NEW AGE SERVICES CORPORATION (NASC) Quality Improvement Plan Karen Elliott, Associate Clinical Director
N EW A GE S ERVICES C ORPORATION H ISTORY New Age Services Corporation was established in May of 1984, and received its initial licensing and funding from the State of Illinois on December 1, 1984. Known then as the Substance Abuse and Alcoholism Treatment Center (SAATC), the agency was located in Chicago's old Maxwell Street area. In 1998 NASC relocated to the North Lawndale community and continued providing outpatient OMT services relocated Since then, we’ve provided adult outpatient substance use and abuse recovery services in the communities of North and South Lawndale, Austin, East and West Garfield Park, Humboldt Park, as well as the town of Cicero since 1998. NASC began providing domestic violence programs and parent education services in 1994 in response to our patients' difficulties in maintaining their recovery due to family violence. Our HIV/AIDS services started in 1988, and we have recently begun offering preventive health services to our patients, including TB testing and hepatitis vaccinations. In 2010, the agency began providing Substance Abuse Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) services for both local health centers and HIV ambulatory/support service agencies. We began providing mental health screening, assessments, and counseling in 2012, and we continue to develop new programs to meet the needs of our patients and community. As a recipient of Ryan White Part A NASC provides a variety of psychosocial services such as support and counseling activities, HIV support groups, and nutritional counseling that is facilitated by a non-registered dietitian. Our nonprofit organization has provided adult outpatient drug treatment services for countless thousands of individuals, families, and significant others during our 30 years of service, and we currently serve approximately 1,200 patients each year, approximately 80% of which do not have financial resources to pay for treatment services. Our person-centered approach in determining how to best meet the needs of the individual has proven quite successful, and the “identification and meeting of patients' treatment needs" is a program characteristic associated with treatment’s success.
N EW A GE S ERVICES C ORPORATION Q UALITY I MPROVEMENT P LAN Ensure that chart distinguish Ryan White psychosocial services as opposed to mental health and or substance abuse services. Replace Ryan White Psychosocial Coordinator Target date: 5/1/2017 Coordinator to recreate assessment in alignment with required services. Target date: 5/1/2017 The treatment plan will identify problems specific to psychosocial services provided. Target date: 5/1/2017 Coordinator will create a sample flow psychosocial chart. This chart will be used to train staff and guide the internal utilization team’s ability to audit charts. Target date: 7/1/2017
N EW A GE S ERVICES C ORPORATION Q UALITY I MPROVEMENT P LAN Ensure that all Ryan White psychosocial charts are transferred from paper charts to an Electronic Health Record (EHR) Integrate software update inclusive of Ryan White Psychosocial Aftercare Services Target date: 5/10/2017 Electronic Health Record (EHR), will consist of all documentation of client’s services. Target date: 5/10/2017 To provide NASC the ability to maintain all client related data to be held in the in accordance to HIPPA regulations. Target date: 5/10/2017
N EW A GE S ERVICES C ORPORATION S UCCESSES AND B ARRIERS Repositioning our staff and placing a more skilled individual in the Coordinator’s role Recreating our assessments and engaging the client center approach when developing their treatment plan. Creating a flow chart and implementing the Ryan White psychosocial charts in agency’s current utilization agenda. Target date: 3/1/2018 Man power and time has not allowed cross training for this program. Target date: 6/1/2018 Current resource has not allowed for the implementation of software needed for this program. Target date:6/1/2018
N EW A GE S ERVICES C ORPORATION Questions Karen Elliott Jeanette Usher
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