new york state offshore wind progress on the master plan

New York State Offshore Wind: Progress on the Master Plan May - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1 New York State Offshore Wind: Progress on the Master Plan May 2018 2 3 4 Regional Context 5 Offshore Wind Master Plan A comprehensive state roadmap for advancing development of offshore wind in a cost-effective and responsible manner

  1. 1 New York State Offshore Wind: Progress on the Master Plan May 2018

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  4. 4 Regional Context

  5. 5 Offshore Wind Master Plan A comprehensive state roadmap for advancing development of offshore wind in a cost-effective and responsible manner Key Elements • Identifies the most favorable areas for potential offshore wind energy development • Describes the economic and environmental benefits of offshore wind energy development • Addresses mechanisms to procure offshore wind energy at the lowest ratepayer cost • Analyzes costs and cost-reduction pathways • Recommends measures to mitigate potential impacts of offshore wind energy development • Identifies infrastructure requirements and assesses existing facilities • Identifies workforce opportunities

  6. 6 Master Plan Supporting Studies and Surveys Environmental Social and Regulatory Economic and Infrastructure • Marine Wildlife Survey • Aviation and Radar Assets • Pipelines, Cable, and Other • Analysis of Multibeam Infrastructure • Health and Safety Echo Sounder and • Ports and Supply Chain • Shipping and Navigation Benthic Survey • Workforce Opportunities in • Cultural Resources • Birds and Bats New York • Cable Landfall Permitting • Environmental Sensitivity • Jones Act Compliant Vessels • Marine Recreational Uses Analysis • Project Cost Projections • Visual Threshold Study • Fish and Fisheries • Offshore Wind Injection • Marine Mammals and Assessment Sea Turtles • Preliminary Wind Resource Assessment • Sand and Gravel Resources • Consideration of Potential Cumulative Effects

  7. 7 Outreach and Engagement • Commercial and Recreational Fishing • Consumer Advocates • Elected Officials • Labor and Business • Long Island and New York City Communities • Non-Governmental Organizations • Offshore Wind Energy Industry • State and Federal Agencies • Submarine Cables and Offshore Infrastructure Owners

  8. 8 Master Plan Updates 1. Identifying Additional Areas for Responsible and Cost-Effective Development 2. Offshore Wind Economics and Opportunities for New York State 3. New York State’s Ongoing Activities to Advance Offshore Wind

  9. 9 Identifying Additional Areas for Responsible and Cost-Effective Development

  10. 10 Initial Offshore Wind Zones for Consideration

  11. 11 NY’s Area for Consideration: Supporting Studies and Surveys • The Master Plan provides the supporting justification for New York’s recommended Area for Consideration • The Master Plan includes more than 20 technical and scientifically supported studies addressing:  Environmental considerations  Social and Regulatory issues  Economic and Infrastructure requirements • Master Plan also informed by robust engagement

  12. 12 Area for Consideration Example: Shipping and Navigation

  13. 13 Area for Consideration Example: Undersea Cables

  14. 14 Area for Consideration Example: Fishing Outreach

  15. 15 Area for Consideration Example: Environmental Sensitivity

  16. 16 Area for Consideration October 2017 New York State identified an Area for Consideration and requested that the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management identify and lease at least four new Wind Energy Areas within the area, each capable of supporting at least 800 MW of offshore wind.

  17. 17 BOEM Call Area and NY Initial Study Zones

  18. 18 BOEM Call Area and NY Initial Study Zones

  19. 19 Renewable Energy Process: From Call to Auction COMMENTS DUE TO BOEM MAY 29, 2018

  20. 20 BOEM Call Areas and NY’s Area for Consideration Comments on the New York Bight Call Areas can be provided to BOEM online at: Comments are due May 29 th

