The securitization of the The securitization of the Disi Aquifer: a silent Aquifer: a silent Disi conflict between Jordan conflict between Jordan and Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabia
Disi is is Disi � A shared A shared � groundwater basin groundwater basin � A non renewable A non renewable � aquifer aquifer � A project with a A project with a � heavy heavy environmental environmental impact impact � Far from Amman Far from Amman � and consequently and consequently costly costly
Our theoretical tools Our theoretical tools � The securitization continuum The securitization continuum � Non- Politicised Securitized Violised politicised � The Sanctioned discourse The Sanctioned discourse � � The hydraulic mission concept The hydraulic mission concept � � The concept of “non violent conflict” The concept of “non violent conflict” � � Silence as a method of control & power Silence as a method of control & power � � Prior use concept Prior use concept �
Why Disi Disi? ? Why � Jordan is one of the countries located Jordan is one of the countries located � within Israel’s hegemonic hegemonic area area within Israel’s � As a consequence of this ,Jordan As a consequence of this ,Jordan � chose the option to embark on a chose the option to embark on a conflict with Saudi Arabia than conflict with Saudi Arabia than opening a new bargaining process opening a new bargaining process with Israel with Israel � Disi Disi is therefore an effect of is therefore an effect of � dominance depending on the Israeli dominance depending on the Israeli “hydro- -Hegemon status” Hegemon status” “hydro
The politicization phase The politicization phase � Disi Disi was discovered in 1984 and until the 1990s was discovered in 1984 and until the 1990s � geological and hydro- -chemical surveys were the chemical surveys were the geological and hydro only studies available on the subject only studies available on the subject � During the 1990s the Disi Disi aquifer was targeted as aquifer was targeted as � During the 1990s the a short- -term solution by Jordan, due to the political term solution by Jordan, due to the political a short unfeasibility of bigger projects at a regional level unfeasibility of bigger projects at a regional level (Unity Dam, Red- -Dead Canal) Dead Canal) (Unity Dam, Red � Disi Disi starts to be considered as a international starts to be considered as a international � political issue. A “groundwater conflict” and a political issue. A “groundwater conflict” and a “pumping race” with Saudi Arabia is feared “pumping race” with Saudi Arabia is feared (Shapland Shapland 1997) 1997) (
The securitization phase The securitization phase “ An issue may be securitised by the performance of the An issue may be securitised by the performance of the “ speech act of inscribing that issue with meaning as part speech act of inscribing that issue with meaning as part of the security politics ” ” Neumann 1998 of the security politics Neumann 1998 � Jordan accuses Saudi Arabia of over-exploitation in 1992 and 1999, with no official reply from the Saudi Government � In 2002 the Minister of Water and Irrigation declared that In 2002 the Minister of Water and Irrigation declared that � Disi was part of the National Security Issue. As such, the was part of the National Security Issue. As such, the Disi project was set by the Ministry of Water as a first priority project was set by the Ministry of Water as a first priority for 2002 for 2002 � Between 2002 and 2004 the accessibility to the Between 2002 and 2004 the accessibility to the � environmental feasibility studies has been blocked environmental feasibility studies has been blocked � The data regarding the The data regarding the renewability renewability of the aquifer, its of the aquifer, its � capacity and the proposed pumping rate have been capacity and the proposed pumping rate have been secreted. secreted.
The narrative and the securitisation continuum of Disi project Jordan accuses Disi is declared Saudi Arabia of a national over-exploitation security issue (1992 and 1999) and, therefore, it Event is silenced Securitisation Politicisation 2002-2004 Process 1990’s Securitised Non-politicised Politicised violised Phase & silenced De- securitisation Process Event : Phases / : Processes / : Events
Why a silenced securitization? Why a silenced securitization? � A silenced securitization is useful in the case A silenced securitization is useful in the case � you prepare yourself to exploit the principle of you prepare yourself to exploit the principle of “prior use”. “prior use”. Securitised � This principle states that , in the case of a water This principle states that , in the case of a water � agreement, a state shall be entitled to the same agreement, a state shall be entitled to the same & silenced amount of water usually exploited in the past amount of water usually exploited in the past times. times. � A state tries to pump more water than usual in A state tries to pump more water than usual in � order to claim a major quantity of the resource, order to claim a major quantity of the resource, in case it will face a bargaining process that will in case it will face a bargaining process that will lead to an agreement with a co- -riparian state. riparian state. lead to an agreement with a co
Conclusions Conclusions � Disi Disi can be put in the list of non can be put in the list of non- -violent conflicts violent conflicts � running over shared waters running over shared waters � Disi Disi project is currently being securitized by the project is currently being securitized by the � Jordanian Government Jordanian Government � The conflict is being silenced by both Jordan The conflict is being silenced by both Jordan � and Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabia � A silence as a method of control and power is A silence as a method of control and power is � here suggested as a tool for future analysis in here suggested as a tool for future analysis in the field of water conflicts the field of water conflicts
THE FUTURE THE FUTURE Whishing well: waiting for Whishing well: waiting for desecuritisation? ? desecuritisation “Desecuritisation Desecuritisation of water resource of water resource “ management is a healthy manifestation, management is a healthy manifestation, because it opens up the discourse and because it opens up the discourse and allows a wider range of roleplayers roleplayers to to allows a wider range of become involved in the resolution of the become involved in the resolution of the core problem. This tends to foster core problem. This tends to foster institutional development and manifest as institutional development and manifest as a win- -win outcome, which is inherently win outcome, which is inherently a win more conducive to economic growth and more conducive to economic growth and hence positive peace”. (Turton 2003). (Turton 2003). hence positive peace”.
Thank you ! Thank you ! This research has been possible thanks to the This research has been possible thanks to the funding of CNR – – Italian Centre of National Italian Centre of National funding of CNR Research – – ISSM ISSM- - Naples Naples- - Italy Italy Research
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