North Utah County Aquifer Association Aquifer Storage and Recovery Feasibility Study 2012
TABLE E-3 WINTER STREAM FLOWS AVERAGE ANNUAL WINTER FLOW STREAM (acre-feet) American Fork River at Mouth of Canyon 8,177 Battle Creek 662 Grove Creek 461 Dry Creek 2,565 Fort Creek 1,018 TOTAL 12,883
TABLE E-4 SURPLUS MAY AND JUNE FLOWS AVERAGE MAY AVERAGE JUNE SURPLUS STREAM SURPLUS FLOW FLOW (acre-feet) (acre-feet) American Fork River at Mouth 4,553 5,846 of Canyon Dry Creek 2,722 3,119 Fort Creek 718 895 TOTAL 7,993 9,860
TABLE E-5 TOTAL USEABLE WATER RIGHTS VOLUME FLOW RATE CITY (acre-feet) (cfs) Alpine 238.91 8.98 American Fork 228.98 3.2 Highland 1,571.75 -- Lehi 5,916.29 -- Pleasant Grove 848.74 2.12 Saratoga Springs 3,497.11 -- TOTAL 12,301.78 --
TABLE 8-1 NUCAA ASR PROJECT CONSTRUCTION COST SUMMARY Construction Project Element Cost American Fork Debris Basin Recharge Site $160,000 Battle Creek Debris Basin Recharge Site $32,000 Alpine Dry Creek Recharge Area $560,000 Highland Gravel Pit Recharge Site $220,000 CUWCD Overflow Basin Recharge Site $130,000 NUCAA Recovery Well $4,150,000 Total Construction Cost $5,252,000
TABLE 8-4 NUCAA ASR PROJECT BENEFIT-COST RATIO Present Worth of Project Benefits $115,665,000 Present Worth of Project Costs $13,563,000 Benefit-Cost Ratio 8.53
Potential Funding Sources Funds from the operating budgets of NUCAA cities Central Utah Project Completion Act (CUPCA), Section 202 (a)(2) funding. Utah Division of Water Resources, Conservation Development Funding. Bonding coupons.
Interlocal Agreement
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