Photon is our Business Newly Developed Semiconductor Detectors ・ Multi-Pixel Photon Counter (MPPC) HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS K.K. Koei Yamamoto June 27 th 2007 PD07 Kobe CONFIDENTIAL 1 HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Solid State Sol d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business ■ Multi Pixel Photon Counter ( MPPC ) What’s MPPC? Solid state photon counter having Multi pixelated Geiger-mode APDs with self-quenching resistance The MPPC (Multi-Pixel Photon Counter) is developed by HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS K. K. and it is one of the products of Si-PM (Silicon Photo multiplier) family which was originally developed in Russia. HAMAMATSU MPPC is designed as a photon counting device based on structures of a Si APD which was adopted by CERN (CMS). HAMAMATSU named this product MPPC which is a trademark. HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Solid State Sol d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business The candidates of name in SiPM faimily SiPM (Silicon Photo Multiplier) SiPMT (Silicon Photo Multiplier Tube) MRS-APD (Metal Resistive Semiconductor APD) SPM (Silicon Photo Multiplier) MPGM APD (Multi Pixel Geiger-mode APD) AMPD (Avalanche Micro-pixel Photo Diode) SSPM (Solid State Photo Multiplier) GM-APD (Geiger Mode APD) SPAD (Singe Photon Avalanche Diode) MPPC : Multi Pixel Photon Counter HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Solid State Sol d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business What is the structure of MPPC to improve the performances HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Sol Solid State d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business Photo Absorption coefficient of Silicon HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Sol Solid State d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Sol Solid State d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business electron electron holes holes HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Sol Solid State d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business CMS(CERN) APD S 8 6 6 4 - 5 5 Ga i n Un i f o r mi t y ( T y p . M= 5 0 ) S8664-55 Sp ect r a l r es p ons e cur v e 600 120% 1 0 0 % 9 0 % ) 500 100% W 8 0 % / A 7 0 % m 400 80% ( 6 0 % y t ) i v % 5 0 % i ( t 300 60% i E s 4 0 % Q n e 3 0 % s 200 40% o 2 0 % t o 1 0 % h P 100 20% Phot o s ens i t i v i t y 0 % 0 Q E 5 0 0 5 7 . 0 . 5 5 . 2 0 0 0% 0 0 5 . 0 7 . 0 1 . 5 2 . 2 3 . 0 3 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 . 4 5 6 p o s i t i o n ( mm) W a v el eng t h( nm ) HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Solid State Sol d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business E f i e l d s t r e n g t h P + P N N - N + Hamamatsu Reverse Structure APD for CMS ・ A P D s t r u c t u r e u s e d i n t h e e l e c t r o m a g n e t i c C a l o r i m e t e r o f C M S . ・ T h e p / n j u n c t i o n i s f o r m e d i n a n e p i t a x i a l l a y e r w i t h 5 0 μm t h i c k n e s s . ・ B i a s 3 5 0 t o 4 0 0 V t o g e t g a i n 5 0 HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Solid State Sol d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business n + p p - -epi p ++ -subst. N/P-Reach through p + n p + n - -epi p - p n ++ -subst. n + P/N-Reach through N/P-Reach through Back illumination type p + p - -epi n ++ -subst. HPK Reverse structure HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Solid State Sol d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business What are the characteristics of MPPC 1600 pixel 1 0.8 Entries 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 MPPC signal (ADC counts) HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Solid State Sol d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business ■ Specification of 1mm □ , MPPC 1600 100 400 HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Sol Solid State d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business ■ Bias vs. Gain 50 μ m 400pixels 25 μ m 1600pixels 100 μ m 100pixels S10362-11-025U/C S10362-11-050U/C, -100U/C HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Sol Solid State d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business ■ Bias vs. Dark count 25 μ m 1600pixels 50 μ m 400pixels 100 μ m 100pixels S10362-11-025U/C S10362-11-050U/C, -100U/C HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Sol Solid State d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business Photon Detection Efficiency ( PDE ) 100 μ m Pixel ( 100 pixel type ) 50 μ m Pixel ( 400 pixel type ) 25 μ m Pixel ( 1600 pixel type ) ※ including the cross-talk and after pulse HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Solid State Sol d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business ■ Output signal of MPPC Photon counting by pulse height Photon counting by output charge ( liner Amp. ) ( charge Amp. ) HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Sol Solid State d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business Energy Resolution 1 5 0 0 