Noise Characteriza.on and Filtering in the MicroBooNE LArTPC JINST 12 (2017) no. 08, P08003 Jyo. Joshi Brookhaven Na.onal Laboratory DUNE FD DAQ “Design” Workshop, 10/30/2017
Outline * Introduc:on * Iden:fica:on of different noise sources * SoBware Noise filtering * Impact of Noise filtering * Status of Readout Channels * Residual Noise Level * Hardware upgrades to mi:gate noise sources 2
MicroBooNE Readout & Response Sense Wires U V Y V wire plane waveforms Liquid Argon TPC Charged Particles Cathode Plane Incoming Neutrino Edrift t Y wire plane waveforms MicroBooNE Simulation Time constant = 1 ms 3
Correcting RC Shaping Effect * There are two RC hardware filters in readout system with 1ms :me constant - One in the intermediate amplifier - Second just before the ADC input (pedestal-adjus:ng) * This leads to the nega:ve tail in the signal * When the signal is small, the nega:ve tail is also small and not no:ceable * In case of large signal with long dura:on for example, for collec:on plane in case of ver:cal muon, this RC circuit leads to a long nega:ve tail Raw Signal Corrected Signal MicroBooNE 200 MicroBooNE 200 150 150 ADC Counts ADC Counts 100 100 50 50 0 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Ticks (0.5us) Ticks (0.5us) 4
Possible Noise Sources * Noise associated with first transistor of the cold ASIC - Unavoidable - Expected ENC ~500 electrons at LAr temp (for 150 pF) - Depends on shaping :me, wire length and TPC geometry * Noise from warm shaping amplifier & ADC - Negligible as compared to first transistor * Noise from wire bias power supplies - Negligible * Noise from other circuits in readout chain - Low frequency coherent noise from voltage regulator * Noise from cathode HV - Anode sensi:vity due to ripple from HV * Noise from power switching circuits ? - Intermi_ent Burst Noise 5
ASIC Inherent noise C in = total capacitance at input of the ASIC e n = white series noise spectral density t p = peaking :me of an:-aliasing filter 10% increase in ENC at 1 us seUng 6
Excess Noise Sources Example of Excess Noise Example of Excess Noise Example of Excess Noise Example of Excess Noise 4 10 4 10 MicroBooNE MicroBooNE 1 s peaking time µ 2 s peaking time µ Magnitude (Arbitrary Units) Magnitude (Arbitrary Units) Cathode HV Harmonic Noise 900 kHz Burst Noise 3 10 3 10 2 10 2 10 LV Regulator Noise 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Frequency (MHz) Frequency (MHz) 7
Low Frequency Noise from Voltage Regulator * Low frequency (10 - 30 kHz) coherent noise affec:ng groups of channels simultaneously * High correla:on between channels on MB pairs (1 MB = 48U +48V + 96Y) on same service-board (SB) with low voltage regulator for ASICs * Subtract coherent noise using median ADC value of set of 48 channels at MB level * Before subtrac:on, signal region is iden:fied and removed from the waveform * Noise level is reduced by a factor for 4-5 for the induc:on and 2-3 for the collec:on plane 8
HV Power Supply Noise * It was observed that, some charge got induced on anode wire plane resul:ng from poten:al varia:ons in cathode * Anode plane is very sensi:ve to even small poten:al changes at cathode (which is 2.5m away) * Series of single frequency noise sources are observed, odd harmonics of 36kHz, which is the fundamental freq. of HV power supply ripple * Main two single frequency noise components, highest peak (36kHz) and second highest peak (108 kHz) * V-plane is shielded by U-wires & Y-plane noise is further a_enuated by V- wires 9
900 kHz ‘Burst’ Noise * This high Frequency noise is more prevalent on the downstream side of the TPC and can be clearly iden:fied in frequency domain * The source of this noise believed to be field pick-up on wires * This noise can be easily filtered using high freq. (low-pass) filter * More prominent in case of lower shaping :me Example of Identified Burst Noise Region MicroBooNE Time domain Ticks (0.5 us) Example of Identified Burst Noise Region Example of Identified Burst Noise Region MicroBooNE Frequency domain Ticks (0.5 us) 10
