north fresno rotary presentation form

North Fresno Rotary Presentation Form Instructions for Print and - PDF document

North Fresno Rotary Presentation Form Service Year 2019-20 North Fresno Rotary Presentation Form Instructions for Print and Handwritten Submission: You can print and fill out the form by hand. Next You do not have to use our presentation scan

  1. North Fresno Rotary Presentation Form Service Year 2019-20 North Fresno Rotary Presentation Form Instructions for Print and Handwritten Submission: You can print and fill out the form by hand. Next You do not have to use our presentation scan the handwritten form and email to: form if you do not wish to, however, using Instructions to complete on a computer: Save the form to your device. Complete our form and attach our form will allow North Fresno Rotary to share information about you and your any related presentation files like photos, websites or other data such as Word, PowerPoint, Excel documents and email the PDF form organization on our website and social Instructional video: media platforms. First Name Last Name Email Cell Phone Website Speaker Details Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Twitter youTube Contact Person Email Cell Phone Organization Details Website Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Twitter youTube Hashtag 01 Example #Rotary5230 Social Media Hashtag 02 Example #NFRotary Hashtags Hashtag 03 Example #ServiceAboveSelf Hashtag 04 Example #RotaryMeansBusiness Hashtag 05 Example #4wayTest Media Waiver: By attending our events, presentations or activities, you grant North Fresno Rotary the absolute right and permission to use your photograph or video in its promotional materials and publicity efforts. You understand that the images may be used in a publication, print ad, direct mail piece(s), electronic media, website, or other forms of promotion. You release North Fresno Rotary, the photographer/videographer, their offices, employees, agents, and designees from liability for any violation of any personal or proprietary rights you may have in connection with such use. You consent to North Fresno Rotary collecting and using the materials for any media purpose. You consent to North Fresno Rotary ownership of all rights and materials, including the right to modify or change the materials to suit the organization’s needs. You understand that you will not be paid for the use of these materials. You acknowledge that you are 18 years of age or older. Presentation Form V2.1 Created by Peter Fortuna

  2. North Fresno Rotary Presentation Form Service Year 2019-20 North Fresno Rotary Presentation Form You do not have to use our presentation Instructions for Print and Handwritten Submission: You can print and fill out the form by hand. Next form if you do not wish to, however, scan the handwritten form and email to: using our form will allow North Fresno Instructions to complete on a computer: Save the form to your device. Complete our form and attach Rotary to share information about you any related presentation files like photos, websites or other data such as Word, PowerPoint, Excel and your organization on our website documents and email the PDF form and social media platforms. Instructional video: Title Presenter Rotary Sponsor Office Use Date Option 1 Office Use Approved by Office Use Date Option 2 Office Use Area of Interest Teaser (100 words) Example of 100 words: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin non semper elit. luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam auctor dui eros. Nunc vestibulum placerat dictum. In malesuada turpis ipsum, non tincidunt neque tincidunt in. Nulla eu mauris vulputate, tincidunt erat et, porttitor sapien. Nullam vehicula placerat mi eget iaculis. Sed posuere dolor sem, in consectetur purus ultrices vel. Quisque finibus eu purus ut finibus. Proin finibus dignissim molestie. Vivamus luctus ut tellus sed sodales. Nunc varius erat justo,. Generated 1 paragraph, 100 words, 670 bytes of Lorem Ipsum Summary (250 words) Example of 250 words: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas et magna suscipit, imperdiet arcu non, porttitor ante. Integer ac maximus risus, at tincidunt enim. Sed gravida est sed dolor laoreet, et aliquam ligula egestas. Cras ut imperdiet leo. Mauris est risus, consectetur eu sagittis sed, iaculis commodo est. Quisque efficitur sem id eros viverra consectetur. Phasellus pharetra finibus finibus. Phasellus mattis est ac arcu lacinia ultrices. In vitae quam eu augue elementum aliquet vel ac leo. Praesent hendrerit augue ex, non mattis tortor convallis at. Aenean vitae sapien ac arcu convallis mollis. Sed malesuada, urna et maximus aliquam, erat augue blandit ipsum, vel mattis urna libero et diam. Praesent rhoncus diam a felis sodales vestibulum. Integer condimentum massa aliquet, scelerisque purus eu, blandit dui. Vivamus interdum hendrerit lacus eget tempus. Maecenas commodo convallis turpis id bibendum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer nisl odio, pharetra ut laoreet eu, tempor sit amet sem. Ut eget sem egestas, blandit ante vel, eleifend nunc. Phasellus semper ornare massa, a luctus nibh. Vestibulum in augue vestibulum, fringilla elit consectetur, dignissim nisi. Cras maximus aliquet tellus, dignissim tempor orci commodo vitae. Vivamus vestibulum sodales viverra. Pellentesque non ornare est. Suspendisse leo nisi, gravida molestie varius ac, aliquet in justo. Media Waiver: By attending our events, presentations or activities, you grant North Fresno Rotary the absolute right and permission to use your photograph or video in its promotional materials and publicity efforts. You understand that the images may be used in a publication, print ad, direct mail piece(s), electronic media, website, or other forms of promotion. You release North Fresno Rotary, the photographer/videographer, their offices, employees, agents, and designees from liability for any violation of any personal or proprietary rights you may have in connection with such use. You consent to North Fresno Rotary collecting and using the materials for any media purpose. You consent to North Fresno Rotary ownership of all rights and materials, including the right to modify or change the materials to suit the organization’s needs. You understand that you will not be paid for the use of these materials. You acknowledge that you are 18 years of age or older. Presentation Form V2.1 Created by Peter Fortuna

  3. North Fresno Rotary Presentation Form Service Year 2019-20 North Fresno Rotary Presentation Form Instructions for Print and Handwritten Submission: You can print and fill out the form by hand. Next You do not have to use our presentation scan the handwritten form and email to: form if you do not wish to, however, using Instructions to complete on a computer: Save the form to your device. Complete our form and attach our form will allow North Fresno Rotary to share information about you and your any related presentation files like photos, websites or other data such as Word, PowerPoint, Excel documents and email the PDF form organization on our website and social Instructional video: media platforms. Summary Continued (250 words) Proin nec metus sed quam pharetra convallis non nec nibh. Vivamus turpis tellus, finibus vitae lorem quis, iaculis hendrerit ligula. Aliquam tincidunt nunc interdum nulla placerat lobortis. Sed sed est arcu. Quisque venenatis est pretium enim dignissim. Generated 3 paragraphs, 250 words, 1697 bytes of Lorem Ipsum Technology Meal Projector Needed Vegan Windows 10 PC Needed Dietary Request Audio Speakers Meal Note Special Accommodations Accommodations Needed Accommodation Notes: Meal Notes: Media Waiver: By attending our events, presentations or activities, you grant North Fresno Rotary the absolute right and permission to use your photograph or video in its promotional materials and publicity efforts. You understand that the images may be used in a publication, print ad, direct mail piece(s), electronic media, website, or other forms of promotion. You release North Fresno Rotary, the photographer/videographer, their offices, employees, agents, and designees from liability for any violation of any personal or proprietary rights you may have in connection with such use. You consent to North Fresno Rotary collecting and using the materials for any media purpose. You consent to North Fresno Rotary ownership of all rights and materials, including the right to modify or change the materials to suit the organization’s needs. You understand that you will not be paid for the use of these materials. You acknowledge that you are 18 years of age or older. Presentation Form V2.1 Created by: Peter Fortuna


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