1 7 0 k e V 5 1 1 k e V MPPC: 50mm pitch, 3mm square LSO: 3mm x 3mm x 20mm FWHM @511keV: 13% l 1 0 0 0 e n n a h C r e p t n u o C 5 0 0 1 2 7 5 k e V 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 3 0 0 0 C h a n n e l N u m b e r HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Solid State Sol d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business Gain uniformity ( 400 pixel, 100 samples ) Gain Delta V : 400pixel 100samples × 3 10 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Delta V [V] HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Solid State Sol d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business PDE uniformity ( 400 pixel, 100samples ) PDE Delta V : 400pixel 100samples 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Delta V [V] HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Solid State Sol d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business 1600 pixel Microscopic view S10362-11-025U ( 2006.12 ) HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Sol Solid State d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business Laser Scan in One Pixel • Pin-point scan : YAG laser ( λ = 532 nm) with spot size ~ 1 µ m. • Variation of photon sensitivity and gain in one pixel are evaluated. • Observed variation is 2 ~ 5 % in a sensitive area for the 100 / 400 / 1600 pixel MPPCs. 1600 pixel Sensitivity 1600 pixel Gain Variation ~ 3 % Gain (x 10 5 ) Sensitivity (arbitrary) y-point (1 µ m pitch) y-point (2 µ m pitch) One pixel x-point (1 µ m pitch) x-point (2 µ m pitch) HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Solid State Sol d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business Time resolution at center in different pixel MPPC: MPPC:1mm2 50 μ m pitch HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Sol Solid State d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business Time resolution in one pixel MPPC:1mm2 50 μ m pitch 23 HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Sol Solid State d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business Package Developments HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Sol Solid State d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business Plastic PKG ( 1mm □ × 1ch. ) 4.2 3.2 1.3 HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Sol Solid State d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business SMD PKG ( 1mm □ × 1ch. ) 1.0 2.4 1.9 [mm] HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Sol Solid State d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business SMD PKG ( 3mm □ × 1ch. ) 1.0 4.4 3.9 [mm] HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Sol Solid State d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business CERAMIC PKG ( 3mm □ × 1ch. ) 2.0 7.2 5.9 HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Sol Solid State d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business CERAMIC PKG ( 3mm □ × 4ch. ) 8.1 2.0 8.95 HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Sol Solid State d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business ■ MPPC’s future plan ・ Increase reproducibility and uniformity ・ Large sensitive area , Array and Matrix ・ Enhance PDE ・ Suppress after pulse and cross talk ・ Quenching resistance optimization ・ Package development (small, cheap, rugged) ・ Custom design ( pitch, package, array) HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Solid State Sol d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business Al optical separation and Trench etching Al optical separation Trench etching HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Sol Solid State d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business MPPC Module Features -Employs a Geiger-mode multi-pixel APD(MPPC) -Integrates a signal readout circuit ideal for MPPC -Built-in high-voltage circuit and temperature-compensated circuit -Three types of output: analog, comparator, pulse calculation value -USB interface for easy handling: driven by USB bus power -Compact and light weight HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Solid State Sol d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business MPPC Module block diagram Power ( Use USB bus power ) Output-3 ( pulse calculation value) BUS line Output-1 ( analog out ) Output-2 ( comparator out ) HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Sol Solid State d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business Characteristics(analog output) PC USB Measurement C10507-11-025U C10507-11-050U HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Sol Solid State d State Di Div. v.
Photon is our Business Characteristics(temperature stability of Gain) G a i n t e mp e r a t u r e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s 1 0 8 6 %) 4 ( n i a g f 2 o y t i l i b 0 a t s e r u t - 2 a r e p m e - 4 T - 6 - 8 - 1 0 - 3 0 d e g - 2 0 d e g - 1 0 d e g 0 d e g 1 0 d e g 2 0 d e g 3 0 d e g 4 0 d e g 5 0 d e g 6 0 d e g T e mp e r a t u r e ( ℃ ) HAMAMATSU HAMAMATSU Solid State Sol d State Di Div. v.
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