ffi)nnmñ Naliona Allianae ûn lr4entaì ¡llness NAMi Fleer-tc-Peer Feer*t0-Feen" Peer t.s :-t:i rlr¡t;, i:ie. -fç'.4,.,11: ler'-lo Ecucation ProgrðrT'r = ,"-.-.?':; t-. Êyå-,::-.;.,, j -, -'e-;¿:-:¿ 't?- ,-r'.ì'.1'?:'.: ., s*i'ìi..- A Free Feer Available in more than 3O states in the Ed ucatie"n Prog reir''i u.s. l.'.Ai": '-f's¿, ,'c -Peer Parricrpani Available in some communities ín Spanish as Dè Persona a Persona de NAMI. To locate a class, visit nami,orgy'local and contäct the NAMI affiliate in your area. A"bout NAMI NAMI is the NationalAlliance on Mental www,nantilðrs/pzp lllness, the nationrs largest gråssroots mental health organization. NAMI provides NAMlHelpLine 80û-95O-NAMI or info@nami.org advocacy, education, support and public âwareness so that all individuals and families affected by mental illness can build better lives. NAMI Santa Glara County lf you are seeking support or need National Alliance on Mental lllness 1 150 S. Bascom Avenue, Ste. 24 information on how to better manage a ùa¡¡ uust, v voI¿o mental health challenge in yourself or a 408.453.0400 ext. 3090 Fax:408./153.2100 E-mail: ptp@namisantaclara.org loved one, you êre not alone. l.JAMl is here Website: www.namisantaclara.org for you. NAMI supports and enriches you and your family's unique journey towards mental health and wellness. Our outstanding peer- @nnml ted programs provide free education, skills training and support. Thousands of trained volunteers are bringing these programs to Nation¡l Alllance on Mental lllriess their communities every day. We invite you ll Sloak photos lsed ir thrs publicotton ore nol meonl to ¡nd¡cote ony to join our movement to ensure better lives patticulat øNtudê ot op¡n¡an Õn #ìe porù ol those wäûse imrges are be¡ng for everyone. used and orc not întended to ind¡cote on Êndo¡sement by the s0bjects. ì '.1.-
'it ¡¡ad,: iìlc :tet ,l t..'is n3: ¡iû'.e :r r,JSi¡.i: ¡ .."-;';. .';::-,t¿1 ilhess, ri E¿rrâ r:e hcpc í aai.;:; ,e:¿_.i¡e:- åaf irå¡ riì-ri .iir: v,'OUIC Ì:c,¡ a.i,r';.lc Lr€' f ¡ie.l' y,.'iih châJs. it glai'e ¡-.ìa rarg:¡ìL"a'oie ;r:o:ei: tc irìsa:re tÌ.'e ii. ,ir.'r,"r'a' i:'*: ¡i';:.:n,iI J "-'-CaS-i iri I iife ' i\ NliMl i:ee,"-i: Feer Parf iapant 1: :.:a:'" .. f',¡AMl Peer-to-Peer ¡ An education program focused on What should I expect? mental health, wellness ånd rêcovery for anyone exper¡ênc¡ng a mentâl health challenge. . Open to adr"llts (18+) living with mental health challenges. . Meets for 1O sessions. Find hope in knowing you'ie not alone. . Free of cost to participants. Pursuing mental health involves patience, . Guided by peers who successfully rnanage their o$/n recovery and wellness. courage and the support of others. . No specific medical therapy or medication is enclorsed or recommended. NAMI is here to help. Why should I attend? NAMI Peer-to-Peer offers inforrnation, resources änd a cornmunit5r irf,support tö aid you in developing your own recovery . Find support in a sincere, confidential setting. plan. Whether you're seeking to overcome ; Create personalized relapse prevention plans, stigma, manage tough faniily relationships . Become your own advocate. or balance changing medical needs, the . lmprove coping and problem solving skills. course provides the opportunity ts get new . Learn about cemmunity resources. ideas frorn others with s¡rnilârexperiences.
