fo for tr transp sport
CBDS Measurement in Benchmarking
Benchmarking Co Commu mmunity Unit Tracking
Assessed Values & Set Standards � A meaningful activity: productive and/or engaging � Opportunity to try something new � Interactions with non- disabled peers � Purposeful: Person Centered (PPP) � Considers Employment 1st
Employment as the End Game � CBDS as a “training ground” for competitive employment � Ideal: One person; one job � Exposure -> employment opportunities � CBDS volunteerism instills both technical & “soft” work skills
Empl Em ployment Goal 2018 2018 NATIONAL STATE NUPATH 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00% 45.00%
Pa Paid Job 2018 2018 NATIONAL STATE NUPATH 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00%
In Individual Placement 2018 2018 NATIONAL STATE NUPATH 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00%
Facetiming the Future Calling all community members!
Nu NuPath Ta Takeaways Re Results ◎ 8 No Walls Groups ◎ 34 people completely facility free (Platinum) ◎ Average 90 FTE slots in the community on a daily basis (Gold and Silver) ◎ 85 people employed in the community 31
Nu NuPath Ta Takeaways Le Lessons ◎ It's ok to build a boat on the water. ◎ Find the right type of staff, support them, let them run... ◉ “Trust but verify” ◉ Know when to step back and when to step in ◎ Have a healthy appetite for risk. ◎ Be ready for unexpected outcomes! 32
“ Do Don't just be in in th the co community, b y, be p part of of th the co community! y!" Genni Gennie e Sasnet asnett, ICI ICI
Questions & Conversation
Thanks! Co Connect wi with Us: Da David id Elder El Ja James Leigh Le Hoff Hof So Soares Sa Sano non Esoares@nupathinc.org David.Hoff@umb.edu Wi Wilmot Jsanon@nupathinc.org Lwilmot@nupathinc.org