north atlanta cluster

North Atlanta Cluster Community-wide Cluster Planning Session - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

North Atlanta Cluster Community-wide Cluster Planning Session Stakeholder Conversations Welcome and Introductions Angela Smith, Facilitator Sid Baker, Associate Superintendent Tommy Usher and Curtis Douglass, Principal Facilitators

  1. North Atlanta Cluster Community-wide Cluster Planning Session Stakeholder Conversations

  2. Welcome and Introductions • Angela Smith, Facilitator • Sid Baker, Associate Superintendent • Tommy Usher and Curtis Douglass, Principal Facilitators • Cluster Planning Team 2

  3. Why are we here today? • Present an overview of Cluster Planning and the Charter System Application processes • Receive feedback, to include: • the strengths and challenges of your cluster as they relate to your cluster’s mission, vision and priorities • the options for the Charter System local school governance teams 3

  4. Agenda • Cluster Planning Overview • Cluster Data, Strengths, and Concerns • Draft Mission, Vision, and Priorities • Charter System Overview • Local School Governance Team Overview • Activities throughout the evening to encourage engagement 4

  5. Let’s Agree To • Assume good intentions • Listen actively • Share the air • Avoid jargon and acronyms • Respect our time together and each other • Silence cell phones 5

  6. Converging to Develop a Charter System Atlanta Public Schools Planning Work Streams Charter System Strategic Plan Application 2015-2020 (Operating Model) Cluster Planning 6

  7. Community Participation in the Charter System Application Development Formal APS Community Advisory Meetings Committees Charter System Advisory Cluster Committee Planning Student Teams Feedback Employee Feedback 7

  8. Cluster Planning Overview Sid Baker Associate Superintendent

  9. What is Cluster Planning? Purpose • To build stronger schools and clusters to ensure consistent high quality academics and focused programming exists across the district Context • The goals of Cluster Planning are to enhance the alignment of schools within a cluster and increase the levels of flexibility and autonomy from the district-level to the cluster and school levels. • Each cluster has a Cluster Planning Team made up of principals and community representatives. • The cluster plan will guide the academic direction for students within each cluster. • The cluster plans will inform the FY16 and FY17 Budget and the Charter System Application. 9

  10. Who is on your Cluster Planning Team? Community Representatives Principals • Joleen Neal: NHS Curtis Douglass: NAHS • Jennifer Burch: BES Buck Greene: SMS • Brigitte Peck: SSES Kara Stimpson: MBES • Jeremy Moeser: MBES Tommy Usher: GHES • Jennine Dumont: MBES Lorraine Reich: JES • Elise Lowry: RES Laura Strickling: BES • Jane Rawlings: GHES Matt Rogers: RES • Katie Mori: SMS Ken Proctor: SSES • Ashley Grice: JES 10

  11. Cluster Planning Team Meetings Cluster Planning Teams are made up of the principals from the cluster and community representatives. Meeting Norms Op Open Doc Documented Cluster Planning A website will Team Meetings publish minutes, will be open to dates, locations, the public for and other observation information about the meetings Col Colla laborative Meetings will be respectful, collaborative, constructive and positive 11

  12. Cluster Planning: Timeline

  13. The World Cafe´ Angela Smith

  14. The World Cafe´ Purpose of the World Café • Generate input, share knowledge, stimulate innovative thinking, explore action possibilities • Create a dense web of connections in a short period of time as threads of conversation reveal new patterns

  15. The World Cafe´ Café Etiquette • Focus on what matters • Contribute your thinking • Speak your mind and heart • Listen to understand • Link and connect ideas • Listen together for insights and deeper questions • Play, doodle, draw (note: each table has a piece of chart paper and markers for participants to respond to each question)

  16. The World Cafe´ Instructions Round 1 (5 minutes) • Respond to Question 1 using PollEverywhere or your survey. Round 2 (10 minutes) • Respond to Questions 2 by discussing with your group and writing, doodling, or drawing your thoughts, ideas, and questions on the tablecloths. Round 3 (15 minutes) • Respond to Questions 3 & 4 by discussing with your group and writing, doodling, or drawing your thoughts, ideas, and questions on the tablecloths. Round 4 (5 minutes) • Complete survey.

  17. The World Cafe´ Question 1 What makes the North Atlanta Cluster strong? Text APSPOLL to 22333 once to join, then text your answer. Respond at

  18. North Atlanta High School Cluster Strengths Concerns • Authorized IB Schools • NAHS Operational Model – better accepted now (no longer SLCs, now (6 elementary, 1 middle, 1 high) grade academies) • Parent support at all levels • IB Coordinator for each school • NAPPS Support • World Language continuity • Collaborative Principals • Fidelity of IB vertical and • Academic performance horizontal articulation across the cluster 18

  19. Cluster Data

  20. What does the data say about math achievement? CRCT Proficiency Rates, 2014

  21. What does the data say about reading achievement? CRCT Proficiency Rates, 2014

  22. What does the data say about lang. arts achievement? CRCT Proficiency Rates, 2014

  23. What does the data say about science achievement? CRCT Proficiency Rates, 2014

  24. What does the data say about soc. studies achievement? CRCT Proficiency Rates, 2014

  25. What does the data say about attendance? North Atlanta cluster Average Daily Attendance

  26. What does the data say about suspension? APS Average Suspension Days per Student, 2013-2014

  27. What does the community survey data say about Signature Cluster Vision 1 st Choice? N=322 Other Responses 6% International studies and languages with an emphasis on business and commerce to include the study of languages such as Spanish, French and Chinese 6% An emphasis on visual and performing arts that include art, theatre, dance and drama 4% Blended learning opportunities that include virtual, Web-based, and extended learning (outside regular school day e.g., internships) 3% Dual immersion bilingual education in which students are taught literacy and content in two languages 3% An emphasis on fine arts that include chorus and instrumental music 0% A single-gender educational and social environment

  28. What does the community survey data say about High School Career 1 st Choice? N=322 Other Responses 2% Architecture and Construction 2% Energy 1% Government & Public Administration 1% Hospitality & Tourism 1% Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security 1% Manufacturing 1% Marketing 1% Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics 0% Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources 0% Human Services

  29. Draft Mission, Vision, and Priorities

  30. Our Draft Vision The North Atlanta cluster will be the highest performing cluster where students, educators, and families work together to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. Our Draft Mission The North Atlanta cluster will implement IB with depth and fidelity in order to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who will graduate ready for college and career.

  31. Our Draft Priorities 1. Ensure a highly qualified, dedicated IB Coordinator is in place at each school 2. Provide ongoing IB training for teachers and leaders 3. Increase horizontal and vertical planning and teaming opportunities for teachers and leaders in order to facilitate a higher percentage of students entering the IB DP program

  32. Our Draft Priorities 4. Accommodate flexible planning and delivery of instruction to meet IB program standards and improve academics, specifically in math and science 5. Implement consistent strategies to strengthen the IB Learner Profile and Transdisciplinary Skills 6. Develop leadership skills using strength-based activities for all staff 7. Obtain a Bilingual ESOL Community Liaison to strengthen parent engagement within the cluster

  33. The World Cafe´ Question 2 Are there any additional priorities that should be considered to fully address the North Atlanta cluster challenges?

  34. Next Steps • Cluster Planning Teams will use the feedback from today to update the mission, vision and priorities for the cluster • Cluster Planning Teams will start developing resource requirements and partnership opportunities • Hard copy and online surveys are available for additional feedback • We will meet again in April for further conversation

  35. Charter System Application Angela Smith

  36. Charter System Video Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle 36


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