e gina ae gina a plac e to be

E gina Ae gina A plac e to be ...! Presented by Petros Petritis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

E gina Ae gina A plac e to be ...! Presented by Petros Petritis 2, July 2014 Agenda -sightseeing and monuments -culture - history -events -alternative tourism -marketing - branding of Aegina -activities of a tourist in the

  1. Αίγινα E gina Ae gina A plac e to be ...! Presented by Petros Petritis 2, July 2014

  2. Agenda -sightseeing and monuments -culture - history -events -alternative tourism -marketing - branding of Aegina -activities of a tourist in the T own -harbor of Aegina -Athens-Aegina...so close -hotels in Aegina -weaknesses -infrastructure - developement -our vision for the future

  3. Ge ne r al Infor mation - 16,5 nautic al mile s fro m Pirae us -57 km c o astline -8.300 he c tare s - se c o nd la rge st island in the Saro nic Gulf - po pulatio n ab o ut 15.000 -3.000 abo ut no n-native s -pic k o f summe r abo ut 80.000 pe o ple - divide d into 5 administrative re gio ns (Ae gina, K ipse li, Vathi, Me sagro s, Pe rdika) - 4 po rts (Ae gina, So uvala, Agia Marina, Pe rdika)

  4. How to ge t the r e F ro m the po rt o f Pirae us the re are daily de parture s o f F e rry Bo ats and F lying Do lphins to Ae gina. T he F e rry Bo ats ac c e pt c ars and the trip lasts fo r 1 h. and 15 min. By F lying Do lphins the trip lasts fo r 40 min. E xc e pt than the ve sse ls to the main po rt o f Ae gina, the re are also ships during the summe r pe rio d to the po rt o f So uvala and the po rt o f Agia Marina

  5. Histor y F ro m T he diffe re nt findings in the are a o f K o lo na as we ll as o the r are as sho w that the first inhabitants in Ae gina appe ar e d in the se c o nd half o f the 4th mille nnium b.c . (3500-3000 b.c .). F ro m 734to 459 b.c . Ae gina c o uld c o mpe te with big c itie s in Mikra Asia that we re base d o n trade . Due to the se c o me rc ial transac tio ns,in 650 B.C. the pe o ple o f Ae gina made the ir o wn silve r c o ins, “T urtle ” o r “Drac hma”, the first Gre e k and E uro pe an c o in.

  6. Histor y Whe n the c rusade rs to o k o ve r K o nstantino upo lis (1204), Ae gina was give n to the Ve ne tians. I n 1537 A.D. the T urks de c lare d war against Ve nic e and the le ade r o f the T urkish fle e t Barbaro ssa de stro ye d and burne d Ae gina. Only a fe w c hurc he s in Palia Cho ra mana ge d to save . T he first T urkish do minatio n laste d fro m 1540 to 1687 A.D. I n 1828 it be c ame the first c apital o f Gre e c e and I o annis K apo distriaswas the first go ve rno r

  7. T he te mple of Aphe a is one o f the pre se rve d Do ric te mple s, dating fro m the be ginning o f the 5 th B.C. c e ntury, built o f lo c al “po ro s” sto ne , and se rving as a mo de l fo r the c o nstruc tio n o f the Parthe no n and o the r te mple s in Gre e c e , Asia Mino r, (e nd o f the 6th B.C. c e ntury). At the fo o t o f the hill lie s the Arc hae o lo gic al Muse um, whic h unique finds.

  8. At the to p o f the hill o f Kolona , the re wa s the te mple of Apollo . I t wa s built a ro und the 6th B.C. Ce ntury. T he te mp le wa s o f re c ta ng ula r sha pe c o mprise d by 11 pilla rs o n the lo ng side a nd 6 pilla rs o n the sho rt. So uthe rn to the te mple , Pro pyla ia wa s fo und, a lo ng with 2 o the r sma lle r building s. At the bo tto m o f K o lo na lie s the Ae gina’s Ar c hae ologic al Muse um c o nta ins a nc ie nt re ma ins a nd re lic s. It wa s fo unde d in 1832 by Io a nnis K a po distria s. In the muse um, the re a re va rio us ve sse ls, po tte ry, c e ra mic s, a la ba ste r, links, sta tue s, sig ns, c o ins, g uns a nd c o ppe ry ve sse ls.

  9. Muse ums Ae gina Ar c hae ologic al Muse um ho use d in a struc tura l built a t the a rc ha e o lo gic a l site o f K o lo na Aphaia Muse um is o n the g ro unds o f the T e mple o f Apha ia a nd ho use s re mna ts o f the T e mple e Muse um o f Histor ic al and F olklor Ae g ina is ho use d in a ne o c la ssic a l building a t Spyro u Ro di T he Chr istos Kapr alos muse um in Ae g ina is lo c a te d in the NW side o f the to wn, o n the c o a sta l ro a d str a ig ht fro m the ha rbo ur

  10. Kapodistrian buildings nme nt House is lo c a te d T he Gove r c lo se to the Me tro po lis, in the c e ntre o f the c ity. I t is a ve ry impo rta nt to the mo de rn g re e k histo ry building . He re wa s ho use d Gre e c e ’ s nme nt by the first Go ve rno r F ir st Gove r o f Gre e c e Io a nnis K a po distria s

  11. Kapodistrian buildings In the c e ntre o f Ae g ina the re is the owe r wa s built a ro und Mar ke llos’ T 1800 by Spyro s Ma rke llo s a re pre se nta tive in the Gre e k Pa rlia me nt. In Ma rke llo s’ T o we r the first g o ve rnme nt wa s ho use d fro m 1816 until 1828 a nd fo r a sho rt time pe rio d the fund o f the He lle nic sta te wa s fo und the re .

