
#nowalls Innovations in Community Based Day Services Hello! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

#nowalls Innovations in Community Based Day Services Hello! & Ja James El Elder Da David id Leigh Le Sano Sa non So Soares Wi Wilmot Hoff Ho Agenda Best Aspirational Practices for CBDS NuPaths No Walls

  1. #nowalls Innovations in Community Based Day Services

  2. Hello! & Ja James El Elder Da David id Leigh Le Sano Sa non So Soares Wi Wilmot Hoff Ho

  3. Agenda ◎ Best “Aspirational” Practices for CBDS ◎ NuPath’s No Walls ◎ Benchmarking Success ◎ Community Mapping ◎ Purposeful Schedules: See for yourself! 3

  4. As Aspire to Innovate

  5. Best “Aspirational” Practices ◎ Person-Driven ◎ Maximize Community and ◎ Purposeful Natural Supports ◎ Maximize Time in ◎ Community-Based Community ◎ Facilities and Location ◎ Manage Staff and Ratios ◎ Career-Driven ◎ Scheduling: Avoid Global One Size Fits All 6

  6. “ There is no no “One ne Size ze Fits All” design to approaching CBDS. Many variables—including age agency size ze , geogr ge graph aphic locati ation , and th the go goal als & & needs of the people —will determine CBDS program specs.

  7. Challenges ◎ Narrow set of activities; Not purposeful ◎ Lack of knowledge of community ◎ Lack of connection with employment ◎ “Plugging” people into staff-chosen activities ◎ Lack of self-advocacy and self determination by individuals ◎ “Special” activities that segregate ◎ Large groups ◎ Over-reliance on “the building” ◎ Staffing ◎ Transportation

  8. Ho How w did we we get here?

  9. Ma May 201 2015 After initial work with ICI, NuPath team travelled to Washington D.C. to learn from SJCS, an agency offering only “facility-free” day programming 10

  10. Not in [Massachusetts] anymore…

  11. Facility- Free?

  12. 13

  13. Wh What is No Wa Walls? ◎ A CBDS program model in which people supported and their frontline staff ne never enter a day program facility ◎ Staff pick them up at their homes or meet them in the community and then begin their activity schedule 14

  14. 1 Person-Centered Planning Pos Positive e Per Person onal Pr Prof ofile e (“PPP” PPP”)

  15. The “PPP” ◎ El Elements: - Goals - Work/Volunteer Experience - Interests - Preferences - Challenges ◎ Proto tocol: - Done upon entry to program with input from person and team - Living Document: Updated every 6mo

  16. 2 Considering Geography Ma Mapping Locations of homes, home bas bases, an and d ac acti tivi vity ty site tes

  17. Community Mapping Community Mapping

  18. On Online Mapping Program ◎ Fr Freewa ware ◎ Ea Easily y La Label Ma Maps ◎ Cut Cuts time-wa wast sting routes es ◎ He Helps in the creation of new groups ◎ Ad Add color-co coded m markers - La Labe bel homes of staff & & pe peopl ple su supported ed - La Labe bel workpl kplaces & & activity y sites

  19. 3 Identifying Staff Re Recruiting, training and supervising st staff in “No Walls” s”

  20. Identifying Staff ◎ Sta Staff ff Expecta tation tion: Co Communi unity is Key - Sta Staff ff Recruitm itment - In Inter erviewi ewing - Trai Traini ning ng - Ov Overs rsight ht ◎ Su Supervis vision ion: - Co Communi unity-Ba Based - Sp Spot ot-ch check cking A Act ctivities - Us Using technology for mobile ove oversigh ight

  21. CBDS Measurement in Benchmarking Gold Go Pl Platinum num Si Silver Commu Co mmunity Expl Ex ploration <45m spen <4 ent 100% 100% 60 60-75% 75% in in build ildin ing Commu Co mmunity Commu Co mmunity An Any “trip” fo for tr transp sport

  22. CBDS Measurement in Benchmarking

  23. Benchmarking Co Commu mmunity Unit Tracking

  24. Assessed Values & Set Standards � A meaningful activity: productive and/or engaging � Opportunity to try something new � Interactions with non- disabled peers � Purposeful: Person Centered (PPP) � Considers Employment 1st

  25. Employment as the End Game � CBDS as a “training ground” for competitive employment � Ideal: One person; one job � Exposure -> employment opportunities � CBDS volunteerism instills both technical & “soft” work skills

  26. Empl Em ployment Goal 2018 2018 NATIONAL STATE NUPATH 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00% 45.00%

  27. Pa Paid Job 2018 2018 NATIONAL STATE NUPATH 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00%

  28. In Individual Placement 2018 2018 NATIONAL STATE NUPATH 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00%

  29. Facetiming the Future Calling all community members!

  30. Nu NuPath Ta Takeaways Re Results ◎ 8 No Walls Groups ◎ 34 people completely facility free (Platinum) ◎ Average 90 FTE slots in the community on a daily basis (Gold and Silver) ◎ 85 people employed in the community 31

  31. Nu NuPath Ta Takeaways Le Lessons ◎ It's ok to build a boat on the water. ◎ Find the right type of staff, support them, let them run... ◉ “Trust but verify” ◉ Know when to step back and when to step in ◎ Have a healthy appetite for risk. ◎ Be ready for unexpected outcomes! 32

  32. “ Do Don't just be in in th the co community, b y, be p part of of th the co community! y!" Genni Gennie e Sasnet asnett, ICI ICI

  33. Resources

  34. Questions & Conversation

  35. Thanks! Co Connect wi with Us: Da David id Elder El Ja James Leigh Le Hoff Hof So Soares Sa Sano non Wi Wilmot
