Newburyport Public Schools FY14 Budget Cost Center Reviews Special Education Schools & Grounds
What is Different in FY14 Student Achievement Programs o Tech Integration (expansion) o AP English o Foreign Language (expansion) o Tech Engineering (expansion) o LLI (Leveled Literacy Intervention) After School & Summer o Place Based Education o Music (expansion) Special Education o Restructuring Services o Increased Outplaced Tuitions
What is Different in FY14 Transportation o Lease Partnership with Youth Services o McKinney-Vento Leadership o Redefine Curriculum Team o Assistant Principal (NHS) Resources (Title I & SPED-92-142 240) Personnel
Increases in FTE & New Staff Subject FTE Reason High School: Assistant Principal 1.0 To support Educator Evaluations .5 Realign of Teaching Sections Teachers 1.0 Expand Instructional Tech Capacity Tech Integrator .25 Library Aide from .55 to .75 Library Middle School: Guidance Counselor 1.0 Counseling Services Tech Engineering Teacher .4 Program Expansion Foreign Language .5 German Language Teacher Molin School: .1 Increase FTE from .6 to .7 Music Teacher Bresnahan School: 1.0 Targeted Instruction Reading Specialist Brown School : .5 Increased Enrollment Kindergarten Teacher 1.6 Increased Enrollment Pre-School Aides
Increases in FTE & New Staff Subject FTE Reason Special Education : 1.0 Program Expansion BCBA (Board Certified Behavior Analyst) .5 Replace Contracted Service Physical Therapist 1.0 Provide Intensive Service Special Education Teacher Curriculum : .1 Increase from .9 to 1.0 Clerical Buildings & Grounds : .5 Grounds Maintenance Maintenance Nurses : .5 Increase from .5 to 1.0 Nurse Leader Total 11.45
Enrollments By School and Year 2011-2014 Grade 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Difference *projected Level Pre-K 85 79 78 -1 Kindergarten 166 152 172 +20 Grade 1 180 172 152 -20 Grade 2 157 179 172 -7 Grade 3 171 154 179 +25 Grade 4 158 184 154 -30 Grade 5 195 165 184 +19 Grade 6 182 191 165 -26 Grade 7 179 186 191 +5 Grade 8 177 181 186 +5 Grade 9 193 194 181 -13 Grade 10 167 196 194 -2 Grade 11 186 168 196 +28 Grade 12 175 186 168 -18 TOTALS 2,371 2,391 2,372 -19
Salaries Contracted Services Supplies Equipment
FY 13 Requested FY 14 $ % Current Budget Staff Budget Change Change Staff Salaries Dir. of Pupil Services 1 $104,892 1 $108,000 $3,108 2.96% District Sped Teachers 2.5 $154,613 3.9 $259,261 $104,648 67.68% HS SPED Teachers 10.2 694,097 11 $720,927 $26,830 3.87% MS SPED Teachers 11.8 760,945 11.5 $780,762 $19,817 2.60% Elem SPED Teachers 18.8 1,201,124 21.4 $1,387,948 $186,824 15.55% Clerical 2.6 $103,668 2.6 $104,266 $598 0.58% SPED Aides 43.3 $856,109 29.3 $635,609 -$220,500 -25.76% Nurse Assistant 1 $49,042 1 $49,042 $0 0% Summer Program $120,000 $120,000 $0 0% Total Salaries 91.2 $4,044,490 81.7 $4,165,815 $121,325 3% Contracted Services Testing Services $4,500 $4,500 $0 0% SPED Tuitions $1,136,130 $1,292,021 $155,891 13.72% Postage/Printing $334 $334 $0 0% SPED Transportation $425,000 $450,000 $25,000 5.88% Travel Reimbursement $2,000 $2,000 $0 0% Membership $666 $675 $9 1.35% Legal $25,000 $25,000 $0 0% Equip. Maintenance $600 $600 $0 0% Other Contracted Serv. $428,445 $403,445 -$25,000 -5.84% Total Contr. Serv. $2,022,675 $2,178,575 $155,900 7.71%
Current FY13 Requested FY14 $ % Staff Budget Staff Budget Change Change Supplies District Supplies $25,000 $25,000 $0 0% Brown Supplies $1,500 $1,500 $0 0% Bresnahan Supplies $4,000 $4,000 $0 0% Molin Supplies $3,000 $3,000 $0 0% Middle School Supplies $5,000 $5,000 $0 0% High School Supplies $4,000 $4,000 $0 0% Total Supplies $42,500 $42,500 $0 0% Equipment Instructional Equipment $0 $0 $0 0% Total Equipment $0 $0 $0 0% Total SPED Budget 91.2 $6,109,665 81.7 $6,386,890 $277,225 4.54% The Special Education Budget shows a modest increase which was accomplished reducing the number of aides assigned to students.
