non orientable surfaces in 3 and 4 manifolds

Non-orientable Surfaces in 3- and 4-Manifolds Adam Simon Levine - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Non-orientable Surfaces in 3- and 4-Manifolds Adam Simon Levine Princeton University University of Virginia Colloquium October 31, 2013 Adam Simon Levine Non-orientable Surfaces in 3- and 4-Manifolds Introduction BredonWood (1969):

  1. Non-orientable Surfaces in 3- and 4-Manifolds Adam Simon Levine Princeton University University of Virginia Colloquium October 31, 2013 Adam Simon Levine Non-orientable Surfaces in 3- and 4-Manifolds

  2. Introduction Bredon–Wood (1969): Formula for the minimum genus of a non-orientable surface embedded in a lens space. Adam Simon Levine Non-orientable Surfaces in 3- and 4-Manifolds

  3. Introduction Bredon–Wood (1969): Formula for the minimum genus of a non-orientable surface embedded in a lens space. Is it possible to do better in four dimensions? I.e., to find an embedding of a lower-genus non-orientable surface in L ( 2 k , q ) × I , representing the nontrivial Z 2 homology class? Adam Simon Levine Non-orientable Surfaces in 3- and 4-Manifolds

  4. Introduction Bredon–Wood (1969): Formula for the minimum genus of a non-orientable surface embedded in a lens space. Is it possible to do better in four dimensions? I.e., to find an embedding of a lower-genus non-orientable surface in L ( 2 k , q ) × I , representing the nontrivial Z 2 homology class? Theorem (L.–Ruberman–Strle) No. Adam Simon Levine Non-orientable Surfaces in 3- and 4-Manifolds

  5. Minimal genus problems If M is a smooth manifold of dimension n = 3 or 4, every class in H 2 ( M ; Z ) can be represented by a smoothly embedded, closed, oriented surface. Adam Simon Levine Non-orientable Surfaces in 3- and 4-Manifolds

  6. Minimal genus problems If M is a smooth manifold of dimension n = 3 or 4, every class in H 2 ( M ; Z ) can be represented by a smoothly embedded, closed, oriented surface. Question For each homology class in x ∈ H 2 ( M ; Z ) , what is the minimal complexity of an embedded surface representing x? Adam Simon Levine Non-orientable Surfaces in 3- and 4-Manifolds

  7. Minimal genus problems If M is a smooth manifold of dimension n = 3 or 4, every class in H 2 ( M ; Z ) can be represented by a smoothly embedded, closed, oriented surface. Question For each homology class in x ∈ H 2 ( M ; Z ) , what is the minimal complexity of an embedded surface representing x? n = 4: can always find connected surfaces, so complexity just means genus. Adam Simon Levine Non-orientable Surfaces in 3- and 4-Manifolds

  8. Minimal genus problems If M is a smooth manifold of dimension n = 3 or 4, every class in H 2 ( M ; Z ) can be represented by a smoothly embedded, closed, oriented surface. Question For each homology class in x ∈ H 2 ( M ; Z ) , what is the minimal complexity of an embedded surface representing x? n = 4: can always find connected surfaces, so complexity just means genus. n = 3: have to be a bit careful about how to handle disconnected surfaces. Thurston semi-norm on H 2 ( M ; Q ) . Adam Simon Levine Non-orientable Surfaces in 3- and 4-Manifolds

  9. Minimal genus problems in three dimensions If M = Σ g × S 1 , or more generally any Σ g bundle over S 1 , the homology class [Σ g × { pt } ] cannot be represented by a surface of lower genus. (Elementary algebraic topology.) Adam Simon Levine Non-orientable Surfaces in 3- and 4-Manifolds

  10. Minimal genus problems in three dimensions If M = Σ g × S 1 , or more generally any Σ g bundle over S 1 , the homology class [Σ g × { pt } ] cannot be represented by a surface of lower genus. (Elementary algebraic topology.) If Σ is a leaf of a taut foliation on M , then Σ minimizes complexity in its homology class (Thurston, 1970s). Adam Simon Levine Non-orientable Surfaces in 3- and 4-Manifolds

  11. Minimal genus problems in three dimensions If M = Σ g × S 1 , or more generally any Σ g bundle over S 1 , the homology class [Σ g × { pt } ] cannot be represented by a surface of lower genus. (Elementary algebraic topology.) If Σ is a leaf of a taut foliation on M , then Σ minimizes complexity in its homology class (Thurston, 1970s). If Σ ⊂ M minimizes complexity in its homology class, then there exists a taut foliation on M of which Σ is a leaf (Gabai, 1980s). Adam Simon Levine Non-orientable Surfaces in 3- and 4-Manifolds

  12. Minimal genus problems in four dimensions In C P 2 , the solution set of a generic homogenous polynomial of degree d is a surface of genus ( d − 1 )( d − 2 ) / 2, representing d times a generator of H 2 ( C P 2 ; Z ) . Adam Simon Levine Non-orientable Surfaces in 3- and 4-Manifolds

  13. Minimal genus problems in four dimensions In C P 2 , the solution set of a generic homogenous polynomial of degree d is a surface of genus ( d − 1 )( d − 2 ) / 2, representing d times a generator of H 2 ( C P 2 ; Z ) . Theorem (Thom conjecture: Kronheimer–Mrowka, 1994) If Σ ⊂ C P 2 is a surface of genus g representing d times a generator, then g ≥ ( d − 1 )( d − 2 ) . 2 Adam Simon Levine Non-orientable Surfaces in 3- and 4-Manifolds