Filtering HV Power Supply and Low Frequency Noise 11
Impact of Filtering on TPC Signal * Simulated signal that overlays pulse shapes on TPC data is examined for signals produced by isolated point-like charges and for signals produced by MIP tracks parallel to the wire plane and perpendicular to given wire * Measured bias is negligible for minimum ionizing par:cle (~ 13K e - ) 12
Status of Readout Channels 13
Residual Noise 14
Resul:ng plot: ENC vs. Wire length (fixed term) x = parallel noise term including noise from intermediate amplified and ADC digi:za:on y = series noise from transistor gate capacitance & wire-to-ASIC capacitance z = series noise due to wire capacitance and depends on wire length, L Digi:za:on noise ~ 0.5 ADC Extracted wire capacitance = (23 ± 1) pF/m 1 ADC ~ 182 electrons Extracted parasi:c capacitance = 87 pF 15
Hardware Upgrades * Two important hardware upgrades for noise mi:ga:on - New service boards using different voltage regulator were installed for low frequency coherent noise - A second “filter-pot” installed in driB HV system to reduce cathode HV power supply ripple noise 16
Empirical Noise Model for Simula.on * Empirical noise model from data (aBer noise filtering) Noise Simula:on Talk @DUNE Coll. Mee:ng Gain/Shaping Constant dependent (post-preamp) * Model parametrized for different wire-lengths and can simply scale (using electronics response func:on) first “gain/shaping - dependent part” for different ASIC sepngs and quadrature sum constant part 17
Conclusions JINST 12 (2017) no. 08, P08003 * MicroBooNE achieved ultra-low noise levels being first large LArTPC opera:ng with cold front-end electronics * Noise filtering code is implemented in Wire-Cell toolkit and is integrated to LArSoB via “larwirecell” package (h_ps:// * In terms of data-reduc:on for DUNE FD, more studies need to be done using realis:c signal and noise simula:ons * Valida:on of realis:c simula:on in Wire-Cell toolkit is performed for signal processing paper (in review) and soon be integrated to LArSoB * Paper with realis:c noise model + signal processing is in EB review 18
Backup 19
Mis-Configured Channels * Mis-Configured Channels - Some channels configured at lower ASIC gain and shaping :me sepngs (4.7 mV/fC & 1us) - Cause believed to be due to damage of the configura:on signal lines due to electrosta:c discharge - Channels can be corrected to nominal produc:on sepngs (14 mV/fC & 2us) by correc:ng the shaping response - At lowest gain, digi:za:on noise (0.5 ADC) becomes significant - ABer correc:ng these channels, noise level are bit higher due to amplifica:on of digi:za:on noise 20
Shorted Channels * During commissioning, three signal feedthrough seems to draw more current than provided by voltage source * In addi:on, noise increased about 20 :mes for some U-plane channels and some V-plane channels observed anomalous response * This behavior can be explained if there is direct DC contact across different feedthroughs in case a V wire comes in contact with some U wires, though no direct contact between U & V wires is observed during visual scan. * These U wires can disturb the nearby electric field and can result in collec:ng the signal. Hence smaller signal amplitude in nearby V and Y wires * Current vs. bias voltage test at feedthrough facilitated the deriva:on of number of effected channels 21
Saturation of ASICs An example U-Plane raw waveform before and a_er filtering * Intermi_ent dead regions (low RMS) on waveform when wire bias is ON * Iden:fied and filtered out using very low local RMS cut (~20 :me :cks) * Some:mes only some percent of waveform is chirping, in this case we can recover the unaffected por:on of the waveform * Adap:ve Baseline technique can be used to recover the baseline * Largely reduced by changing ASIC bias current from 100 pA to 500 pA * Wire mo:on could be the poten:al source of satura:on 22
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