news system environment

News System Environment bbsd Innd Jail Server Requirement(Innd) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

News System Environment bbsd Innd Jail Server Requirement(Innd) Install INN news server and use news reader to read/post it properly Using CNFS and TradSpool for different newsgroups Create a newsgroup na.share to exchange

  1. News System

  2. Environment bbsd Innd Jail Server

  3. Requirement(Innd)  Install INN news server and use news reader to read/post it properly  Using CNFS and TradSpool for different newsgroups  Create a newsgroup na.share to exchange articles with your friend’s news server  Create a moderated newsgroup na.moderated and make yourself as moderator  Create a newsgroup na.mailpost for posting while mail to *.mailpost@yourdomain

  4. Requirement(Innd)  Allow NCTU user to read and post on your news server only  Run news.daily by crontab  Expire all your articles and history database in 14-days  Make sure your logs and innreport(with web server) work well  Reading and posting with CHINESE properly

  5. Requirement(bbsd)  Install bbsd in a Jail environment  Create a bbsborad NAShare to exchange articles with newsgroup na.share from your news server directly  Create a bbsborad NAbbs to exchange articles with your friend’s board through innbbsd  Reading and posting with CHINESE properly

  6. Jail  setenv D /jail/path  Path to jail environment  mkdir -p $D  Create a dictionary  cd /usr/src  make buildworld(If you have built your source, you can skip this step)  Build the world  make installworld DESTDIR=$D  Install the world  make distribution DESTDIR=$D  Install config files to $D/etc  mount -t devfs devfs $D/dev  Mount devfs file system inside jail

  7. Jail (/etc/rc.conf)  ifconfig_NIC_alias0="inet YOUR_IP"  Alias a IP to your jail  Or jail_example_interface in /etc/defaults/rc.conf  jail_enable="YES"  jail_list =“BBS" (Jail lists which will automatically start while booting)  jail_your_jail_name_devfs_enable="YES" (mount devfs)  jail_your_jail_name_hostname =“BBS"  jail_your_jail_name_ip=" YOUR_IP "  jail_your_jail_name_rootdir=" /jail/path “  jail_sysvipc_allow=" YES“  IPC is used by BBS

  8. Jail Start  /etc/rc.d/jail start bbs  /etc/rc.d/jail stop bbs  Manage Jail  jexec jid tcsh  Login the jail use tcsh  Jls  List the jails which are running  JID IP Address Hostname Path  1 /data/Jail/DNS

  9. Jail (i386)  Because there will have some problems while your BBS which runs on amd64.  If your host OS is amd64, you must notice this !!!  You should build your jail into i386  Reference site:  Search key words : “jail target i386”

  10. Reference  Innd  Maple BBS  Jail


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