north utah county aquifer association

North Utah County Aquifer Association Aquifer Storage and Recovery - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

North Utah County Aquifer Association Aquifer Storage and Recovery Feasibility Study 2012 TABLE E-3 WINTER STREAM FLOWS AVERAGE ANNUAL WINTER FLOW STREAM (acre-feet) American Fork River at Mouth of Canyon 8,177 Battle Creek 662 Grove

  1. North Utah County Aquifer Association Aquifer Storage and Recovery Feasibility Study 2012

  2. TABLE E-3 WINTER STREAM FLOWS AVERAGE ANNUAL WINTER FLOW STREAM (acre-feet) American Fork River at Mouth of Canyon 8,177 Battle Creek 662 Grove Creek 461 Dry Creek 2,565 Fort Creek 1,018 TOTAL 12,883

  3. TABLE E-4 SURPLUS MAY AND JUNE FLOWS AVERAGE MAY AVERAGE JUNE SURPLUS STREAM SURPLUS FLOW FLOW (acre-feet) (acre-feet) American Fork River at Mouth 4,553 5,846 of Canyon Dry Creek 2,722 3,119 Fort Creek 718 895 TOTAL 7,993 9,860

  4. TABLE E-5 TOTAL USEABLE WATER RIGHTS VOLUME FLOW RATE CITY (acre-feet) (cfs) Alpine 238.91 8.98 American Fork 228.98 3.2 Highland 1,571.75 -- Lehi 5,916.29 -- Pleasant Grove 848.74 2.12 Saratoga Springs 3,497.11 -- TOTAL 12,301.78 --

  5. TABLE 8-1 NUCAA ASR PROJECT CONSTRUCTION COST SUMMARY Construction Project Element Cost American Fork Debris Basin Recharge Site $160,000 Battle Creek Debris Basin Recharge Site $32,000 Alpine Dry Creek Recharge Area $560,000 Highland Gravel Pit Recharge Site $220,000 CUWCD Overflow Basin Recharge Site $130,000 NUCAA Recovery Well $4,150,000 Total Construction Cost $5,252,000

  6. TABLE 8-4 NUCAA ASR PROJECT BENEFIT-COST RATIO Present Worth of Project Benefits $115,665,000 Present Worth of Project Costs $13,563,000 Benefit-Cost Ratio 8.53

  7. Potential Funding Sources  Funds from the operating budgets of NUCAA cities  Central Utah Project Completion Act (CUPCA), Section 202 (a)(2) funding.  Utah Division of Water Resources, Conservation Development Funding.  Bonding coupons.

  8. Interlocal Agreement

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