Salaries Contracted Services Supplies Equipment
Current FY13 Requested FY 14 $ % Staff Budget Staff Budget Change Change Salaries Director of Facilities 1 $87,088 1 $99,415 $12,327 14.15% Maintenance Staff 1 $51,506 1.5 $67,253 $15,747 30.57% Custodial Staff 16 $642,696 16 $656,127 $13,431 2.09% HVAC Technician 1 $46,493 1 $51,383 $4,890 10.52% Matron 0.3 $6,374 0.3 $6,501 $127 1.99% Custodial/HVAC Overtime $60,200 $60,200 $0 0% Summer Help $22,500 $22,500 $0 0% Total Salaries 19.3 $916,857 19.8 $963,379 $41,505 4.53% Contracted Services Custodial Uniforms $1,600 $1,600 $0 0% Heating Oil $195,550 $190,750 -$4,800 -2.5% Electricity $351,950 $349,150 -$2,800 -0.8% Natural Gas $127,600 $120,800 -$6,800 -5.3% Telephone $33,700 $33,700 $0 0% Equipment Maintenance $7,500 $5,000 -$2,500 -33.3% Grounds Contr. Services $43,000 $38,000 -$5,000 -11.6% Building Contr. Services $142,750 $145,550 $2,800 2.0% Total Contracted Services $903,650 $884,550 -$19,100 -2.1%
Current FY13 Requested FY 14 $ % Staff Budget Staff Budget Change Change Supplies Custodial/Maintenance $93,800 $87,000 -$6,800 -7.2% HVAC Supplies $16,000 $16,000 $0 0% Total Supplies $109,800 $103,000 -$6,800 0% Equipment Custodial/Maint. Equipment $12,000 $15,500 $3,500 29.2% HVAC Equipment $1,000 $1,000 $0 0% Total Equipment $13,000 $16,500 $3,500 0% Total Budget 19.3 $1,943,307 19.8 $1,967,429 $24,122 1.24% The Operations and Maintenance budget shows a modest increase of only $24,122 which attributed to adding a .5 person to the Maintenance Staff.
Revenue Sources Revenue Source FY13 FY14 Change % Actual Projections City Appropriation $22,550,437 $23,828,827 $1,278,390 5.67% Choice Tuitions $1,084,300 911,828 $172,472 15.9% Circuit Breaker $275,000 213,000 $62,000 22.0% Athletic Receipts & Fees $278,200 278,200 $0 0% Transportation Fees $130,515 130,515 $0 0% Student Activity Fees $18,000 18,000 $0 0% Kindergarten Revolving $375,000 370,000 $5,000 .01% Pre School Revolving $230,000 230,000 $0 0% Title I $0 140,216 $140,216 100% SPED-92-142 240 $0 477,000 $477,000 100% Choice Fund Balance $400,000 298,139 $101,861 25.4% Total Revenue $ 25,341,452 $ 26,895,725 $1,554,273 6.13%
Newburyport Public Schools Public Hearing FY14 School Budget Monday, April 29, 2013 7:00 PM NHS Room 118
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