" .,JlftJIll lSanta CLaraCounty OUR ASPIRATIONS "We ARE - A TEAM that is emotionally supportive of each other by practicing Compassion, Respect, Understanding and Patience. As a TEAM, we maintain Goodwill by Assuming the Best in Others, Communicating and Clarifying. We are Open-minded toward Change, Tolerant of Disappointment, and able to Learn from Mistakes without Blame. We focus on our Missíon and how to achieve it, not on differences or problems." "We DO- - Communicate our needs - Plan ahead - Listen and validate - Maintain both Confidentiality and Open Doors, Talking over concerns and issues with the persons involved, and avoiding talking about others in their absence unless a concern needs to be addressed confidentially with a supervisor - Celebrate our differences in outlook and experience. - Practice Transparency ín our conversations, regardless of position or status, speaking the Truth with Love in a caring and gentle way. - Exercise Self-Caring and Self-Compassion, Taking Ownership of our own feelings and extending the same Courtesy to others. NEVER GIVE UP! Date Name: (Print) Signature: NAM I Representative/Manager: 1 150 South Bascom Ave.,Ste. 24 San José, CA95128-3509 Phone: 1.408.453.0400 . Fax: 1.408.453.2100 E-mail: info@namisantaclara.org . Website: www.namisantaclara.org NAMI Santa Clara County is a 501(c) (3) non-profit volunteer orgarnzation dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with mental illness and their families through support, education and advocacy. NAMI Santa Clara County is the local affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Iilness (NAMD and NAMI California. Federal Tax# 94-2430956
[ducation, Training ñ .ffi,ll"fllilfi Peer Support Center NAMI Signature Program Code of Conduct NAMI signature programs are built around the principles of mutual trust and respect among participants and leaders. Certified program teaders are representatives òf runn¡l and NAMI holds these leaders to certain standards of conduct Ouring the provision of NAMI services- This Code of Conduct is covered during leader trainfngs and is included in all NAMI signature program manuals so that participánts also know what to expect from NAMI programs what we ask of you as a NAMI signature program participant: o Attend programs with an open mind and open heart. ' Maintain the confidentiality of all participants by not discussing personal topics outside the program. ' Take from the program the information that you believe is most helpful for you. r Find an atmosphere of supporl in the program that enables you to feel comfortable sharing with others, knowing that what you share will be respected and held in confidence by the other participants. What we ask of you as a NAMI signature program leader: . Provide a safe and respectful environment for program participants. ' Prepare for each class, group meeting or presentation and conduct yourself, to the best of your ability, with courteous and respectful behavior. n Actively pursue maintaining your own wellness and respect your own emotional and physical resources and limitations. ' Understand the difference between peer support and therapy and be careful not to act in the capacity of a therapist or mentat health professíonãt. Oter only the services that you have been trained to provide and ask for assistance as needed. n Respect the cultural differences of program participants. ' Respect the privacy of program participants by creating an environment of -confidence confidentiality in the program setting and by holding in sensitive, private and personal information. As a NAMI program leader, you must also be prepared to break confidentiality when you believe there is a danger of harm to a partícipant or others. o Maintain appropriate boundaries by not engaging in romantic, physical or sexual relationships with participants in a NAMI program you are leaOing. Recognize that it is best practice for participants to attend a class or support grouf not led by t.1 6 NAMI Peer-to-Peer Recovery Education Program 2014
someone w1h whom they are in a retationship, to avoid potential conflict and the discomfort of other ParticiPants. Remain accountablä tor your own behavior and keep personal opinions and actions a separate from those made as a representative of NAMI. Understand that your and behaviors reflect on the integrity of NAMI signature programs and "riion, impact the public perception of NAMI as an organization' NAMI Peer'to-Peer 1.17 Recovery Education Program 2014
@nffml Feer-ro-Feër l*¡tien¡t flttsre on filfitaû ffnorg CLASS TOPrC LrsT Week l/Orientation Welcome Introductions Course orientation Questions and answers Week 2 Icebreaker Group ground rules Discussion on course values Mental illnesses as traumatic experiences Consumer stages of recovery Stigma Culture Mindfulness Week3 'olt's not my fault, - mental illnesses as no_blame disorders Brain biology and research The challenges and benefits of medication Relapse prevention Creative visualization Mindfulness Week 4 Storytelling - sharing of personal experiences Mindfulness
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