  12. Kapodistrian buildings al wa s a lso use d a s a T he Cathe dr pa rlia me nt ho use in 1827 a nd in 1828 fo r the first Gre e k g o ve rme nt. In the Ca the dra l, the re a re ma ny histo ric re lic s, a ma rble ic o n sc re e n, re ma rka ble mura ls a nd ic o ns. In 1830, a fte r a do na tio n ma de by a Swiss ba nke r c a lle d E una rd io s, the e ac hing wa s E unar dios Sc hool of T built ne xt to the Ca the dra l whic h is a ne o c la ssic building .

  13. Kapodistrian buildings e of Aegina use d T he Munic ipal T heatr as mutual te ac hing sc ho o l . No wadays it is use d by the Munic ipal T he a tr e Co mpany to re g ularly stag e plays and fo r a varie ty o f c ultural e ve nts.

  14. Kapodistrian buildings phanage was initially built fro m T he Or I. K apo distr ia s to ho use and te ac h c hildre n o rphane d by 1821 War o f Inde pende nc e . It usually re fe rre d as a priso n is c urre ntly unde r the purvie w o f Ministry o f Culture whic h was unde rtake n to re sto re it using E uro pe an funds.

  15. 6 klm fro m the to wn o f Ae g ina is the c hur c h and ios was T he Monaster y of Saint Nektar built aro und 1904-1910 by the bisho p Pe ntapo le o s Ne ktario s. Ne ktario s live d in the Mo naste ry and die d in 1920. In 1961 he was de c lare d a Saint. T he Mo naste ry is o n the ro ad to Saint Marina and it's abo ut 6 kilo me te rs away fro m the to wn o f Ae g ina. Clo se to the c hurc h is Virg in Mary Xriso le o ntissa's Mo naste ry whic h was built in the e a rly 17th c e ntury. It has hig h walls and it lo o ks mo re like a fo rt. It was built that way be c ause the mo nks we re afraid o f the pirate s.

  16. E vents Many e ve nts take plac e in Ae g ina during summe r, suc h as re ligio us e ve nts, traditio nal e ve nts e tc . national music festivals , Inter tr aditional and folk danc ing festival, T heatr e festival, MAST E R beac h volley ‘ Aegina - Cultur al Summer - eec e ’ fir st c apital of moder n Gr June - July Aug ust the fistiki fest (pistac hio festival) in 18-21 Se pte mbe r

  17. L eisur e & E nter tainment Be ac he s o f So uvala Maratho nas Vag ia Ae g initissa Ag ia Marina Pe rdika Po rte s Mo ni with be a c h bars until late and wate r spo rts, tave rnas, bars and nig ht c lubs

  18. Alternative tourism Hiking the Aegina tr ials Sailing in Ae gina Cyc ling in Aegina

  19. Marketing - brandings www.disc over aegina.gr Interviews Magazines newspapers Fam trips Social media

  20. Marketing - brandings Blue F lag Agia Mar ina beac h

  21. Marketing - brandings T ype of tour ism • seasonal tourism – second residence • religious tourism (Orthodoxs : Greeks , Romanians, Russians etc.) • alternative tourism (sailings, hiking, cycling) • 3S tourism (Sand , Sea and Sun) • Combination with Athens – city break • One day tourism • School tourism • Event tourism

  22. Activities in the Town • Walking • Buy pistachios • Having lunch – dinner / bar – clubbing • Walking in the alleys • Shopping • Visit Apollon Temple • Visit Folklore Museum • Visit Kapodistrian buildings

  23. Port of Aegina

  24. Athens – Aegina…so close Benefits of the close distance 1. Image of Athens City Center has been improved to the media around the globe. 2. Investments in the port of Piraeus. 3. Athens Infrastructure & development : pedestrianization of Panepistimiou Avenue, Museum of Modern Art, Lyrical stage, park of Hellinikon, 4. 150 new flights every week in El. Venizelos airport 5. Campaign : Athens islands

  25. Hotels in Aegina Aegina Hotels 16 x hotels *** x2 ** x8 * x6 8 x studios & apart. **** x1 *** x3 ** x2 * x2

  26. Weaknesses of the tourism • Poor accommodation • Poor facilities and limited park places in the Marina • Poor tourism information • Poor transportation • Kapodistrian buildings not restored yet • Traffic jump and not enough parking places • Noise

  27. Infrastructure Aegina Town • Kapodistrian buildings • Ring road • breakwater • Stadium reconstruction of tartan and the main field island • Water submarine waterline • Water distribution Network • Biological cleaning • Marinas

  28. Our vision for the future • Improve our accommodation facilities (5* hotel in the Aegina Town) and services • Improve the Marina (Aegina Town and surrounding ports) • Finishing all the Kapodistrian buildings (historical center) • Every month a big event (high standards cultural and athletic) • Strengthening the Aegina tourist branding • Utilization of human resources


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