
Night! Thompson Middle School Introductions Administration and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome to TMS Parent Night! Thompson Middle School Introductions Administration and Counselors SRO- Steve Armstrong PTO-Deanna Bess CNP- Pam Cohill Health Info. Nurse April TMS Administration Shannon Rose Taylar Posey

  1. Welcome to TMS Parent Night! Thompson Middle School

  2. Introductions  Administration and Counselors  SRO- Steve Armstrong  PTO-Deanna Bess  CNP- Pam Cohill  Health Info. – Nurse April

  3. TMS Administration Shannon Rose Taylar Posey Kelly Dr. Neely Woodley 6 th Grade 8 th Grade Smitherman Principal 7 th Grade Assistant Assistant Principal Assistant Principal Principal

  4. Summer Fun  Floor Tile  Paint  Ceiling Tile  Lighting  Pressure Washing  Landscaping  Car Rider Lines  Warrior Center

  5. CNP Information Pam Cohill 685-8160 Student Breakfast- $1.25 Student Lunch- $3.00  What’s for lunch each day?  When can I put money in my child’s account?  What is my child’s lunch number?  How can I apply for free/reduced lunch?  Other Questions?

  6. TMS Bell Schedule 7th and 8th Grade 6th Grade 1 st 7:45 – 8:35 1 st 7:50 – 8:35 2 nd 8:40 - 9:30 2 nd 8:40 - 9:30 3 rd 9:35 - 10:25 3 rd 9:35 - 10:25 4 th 10:30 - 11:50 (Lunch) 4 th 10:30 - 11:20 5 th 11:55 - 12:55 5 th 11:25 - 12:55 (Lunch) 6 th 1:00 - 1:50 6 th 1:00 - 1:50 7 th 1:55 - 2:50 7 th 1:55 - 2:50

  7. TMS Lunch Schedule Lunch Group Arrival Departure 6 th Gr Hendrix/Gough/PE 10:30 10:55 6 th Gr Math/ Richey/ Grice/Carter 10:38 11:01 6 th Gr ELA 10:46 11:10 6 th Gr Science and Social Studies 10:55 11:20 PE/Button/Campbell 11:20 11:44 Lee/Preston/Davis/Parsons 11:29 11:52 Burkhalter/Weathers/Caldwell/Markham 11:38 12:01 Byrd/Coulter/Dillon/McAlpine 11:47 12:10 Allen/Hutchinson/ 8 th grade English 11:56 12:19 Munday/Hollingsworth/ 7 th grade History 12:05 12:28 Tauber/Griffith/Miranda/Scoggins 12:14 12:37 Brantley/Gremillion/Ware/Walton 12:23 12:46 Chambless/Alford/Webb 12:32 12:55

  8. Arrival Procedures  Morning Arrival  7:00 a.m. - doors open  6 th Grade – Auxiliary Gym or Cafeteria (sit in the new section)  7 th and 8 th Grade – Gym or Cafeteria

  9. Dismissal Schedule  2:50 – First Round Buses  2:55 – Car Riders  3:00 – Second Round Buses and Walkers  3:10 – Third Round Buses Students will stay in their 7 th period class until we dismiss their round over the intercom.

  10. No Check Outs After 2:40 p.m.

  11. Transportation  Bus Riders  Riding with Friends  Must have a note signed by parents to change transportation.  Parent will be called to verify  Students will not be able to ride another bus home with a friend.

  12. Bus Dismissal First Bell- Second Bell- 09-61 Keystone-Hollis 17-12- Ragland 17-17 1 st Load- Marcus 08-03- Roper 08-07- Thomas 15-05- Massey 08-18-Bulford 15-01- Whitworth 17-15-Oglesby 07-05- Melton 09-22-Cooke 09-54-Hall 16-07-Hammet 07-13-Brown 07-26-Rice 17-18-Webb 09-25-Strickland Third Bell- 17-19- Partridge 17-16-Benedict 17-21- Carter 17-20-Ragland 05-15- Johnson 16-10-Dean 09-61- Hollis 17-17 2 nd Load- Marcus

  13. Car Rider  Please follow the directions of the faculty members.  Pull all the way up before stopping, morning and afternoon.  We will call for your child if he/she doesn’t see you.  Do not park in the parking lot and ask/text your child to run/walk to your car.

  14. Traffic

  15. Traffic

  16. Electronic Device Policy • 1 st offense- After School Detention • 2 nd offense- In School Detention (1 day) Students are not allowed • 3 rd offense- In School Detention (2 days) to have cell • 4 th offense- Out of School Suspension phones/devices during the school day. All cell phones/devices must be turned off and stored in lockers (7 th and 8 th graders) and backpacks (6 th graders). Students may have devices until 7:40 a.m. TMS has 9 Chrome Book carts and four computer labs to accommodate the technology needs of students and teachers. *What is Snapchat? Instagram spam? *What pictures are on the phone?

  17. Attendance  Excuses must be turned in within 3 days  10 parent notes for the year  Early Warning Court  2 unexcused absences = Attendance Letter  3 unexcused absences = Pre-Referral Conference  5 unexcused absences= Referral to EW court  7 unexcused absences = 2 nd referral to EW court Attendance contract   10+ absences must have Doctor’s note

  18. Tardy Policy To Class 5 minutes • 10- After School detention • 15 = 1 day ISD in between • 20 = 2 days ISD classes • 25 = 1 day OSS Tardies are To School calculated • 3 = ASD per semester • 6 = 1 day ISD • 9 = 2 days ISD • 12 = 1 day OSS

  19. Other Important Topics  Safety/ALICE/Student Assemblies  Progressive Discipline  Backpacks  PE and PE Lockers  Hall Lockers (They don’t have to go each period)  Bullying  Getting in touch with a counselor or administrator  GoGuardian

  20. What is Warrior Time?  Study hall  Extra assistance on academic content  Makeup work  Meet with teacher three times a year  Teacher choice  The Media Center is open every day. Students will sign in/out for record keeping.  Students must have a library pass.  Only send 1-2 people per class.

  21. Stay Informed!  Teacher webpage/email  Black Board Email  INOW Home  Remind 101

  22. What happens on the first day?

  23. Important dates!  Schedule Pickup Next Week  Open House Aug. 6 12:00 – 4:00  Back to School Dance 8/23/19 @ 1:00 and 3:15- 5:00  Fall Pictures – October 8 during PE  ACS Citywide Parade 9/18/19  Homecoming TMS Football Dance 9/21/19  6 th Grade Disney Trip

  24. Any Questions?  100 Warrior Drive, Alabaster 205-685-8100     


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