Non -p ro ! t org an izat ion t h at , follow in g it s fu n d am en t al valu es, aim s t o d evelop an d im p lem en t t ools an d solu t ion s t o m it ig at e an d reverse t h e n eg at ive con seq u en ces t h at h u m an act ivit y h as g en erat ed , over t h e last d ecad es, on p lan et Eart h an d t o t h e sp ecies t h at live on it .
CURRENT SITUATION SHOULD W E WORRY ABOUT IT? Global fossil fuel consum ption The latest report written by the experts from the Intergovernm ental Natural Our society needs large am ounts of Gas Panel on Clim ate Change (IPCC), in 201 4, lists som e highly probable energy, generating residual heat as a risks that we will have to face. " nal product. 80% of this energy is Oil Fresh water access Food safety extracted from fossil fuels that release Extinction of spices Migrations and hum an health CO2 into the atm osphere during their Coal com bustion. The World Bank forecasts 51 .1 m illion displaced people at the best of the scenarios (1 1 7.5m at worst) by clim ate change in 2050. Greenhouse effect WEF says: "The truly system ic challenge (...) is the interconnectedness CO2 is one of the m ain greenhouse gases (...) am ong these environm ental risks and (...) and risks in other a sm all part of the incident solar radiation is re ! ected on categories—such as water crises and involuntary m igration (GHG). The greenhouse effect holds back in the Earth's surface and the atm osphere, the rest heats the atm osphere the infrared (IR) radiation up our planet Foreign Affairs,The Econom ist,TIME or The Guardian write covers that any object em its, helping to warm the m ost of the em itted and long articles about the subject. They declare being afraid of the infrared radiation is hold Earth surface. The higher the tem perature econom ic and geopolitical effects, fearing that the hum an being is back thanks to the GHG tem perature the m ore powerful is the IR. losing the war on clim ate change, or suffering from the ! oods that will be cause by the sea level rise when the glaciers m elt. Global Tem perature and Carbon Dioxide Spanish Environm ent Ministry, in a 201 6 report, says: "Spain (...) is a tem perature anom aly Due to our activity, the am ount of CO2 in country that is very vulnerable to clim ate change," "The projections (...) CO2 atm ospheric concentration point to m ore favorable scenarios for deserti " cation processes" the atm osphere is rising dram atically, boosting the greenhouse effect, increasing the global warm ing of the OUR OPINION planet and, consequently, causing the clim ate change. We talk about global problem s that affect everybody, doesn't m atter wherever one com es or whatever one thinks. We need to do som ething quickly, and there cannot be any pro " t m otivation in the actions which try to solve them . In addition, our activities keep on polluting We share the Earth with all other species and as hum an air, land and water. We are harm ing beings we are responsible for the dam age we are doing. ourselves, but we are also harm ing the rest of the species, with which we share the All actions are im portant, but we need strong planet. solutions to obtain sensitive results. Behind any problem , there is an opportunity.
GREENNOVA STRATEGY Greennova Foundation, an organization without owners nor shareholders, non-pro ! t, and which by de ! nition has no earnings since it reinvests all its resources to continue and expand its activity. It drives efforts to develop am bitious projects within its foundational purpose, projects with the ultim ate goal of creating products that can be offered to the m arket. It develops projects that use resident knowledge in universities and research centers, and which generate social bene ! ts. Closes a virtuous circle to m ake a better World. SOME PROJECTS CO2 and other GHG capture to reduce their quantity. CO 2 CO CO Captured CO2 conversion into useful products. 2 2 Air pollution ! ltering, cleaning cities atm osphere. Waste and litter transform ation into useful products. Waste heat recovery and use. Mirror effect to re " ect sunlight and decrease warm ing. Synthetic palm oil to avoid tropical forests clearing. Greennova Foundation appeals to individual and corporate social responsibility, working in accordance to the Sustainable Developm ent Goals from the United Nations. W e n eed h elp t o con t in u e d evelop in g Green n ova. Can w e cou n t on you ? C/Córsega 299, 3er 4a, 08008 in fo@g reen n Barcelona - Tel: +34 931 600 1 31 Docum ent created with Inkscape, icons from Freepik and Flaticon
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