northwest high school

NORTHWEST HIGH SCHOOL Hello Northwest High School Juniors. Today - PDF document

NORTHWEST HIGH SCHOOL Hello Northwest High School Juniors. Today we will be reviewing the Course Registration Process for the 20202021 school year and getting ready for Grade 12! Students please look at the registration card in front of you

  1. NORTHWEST HIGH SCHOOL Hello Northwest High School Juniors. Today we will be reviewing the Course Registration Process for the 2020‐2021 school year and getting ready for Grade 12! Students please look at the registration card in front of you to make sure you received the correct card with your name listed. 1

  2. Objectives  Review the Northwest HS counselor caseloads.  Review graduation requirements and course suggestions for your specific grade level.  Review elective options.  Plan for completing registration on paper and online. We will review Northwest High School’s Counseling Department caseloads, review high school graduation requirements and course suggestions based on your specific grade level. We will review some elective options and plan for completing the registration process. 2

  3. Northwest Counselors A-Ber Mr. Flach Bes-Deb Ms. McCarthy-Redd Dec-Go Ms. Kravitz Gp-Kak Ms. Blanco Kal-Map Ms. Cois Maq-N Mr. Freeman O-Ros Ms. Buck Rot-Thn Ms. Kim Tho-Z Mr. Stewart MC2 Grade 9 Ms. Bunting MC2 Grade 10-12 Ms. Edmunds There are 11 counselors at Northwest High School assigned to students by last name. Your counselors are here to help you with course registration and can provide information about course offerings and what courses may be the best fit for your interests and long term goals. Please write your counselor’s name on the upper left hand corner of your registration card. 3

  4. Registration Card Use the back of the card as a reference for courses you may select. Recommendations are pre-printed for you. Honors English 12 A Honors English 12 B Digital Art A/B AP Psychology A/B Calc w/App A Calc w/App B Journalism A/B All seniors will need to register for 7 classes. If you are participating in a special program (ex. internship, dual enrollment), please *** star the classes you wish to drop once you are accepted. Please take a look at your registration card front and back. Northwest High School has many different course offerings to choose from. On the front of the card there are some preprinted course recommendations. These course recommendations were made by your current teachers, but you are not limited to those recommendations! If you would like to try a more rigorous course or level, you are encouraged to seek more information on that course and discuss your thoughts with your current teacher and counselor. I will share the process for registering for a different course than the recommendation in the following slides. If you have blanks or more than one course recommended for a particular subject, please talk with your teacher and/or counselor to determine the best fit for you if you need help selecting a course. 4

  5. 12 th Grade Recommended Course Offerings On the back of your registration card you will see a list of recommended course offerings available for Grade 12. If you would like to learn more about a course, you can find course descriptions listed in the online High School Course Bulletin. Look for the link to the MCPS High School Course Bulletin on the Northwest website. You can search by course name or number. Each listing will give a description of the course, it will tell you if the course gives weighted credit, and if there are any prerequisites for taking that course. Your teachers are also a good source to ask questions about course content and typical workload. 5

  6. Course recommendations and selections • These are recommendations: if you would like to take something other then a recommended course: 1. To move up to a higher level course, cross off the recommended course and write in the new course. Parent/guardian signature must be on the card. 2. To move down, complete form and secure change of level signatures. On your registration card, your first semester teachers have offered course recommendations. If you would like to choose a different course than is recommended, please follow these steps: To move up to a higher level course, cross off the recommended course and write in the new course. Parent/guardian signature is needed on your registration card. 6

  7. Course Change Form If you would like to move down in a course level, please obtain this form from the counseling office and complete each step in order. To move down, complete the “Change of Level” form and secure appropriate signatures. After getting your teacher, parent, and resource teacher’s signature, turn in the completed form to your Administrator in the main office no later than June 1st. It is important to speak to your teachers and/or counselor to discuss any questions or concerns you may have regarding recommendations. 7

  8. Graduation Requirements  22 Credits  75 Student Service Learning Hours  State Testing Requirements (English, Algebra 1, Gov’t and Science) When determining what courses to take, you should first consider fulfilling your specific graduation requirements. Most students have room in their schedules to pick up a few electives credits every school year. In order to earn your high school diploma, students must earn 22 credits, complete 75 students service learning hours, and complete the requirements for state testing in English, Algebra, Government, and Science. 8

  9. Specific Credit Requirements 4 credits of English 3 credits of NGSS Science (1 Physical and 1 Biology) 4 credits of Math (1 Algebra and 1 Geometry) **MSDE requires math every year of high school** 3 credits of Social Studies (USH, NSL, MWH) 1 credit of Fine Art 1 credit of Physical Education 1 credit of Basic Technology .5 credit of Health 2.5 credits of Electives Program Completer Requirement: 2 credits of World Language OR 2 credits of Advanced Technology OR 4-9 credits of a Career Development Program Now let’s review the 22 credits needed for graduation and how to meet them in specific classes or subject areas. We will review each subject area and discuss suggestions for courses to take in Grade 12. Please make notes on your registration card as we go through each subject area. 9

  10. English  Honors English 12  AP Language & Composition  AP Literature & Composition First, we will look at your English class options. All students will need 4 credits of English in order to graduate. To meet English requirements, students should sign up to take either Honors English 12, AP Language and Composition, AP Literature and Composition or the appropriate level ESOL class. Please see your registration card for the recommended level course. 10

  11. Math Next, 4 math credits are required for graduation and must include one credit in algebra and one credit in geometry. It is also a state requirement to be enrolled in a math course every semester while in high school. All seniors must register for a math course senior year even if you have already completed 4 credits. There are many different pathways in math to best meet your specific needs. Please look at your registration card to see your teacher’s recommendation for your next math course. 11

  12. Science Next, all students will need 3 credits of NGSS science in order to graduate. Students in Grade 12 often take a science elective course. 12

  13. Social Studies Students are required to take 3 specific social studies courses in order to fulfill their high school graduation requirements. Please confirm you have already completed US History, NSL gov’t, and Modern World History. Grade 12 students often take a social studies elective. 13

  14. Other Requirements: Required for graduation: 1 credit in Art 1 credit in Physical Education 1 credit in Technology .5 Health Program Completer  2 Credits of World Language Or  2 Credits of Advanced Technology Or  4 Credits in a Career Development Program Next, please make sure to sign up for any requirements you may have not yet completed. All students will need to earn 1 credit in Art, 1 credit in Physical Education, 1 credit in Technology, .5 credit in Health and have a Program Completer. Program Completers can be done by earning 2 credits in world language, earning 2 credits in advanced technology, or earning 4 credits in a career development program. 14

  15. Completer Programs of Study Students have the ability to complete career development programs at Northwest High School and at off campus locations, such as Seneca Valley HS, Gaithersburg High School, or the Fire Science Academy. At Northwest we offer career development completer programs including the Academy of Finance, Biotechnology, Business Management, Computer Science, College Career Research and Development and Early Child Development. If you are interested in these programs, please speak with your counselor about the specific courses required for these pathways. 15

  16. Off‐Site Programs There are a variety of off site courses and programs students may participate in. Most of these programs are designed to be completed over 2 years, however, some programs may allow for seniors to participate as an elective option. Students who participate in these programs typically have 3‐4 classes at Northwest High School and spend the rest of the day at the partnering school. Please speak with your counselor to learn more about application procedures if you are interested in these options. 16

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