roselle public schools budget 2019 2020

Roselle Public Schools Budget 2019-2020 Budget Hearing May 6, 2019 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Roselle Public Schools Budget 2019-2020 Budget Hearing May 6, 2019 6:30 PM Dr. James Baker, Interim Superintendent Dr. Lissette Gonzalez-Perez, Assistant Superintendent Mr. Anthony Juskiewicz, Business Administrator Roselle Public Schools

  1. Roselle Public Schools Budget 2019-2020 Budget Hearing May 6, 2019 6:30 PM Dr. James Baker, Interim Superintendent Dr. Lissette Gonzalez-Perez, Assistant Superintendent Mr. Anthony Juskiewicz, Business Administrator

  2. Roselle Public Schools District Facts 1 High School 1 Junior High School 1 Middle School 3 Elementary Schools 1 Kindergarten program 1 Preschool program 460 Budgeted Staff 2,953 Total Enrollment (per 10-15-18 state enrollment count)

  3. Roselle Public Schools BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS 2019-20 ✓ The tax levy is increasing by 2% which is the maximum amount allowed by state law. ✓ 19-20 budget includes an increase for salaries for contract settlement. 18-19 budget included an increase for salaries for contract settlement. ✓ The account lines in the budget were analyzed against prior spending from the last three- year’s budgets . ✓ Increase in transportation costs according to Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 1.05. ✓ Increase to the contribution to the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS)

  4. Roselle Public Schools BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS 2019-20 ✓ A 1% increase was made to gas/electric and water account lines. ✓ Opt out money for health benefits was budgeted to offset 15% to health benefits. ✓ Worker compensation rates are increasing 15%. ✓ Insurance rates are increasing about 9%. ✓ Health Benefits and Prescription are increasing 15%. Vision & Dental rates remain flat. ✓ Visual and Performing arts has included new band uniforms and instruments. ✓ New Smart boards have been incorporated in each schools’ budget .

  5. Roselle Public Schools BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS 2019-20 ✓ Professional development has been increased to achieve higher learning potential. ✓ Final lease payment for chrome books purchased in 2017-18. ✓ Final lease payment for leased vehicles purchased in 2017-18

  6. Roselle Public Schools Appropriations $55,547,896 Appropriations for 19/20 $53,721,611 Appropriations for 18/19 $1,826,285 Dollar Increase from prior year .0328% Percent Increase

  7. Roselle Public Schools State Aid $27,929,041 State Aid for 19/20 $25,552,835 State Aid for 18/19 $2,376,206 Dollar Increase from prior year .092% Percent Increase

  8. Roselle Public Schools School Tax Levy State Aid for $24,630,195 School Tax Levy for 19/20 11/12 State Aid for $24,147,250 School Tax Levy for 18/19 10/11 $482,945 Dollar Increase .02% Percent Increase

  9. Roselle Public Schools School Tax Example ✓ Home Assessed at $250,000 ✓ Average yearly School Tax Increase of $106.00 ✓ Average monthly School Tax Increase $8.83

  10. Roselle Public Schools Th Than ank k yo you! u! Questions can be directed to:

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