iti! Pubtic Education A Shared Responsibitity
Articte B, Sec. 3-Ml Constitution pubtic educatior, and att general ptanniflg, coordinatioh, leadership, and general supervision under the State Board of Education appropriated by the Legistature bifurcation or sharing of This creates a responsibi tity
PA 72 of 1990 -"The Dam" Recognized shared responsibitity; attowed for state assistance and financiat direction Preserved [oca[ control and administration Onty altowed intervention for financial matters when there were no other alternatives This was operative statute when DPS requested state assistance in 2008 ;t ,r, ,,!,:.., ., .'+
Was there a probtem? Iiteratu re it in the mid-range of M.E.A.P. testing
wy xxfr** qffi hxi xxmkt:ex[ fc:mil sx[$. ffi {p#* ffimffi w* &&uw ffi &m ffitr ffiffiX & ffiffiff Kffiffitr $u-11{. "}" &{pJ? illt").{$uu{sq ix xr{tkrm, l}ttr-t sld}l* $tl31"$nmd; ffi s nsfltfiffi hut ief.aEs f*rr lra{s nru plllt imflls** n{*$.*( $}{t$r ('t1- a tr r*t* s ilat r *?anl,. ' I :o"ro ?tt{}i,'rr *,: 3 ':{}'q, 'l \t t'|.,:ir!?! 4ls.kZ1,? ra )jt \t rla,1{I}rti; l1{sh dr\ ,.4"f ,|tF, t N:tq.a \{qW|* *t <&'v * air,.\ ta4 r!6{{ ${ V zrn" j 1e4{,X fi v4' li''$ $,' {r td & nj4f*x *r<i N'elSrrer{ $a \4 a {.r*rr?F q,.yr{ 1i9"*r }'t { "it} t\t!I ls rat._itlinN $.1,ia"r..+r*"," ir !i*t.r,! {ri tz,3 l'" r q44?. ^ l.! llY r.+ iz{ i.r: d Nitf:t{11.{1"!}?r!/,t" } i t } 'h$ t ,rti tl'et tr t{*f lir!?si '\$t t ' B'r' 6tkr d 'r?t4!iK t * r't. r.$ t;if lt,4 .ltil r o,g 6|aq'f a ;11s9 tr s7 9 :s11j $ ffi".ffi 44til("1r!;. kaii |t{t'rr llt+tr:iizr ttt}.*\!!h !rf/.v fsr rto,o "-t 1' " ^ " -',1 3*i. hk" 5 4 i,i 7,:1:"1 ll{!! ?r$$firf), ', '\.*f}" ,t!u' 4txls;ir\ l{ o.1 1 6 317, It *trA f! lif'+# ir I*rr\.1 gr.a:Yta rt(! i{N . s'r,r lrr { ilr+lr Testing in the mid- 5tt4m 173,871 o":,:n;r:'",., range of schoots with surptus + approximatety 250 stu den ts 540m below and 250 above attended DPS. rainy day Michigan schoots with fund the Michigan MEAP ? ? FA AinF-i al r e tiAn
PA 10 of 1999- "Breach in the Dam" Covered any first ctass school distrjct (DPS was the onty one at the time, since or ever. it was worded carefulty as to avoid an unconstitutiona[ locat acts viotatl'on) Ptaced the State.Superintendent of Pubtic Instruction (or designee) on newly-created school board which made it nearty impervious to a federal coLrt chat'ienge. Engage.d the Mayor-City and school district which had contiguous taxing bodies of taxpayer property as to not viotate Headtee provisions With about a quarter of its students faiting w!1ch was very common in the state. That percent represented approximatety 48,000 students. This was nearty twice the number of total studen enrotted the second [argest district's. Because of the DPS district's shear size the legislature reasoned that their intervention was necessary, or so they said. The Detroit community reasoned that this was a money and power grab to controt the 1.5 Bittion dotlar bond money that Detroit voters had approved fcir buitding refair, rehab and construction. Of course these altegations presupposes a knowtedge of intent i/hich they did not and coutd not prove. Howeve6 then State Representative LaMar Lemmons introduced an amendment that woutd have attowed the locatly Board to be left in ptace to oversee the Bond money, the .a !i repair, rehab and construction of schoots. This woutd attow the State's Reform pedagogicat experiment to run its course. The amendment faited on party tines.
Detroiters resist and rebet! Many middle class parents immediately rejected the idea of a Reform Experiment on their children with 1 1,000 students and families abandoned DPS. Parents and Taxpayers had no recourse for comptaints, concerns and disagreements with the Reform C.E.O. and the essentiatty powertess reform Board Reform school Board meetings were often disrupted with protests and demonstrations; arrests were commonptace Detroiters did what ever they coutd to resist the imposition of the State's faiting reform experiment on thei r chi [d ren It is widety betieved that the often looped footage of the appointed Reform School Board President instructing security to "get he6 a comptaining guardian grandparg out of here" changed his fortune in a future Mayorgkbid.
