noise ir drop crosstalk delay impacts timing

Noise / IR Drop Crosstalk Delay Impacts Timing Timing Failures - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Noise / IR Drop Crosstalk Delay Impacts Timing Timing Failures Crosstalk affects interconnect delay of victim net Nets changing in the same direction: speed up Nets changing in opposite directions: slow down Delay and Slew

  1. Noise / IR Drop

  2. Crosstalk Delay Impacts Timing � Timing Failures » Crosstalk affects interconnect delay of victim net – Nets changing in the same direction: speed up – Nets changing in opposite directions: slow down � Delay and Slew Effects » Modify the propagation and slew trip points t 90 t 50 Switching Threshold t 10 Time Ideal waveform � T � � � Speed-up Effect � T- � T+ Slow-down Effect � � � � � � Crosstalk analysis is required to prevent timing failures

  3. Crosstalk Noise (Glitch) � Functional Failures » Crosstalk noise (glitch) can result in wrong values being captured at registers Aggressor Functional Failure? 0 Victim Generated Glitch Propagated Glitch

  4. Timing Reports with Delta Delays Path Group: clock Path Type: max Delta Delay Column Point Fanout Delta Incr Path (-crosstalk_delta) -------------------------------------------------------------- clock clock (rise edge) 0.00 0.00 clock network delay (ideal) 0.00 0.00 hostif_0/host_address_regx31x/CP (FD2S) 0.00 0.00 r hostif_0/host_address_regx31x/Q (FD2S) 0.47 & 0.47 f hostif_0/U1569/D (NR4X05) 0.03 0.03 & 0.81 f hostif_0/U1569/Z (NR4X05) 0.51 & 1.32 r hostif_0/n5966 (net) 1 Delay Introduced hostif_0/U1440/F (ND8P) 0.25 0.25 & 1.57 r by Crosstalk : hostif_0/U1994/Z (ND3A) 0.24 & 6.20 r hostif_0/n6400 (net) 1 hostif_0/taplink_tx_data_regx4x/D (FD2S) 0.02 0.02 & 6.22 r clock clock (rise edge) 5.00 5.00 clock network delay (ideal) 0.00 5.00 hostif_0/taplink_tx_data_regx4x/CP (FD2S) 5.00 r library setup time -0.39 4.61 -------------------------------------------------------------- data required time 4.61 data arrival time -6.22 -------------------------------------------------------------- slack (VIOLATED) -1.61

  5. Propagated Noise Aggressor1 Aggressor2 0 = + Attenuated propagated noise Combined with new crosstalk noise And finally amplified � Noise bumps may propagate through a cell � PrimeTime SI calculates propagated noise at cell output using noise propagation data in library

  6. Noise Report report_noise -above -verbose -nosplit **************************************** Report : noise -verbose -above Design : cpu_core Version: U-2003.03 Date : Thu Feb 27 09:35:41 2003 **************************************** Victim Net & slack type: area Cell Input Pin noise_region: above_low pin name (net name) width height slack Multiple ----------------------------------------------------- Aggressor Nets rx_snt10g_frm78_prot_1/prot_rx_3/data_out_reg[27]/D (N43563) Aggressors: rst_prot_rx78_l_3__INBUF_103 0.80 0.00 Bump Width, Height, rx_snt10g_frm78_prot_1/prot_rx_3/poly_seq[4] & Noise Slack 1.09 0.00 rx_snt10g_frm78_prot_1/n30613_6 0.47 0.00 Propagated: rx_snt10g_frm78_prot_1/U32709_C1/Z 0.38 0.87 Total: 0.38 0.87 -0.12

  7. IR (Voltage) Drop Delay Analysis Power Grid IR Drop Map � IR Drop » Voltage drop on power grid � Impact » Reduces supply voltages at cells » Changes delay across chip – 10% voltage drop reduces chip performance by 7-9% � V = V dd IR R � Analysis required to detect and prevent V dd � V - I failures R Source: Vivek,, DAC 1998 V ss

  8. Four Regions of Noise Above High Below Low Voltage Voltage Vh+ Victim 1 Power Rail Power Rail Agg Ground Rail Agg Victim Ground Rail 0 Time Vl- Time Above Low Below High Voltage Voltage Victim 1 Power Rail Power Rail Agg Vh- Vl+ Ground Rail Ground Rail Agg Victim 0 Time Time


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