  14. Minimal genus problems in four dimensions In C P 2 , the solution set of a generic homogenous polynomial of degree d is a surface of genus ( d − 1 )( d − 2 ) / 2, representing d times a generator of H 2 ( C P 2 ; Z ) . Theorem (Thom conjecture: Kronheimer–Mrowka, 1994) If Σ ⊂ C P 2 is a surface of genus g representing d times a generator, then g ≥ ( d − 1 )( d − 2 ) . 2 Theorem (Symplectic Thom conjecture: Ozsváth–Szabó, 2000) If X is a symplectic 4 -manifold, and Σ ⊂ X is a symplectic surface, then Σ minimizes genus in its homology class. Adam Simon Levine Non-orientable Surfaces in 3- and 4-Manifolds

  15. Non-orientable surfaces Let F h = R P 2 # · · · # R P 2 , � �� � h copies the non-orientable surface of genus h . (Image credit: Wikipedia) Adam Simon Levine Non-orientable Surfaces in 3- and 4-Manifolds

  16. Non-orientable surfaces Let F h = R P 2 # · · · # R P 2 , � �� � h copies the non-orientable surface of genus h . For any M of dimension 3 or 4, any class in H 2 ( M ; Z 2 ) can be represented by a non-orientable surface. (Image credit: Wikipedia) Adam Simon Levine Non-orientable Surfaces in 3- and 4-Manifolds

  17. Non-orientable surfaces Let F h = R P 2 # · · · # R P 2 , � �� � h copies the non-orientable surface of genus h . For any M of dimension 3 or 4, any class in H 2 ( M ; Z 2 ) can be represented by a non-orientable surface. An embedding F h ⊂ M 3 must represent a nontrivial class in H 2 ( M ; Z 2 ) . In particular, no F h embeds in R 3 , but any (Image credit: F h can be immersed in R 3 . Wikipedia) Adam Simon Levine Non-orientable Surfaces in 3- and 4-Manifolds

  18. Non-orientable surfaces Any non-orientable surface can be embedded in R 4 . For instance, can embed R P 2 as the union of a Möbius band in R 3 with a disk in R 4 + . Adam Simon Levine Non-orientable Surfaces in 3- and 4-Manifolds

  19. Non-orientable surfaces Any non-orientable surface can be embedded in R 4 . For instance, can embed R P 2 as the union of a Möbius band in R 3 with a disk in R 4 + . Any embedding of F h in a 4-manifold has a normal Euler number: the algebraic intersection number between F h and a transverse pushoff. (Unlike for orientable surfaces, this isn’t determined by the homology class of F h .) Adam Simon Levine Non-orientable Surfaces in 3- and 4-Manifolds

  20. Non-orientable surfaces Any non-orientable surface can be embedded in R 4 . For instance, can embed R P 2 as the union of a Möbius band in R 3 with a disk in R 4 + . Any embedding of F h in a 4-manifold has a normal Euler number: the algebraic intersection number between F h and a transverse pushoff. (Unlike for orientable surfaces, this isn’t determined by the homology class of F h .) A standard R P 2 ⊂ R 4 has Euler number ± 2. The connected sum of h of these has Euler number in {− 2 h , − 2 h + 4 , . . . , 2 h − 4 , 2 h } . Adam Simon Levine Non-orientable Surfaces in 3- and 4-Manifolds

  21. Non-orientable surfaces Theorem (Massey, 1969; conjectured by Whitney, 1940) For any embedding of F h in R 4 (or S 4 , or any homology 4 -sphere) with normal Euler number e, we have | e | ≤ 2 h and e ≡ 2 h ( mod 4 ) . Adam Simon Levine Non-orientable Surfaces in 3- and 4-Manifolds

  22. Non-orientable surfaces in lens spaces For p , q relatively prime, the lens space L ( p , q ) is the quotient of ( z , w ) ∈ C 2 � � � � | z | 2 + | w | 2 = 1 S 3 = � by the action of Z / p generated by ( z , w ) �→ ( e 2 π i / p z , e 2 π iq / p w ) . Adam Simon Levine Non-orientable Surfaces in 3- and 4-Manifolds

  23. Non-orientable surfaces in lens spaces For p , q relatively prime, the lens space L ( p , q ) is the quotient of ( z , w ) ∈ C 2 � � � � | z | 2 + | w | 2 = 1 S 3 = � by the action of Z / p generated by ( z , w ) �→ ( e 2 π i / p z , e 2 π iq / p w ) . Alternate description: glue together two copies of S 1 × D 2 via a gluing map that takes { pt } × ∂ D 2 in one copy to a curve homologous to p [ S 1 × { pt } ] + q [ { pt } × ∂ D 2 ] in the other copy. Adam Simon Levine Non-orientable Surfaces in 3- and 4-Manifolds

  24. Non-orientable surfaces in lens spaces Theorem (Bredon–Wood) If F h embeds in the lens space L ( 2 k , q ) , then h = N ( 2 k , q ) + 2 i, where i ≥ 0 and N ( 2 , 1 ) = 1 ; N ( 2 k , q ) = N ( 2 ( k − q ) , q ′ ) + 1 , where q ′ ∈ { 1 , . . . , k − q } , q ′ ≡ ± q ( mod 2 )( k − q ) . Moreover, all such values of h are realizable. Adam Simon Levine Non-orientable Surfaces in 3- and 4-Manifolds

  25. Non-orientable surfaces in lens spaces It’s quite easy to see the minimal genus surfaces. For instance, N ( 8 , 3 ) = N ( 2 , 1 ) + 1 = 2. Adam Simon Levine Non-orientable Surfaces in 3- and 4-Manifolds


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