"When it Rains, lt Pours" rehab program contracts by the State huge donations from school contractors in his bid for Wayne Cou nty Prosecutor under Duggan's more money to renovate supervision was shoddy & required buitdings at additional expense
AMM Wffi tvs$tgk f;}*l;.',rns" *lgqlx*x Autl$I*ss ilil tffiilttfsy I : !)* t schmls still in ing hind* af,trf **tffi*& -;fh' ; S*$rdtiti) d.{sehffi#N{ei Sqw aa*(9*6 )-t q k$t bftsd $*@k d at ^Xtr 3 * i l qa ti'\ {t\ llJ, r}ixr ,{iJ*l i\.iw(@} i,, i {$sh}g.r R it@' ?*usw & l\$N$f+ \ w4{r.b$&erb rS, {<*.#F*rxt **-' "**' s! : bWrf**FS.$b r&N{ : *\' I ,, N'!s3|s'r,l e415VM Sfl!ffiT|l0 f*&t * b,tfid Nt'd.S4eld hw@re 4Jbs@M@ f,(d$e(@W &s 6@ MN;!G@ S#$bwMi X$*WNe*s i dr'{$Rhuz*\ i stull@tu9 -,^"" i k{Y i ^€ dets"lw@ N\.\lwaSit4 i {*NWdk/w/ i ivs?'wlN<& tlattofii.ttf l 'i@*@ 4V ry/ w$*&:& *4*w*@$ &@@a@ *vf izls@q& l@6\€*@rW. thi&Mf'h$T Gd*ef Htxes @!e s @ieR* *sss /M^s!ilM#sdw.*s wdifla \{*.n +-{ 4N\ Mr@ ! $ \\dtle6Mg B,ry} 4dN#4iw#XWASre *\ rw :ii@\ t &1MM kr\ *'.N.s & WJW&.*\k\i"ritr rt%-$ n *3* - **i@ s 4 @M@re4dN1" AN d{trbalhrf,rt 4ffi N ts4#*M49V :wN}NY/Aed\es\4 @.w@NKe{N M { F.* S$ r) ,waq**b@6es*]w k+f9* $1S6{:sr P${t $rM6ftJl&Wr {wpee&.i|la Rf i W{h
ffi fiffi ,.4 ar** m ff ,ui,,,iiZ!t,|*;ij,,'ii x qt g izit?,iiiit:,:'ur., A' ffiF ro * tra 'e ffi ,a iiiiiiitii"'{, t',u' "ff Zt+;xitiitzl* & * w ,& ffi .; 7. tfi+ E ttin?iitt",z ",tY:itr1i,\,,,,j,'W|#ti t s{* tg € I .ttft -: ilf * rrt I t 'T 'g ffi ! j lnd 'd*rg, 4 t "i FE {w ;i:,::iii';1ir'u1'tii1 qt ,p! Afr *rt| *\t'*u W ti*iriixt'tuii|*r
1999 David Adamany 1st Reform CEO reports: That the Detroit Pubtic School district was the number 1 performing School district in the nation with a poputation above 100k Students where the majority were receiving free and reduced lunch. DPS had 40 schoots where over B0% of its students were etigibte for free or reduced lunch to score at or above national levets. Detroit had more national certified teachers :'t'ltt' than any other any school district in the State. ' ."':'' ti i:) ". ,':? .iti ::.,1 ' came to Detroit to learn what and how to :.i1.,, teach impoverish students. surptus of approximatety.
The Detuge Worsens Reform Board forced to hire Kenneth Burntey after Superintendent of Instruction, his designee, rejects reformed board's initiat candidate for the District's Reform CEO. Kenneth Burntey setts the Maccabee Buitding, atso known as the School center btdg. to Wayne State University leaving the DPS District without a home office The Maccabee Building not only was paid for, but generated income for the District through its tenets Kenneth Burnley purchased four (4) ftoors of the Fisher Buitding for more than the entire Fisher Buitding had been purchased for the year eartier Recentty, Fisher Buitding and the Kahn Buitding combined sotd for hatf as much as the four (4) ftoors purchased under the state's [eadership through Burntey Kenneth Burntey increased the size of DPS administration in the midst of rapid enrottment dectine created a huge deficit an unprec ted S200,000,000 against anticipated revenues from enrollmdnt
Detroiters, How Long Can you Tf e a d Wa t e 77.7.?.?.777.7.??.7.? ln 2004, by an overwhetming margin of 2 to 1 , Detroiters voted to reject any continuation of a reform experiment or Mayoral controt. The 5114,000,000 surplus has been eradicated. DPS is now encumbered with over 1.1 Bittion dottars in tiabitities (teases, contracts, loans, bonds and other obtigations) similar counterparts in the suburbs at St SO per square feet in the suburbs vs. S+OO per square feet in Detroit
Experi ment Ends: But is it too [ate? Brief return of an etected school board The etected school Board had no school Board experienc Inherited deficit created by reform CEO Previous year budget batanced by unprecedented S200M (at 21% interest) imposed by Governor Granholm and the Reform CEO Ctosed 32 schoots in first year But saddted with many pre-existing contracts That the district was encumbered with legacy debt, Lg purchases, contracts, and obtigations. This totated bittion dottars in state commitments that the ed e t school board was bound to honor. This we ve to Headtee viotation !
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