  21. 21 Offshore Wind Economics and Opportunities for New York State

  22. 22 Offshore Wind Supply Chain Manufacturing Staging Installation Operation & Maintenance • Blades are the world’s largest • Components are held at a • Various types of installation • Ports must be located close to fiberglass component cast in staging area for loading onto vessels are used, including wind energy areas to react one piece the installation vessel jack-up, support and cable lay quickly to system failures vessels • Scale of blades, nacelles, • To manage installation costs, • Vessels visit the site daily to towers and foundations staging area should be • Towers are typically perform scheduled and requires manufacturing at located close to wind energy transported vertically, creating unscheduled maintenance portside facilities areas air draft constraints • Oversight includes turbine components as well as all electrical components

  23. 23 Next Steps in Advancing New York’s Supply Chain Workforce Development – New York universities, technical schools, trade 1 programs, and organized labor groups will work together to determine how to best prepare New Yorkers for the industry’s near-term needs. Manufacturing – NYSERDA is creating an inventory of New York companies 2 and organizations that may be able to contribute to the offshore wind industry. This will be a public resource to help global companies develop local partnerships. Port Infrastructure – NYSERDA is taking a closer look at what existing New 3 York port facilities are best suited to serve the O&M, manufacturing, and installation phases of an offshore wind project. This will be a tool for the offshore wind industry as it seeks logistics solutions in the Northeast region.

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  26. 26 Delivering the 800 MW Goal NYSERDA has provided the New York Public Service Commission (PSC) with options on a wide range of policy issues to successfully deliver the first phase (at least 800 MW) of offshore wind energy to New York. The PSC will issue an Order selecting solutions to these policy issues. The PSC has requested public feedback on NYSERDA’s options, with the public comment period ending June 4 . The open comment period focuses on questions such as: • Who should buy the power? • How should project risks be shared? • How will the projects be evaluated? • How are costs shared?

  27. 27 New York State’s Ongoing Activities to Advance Offshore Wind

  28. 28 Future Studies and Analysis Metocean Air Quality Wildlife Supply Chain • Improve characterization of • Explore undertaking a detailed • Collaboration with appropriate • Collaborate with industry to the wind, wave and ocean assessment of the air quality federal and state agencies, study how New York can best current environment. and health impacts of universities and scientists to support the OSW supply achieving New York’s 2030 collect baseline data. chain. • Useful in refining project goals. layouts and reducing project • Map seasonal patterns to • Analyze technical challenges uncertainty. • Refine the understanding of assist the identification of to envision a path forward for the hourly impacts of offshore important habitat areas and the broader US industry. wind generation in relation to predict future areas of high the demands of the grid. use.

  29. 29 Metocean Measurements to Support Offshore Wind Energy Development Collect wind speed and oceanographic measurements (for 2 or more years) • NYSERDA is seeking proposals, and encouraging coordination with regional scientists • Data will be made publicly available, some in real-time.

  30. 30 Marine Wildlife Aerial Survey

  31. 31 Research and Development • Component design • Systems design • Operational controls • Monitoring systems • Manufacturing processes Seeking to invest $20,000,000+ Kicking off in 2018

  32. 32 Continued Outreach and Engagement • New York State is remaining actively engaged with a wide diversity of interested stakeholder parties • Hosting public quarterly webinars • Hosting open house events: – May 7, Southampton, NY: Southampton Inn – May 8, Melville, NY: Long Island Association

  33. 33 Technical Working Groups Commercial and Environmental Maritime Jobs and Supply Chain Recreational Fishing • Development of Wildlife Best • Development of Fisheries • Development of Maritime Best • Facilitate the connection of Management Practices. Best Management Practices. Management Practices. local manufacturers with global OSW developers and • Coordination for adaptive • Identification of research • Define strategies that could equipment manufacturers. management. needs and coordination. help members engage effectively with OSW • Ensure certification and • Identification of research • Development of a framework development. training requirements are clear needs and coordination. for understanding commercial and readily available. fishing impacts. • Commitment to smart development • Improved Communications • Lead: NYSERDA • Lead: NYSERDA • Lead: NYS Dept. of State • Lead: NYS Dept. of (DOS) Environmental Conservation (DEC)

  34. 34 State and Federal Activities and Processes Status


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