public eir scoping meeting

PUBLIC EIR SCOPING MEETING City of Santa Monica City of Santa Monica - PDF document

05/17/2013 M IRAMAR H OTEL P ROJECT PUBLIC EIR SCOPING MEETING City of Santa Monica City of Santa Monica PCR Services Corporation PCR Services Corporation May 16, 2013 1 05/17/2013 INTRODUCTION & MEETING PURPOSE Welcome and introductions

  1. 05/17/2013 M IRAMAR H OTEL P ROJECT PUBLIC EIR SCOPING MEETING City of Santa Monica City of Santa Monica PCR Services Corporation PCR Services Corporation May 16, 2013 1

  2. 05/17/2013 INTRODUCTION & MEETING PURPOSE  Welcome and introductions City staff / PCR Services Corp., environmental consultant  Meeting purpose Inform community & agencies – beginning EIR process Solicit input – EIR scope Inform community about future opportunities for input  Meeting agenda Project overview / CEQA / Provide public comments at stations City of Santa Monica Miramar Hotel Project– EIR Scoping Meeting 2

  3. 05/17/2013 PROJECT LOCATION City of Santa Monica Miramar Hotel Project– EIR Scoping Meeting 3

  4. 05/17/2013 PROJECT LOCATION City of Santa Monica Miramar Hotel Project– EIR Scoping Meeting 4

  5. 05/17/2013 PROJECT COMPONENTS OVERVIEW Existing Proposed Miramar Hotel Project Components Guest Rooms 302 280 Food/Beverage Space (SF) 3,796 12,500 Meeting Space (SF) 21,225 14,100 Retail (SF) 525 9,300 Spa/Fitness (SF) 5,569 13,484 Market-Rate Residential Units n/a up to 120 Open Space Coverage (overall on site) ~36% ~56% Open Space Areas  Public Plaza and Gardens ~10,000 SF  Private Hotel Open Space ~ one acre (43,500 SF) Total Floor Area (SF) 262,284 536,340 Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 1.4 2.8 (excluding ~32,600 SF below grade per SM Code) City of Santa Monica Miramar Hotel Project– EIR Scoping Meeting 5

  6. 05/17/2013 PROJECT COMPONENTS OVERVIEW Existing Proposed Miramar Hotel Project Components n/a up to 40 Affordable Residential Units – Second Street Parcel Maximum Building Heights  Palisades Building (existing to remain) ~74’ ~74’  Ocean Building (replaces Ocean Tower) 21-stories / ~262’ + 105’ and 135’ 58’ for architectural element  California Building six-stories / ~68’ n/a  Wilshire Building four-stories / ~65’ + ~28’ (replaces Administration Building) 16’ for architectural element Parking Spaces 167 Total up to 484 (excluding new spaces at 2 nd Street Parcel) (excluding 60 spaces available at 100 Wilshire Blvd) City of Santa Monica Miramar Hotel Project– EIR Scoping Meeting 6

  7. 05/17/2013 SITE PLAN Motor court & subterranean garage entrance garage entrance Moreton Bay Fig Tree Miramar Gardens Public plaza & garden City of Santa Monica Miramar Hotel Project– EIR Scoping Meeting 7

  8. 05/17/2013 PROJECT RENDERING City of Santa Monica Miramar Hotel Project– EIR Scoping Meeting 8

  9. 05/17/2013 PROJECT RENDERING City of Santa Monica Miramar Hotel Project– EIR Scoping Meeting 9

  10. 05/17/2013 PROJECT RENDERING Architectural element / ~320’ 15-stories / ~173’ 21-stories / ~262’ Three & four-stories / ~32’ / ~50’ / ~65’ Architectural element / ~81’ Six-stories / ~68’ *Existing ~74’ Palisades Building at Second Street/California Avenue would remain in hotel use City of Santa Monica Miramar Hotel Project– EIR Scoping Meeting 10

  11. 05/17/2013 SCOPING MEETING OBJECTIVES  Provide information about Miramar Hotel Project  Provide information on Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Process  Identify environmental issues for analysis in EIR  Solicit community input on environmental issues to be studied in EIR Meeting is for community input only – City is at the beginning of environmental review process City of Santa Monica Miramar Hotel Project– EIR Scoping Meeting 11

  12. 05/17/2013 CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA)  Purpose: inform decision ‐ makers and public of a project’s potential environmental effects Applies to discretionary projects  Increases public understanding of and participation in environmental review process  Discloses potential impacts on the environment  Identifies ways to avoid or reduce potential impacts through mitigation measures or alternatives City of Santa Monica Miramar Hotel Project– EIR Scoping Meeting 12

  13. 05/17/2013 OVERVIEW OF CEQA PROCESS  Notice of Preparation (NOP) 30 ‐ day public comment period (5/1/13 through 6/3/13 ) Public Scoping Meeting  Prepare & Publish Draft EIR 45 ‐ day public review  Prepare & Publish Final EIR Response to comments on Draft EIR Corrections or additions to Draft EIR  City Considers Final EIR and Project Public Hearing before City Planning Commission Public Hearing before City Council City of Santa Monica Miramar Hotel Project– EIR Scoping Meeting 13

  14. 05/17/2013 THE CEQA EIR PROCESS Prepare/Distribute Notice of Preparation Prepare Final EIR Including (30 ‐ day review period) Response to Comments Review of Responses by Public Scoping Meeting Commenting Agencies Prepare Draft EIR Planning Commission Hearing Prepare Public Notice City Council Hearing of Draft EIR Availability Public and Agency Review of Draft EIR File Notice of Determination (45 days) = Opportunities for Public Input City of Santa Monica Miramar Hotel Project– EIR Scoping Meeting 14

  15. 05/17/2013 PRELIMINARY SCOPE: ENVIRONMENTAL TOPICS FOR ANALYSIS IN EIR  Aesthetics  Geology and Soils (including Shadows)  Neighborhood Effects  Air Quality  Land Use and Planning  Biological Resources  Noise  Cultural Resources  Transportation and  Construction Effects Circulation  Greenhouse Gas/  Mandatory Findings of Climate Change Significance City of Santa Monica Miramar Hotel Project– EIR Scoping Meeting 15

  16. 05/17/2013 OPPORTUNITIES FOR PUBLIC COMMENT  Public Comments on Scope, Focus, Content of EIR Provide comments at stations Form for written comments provided hand to staff or mail/drop ‐ off: Roxanne Tanemori, AICP City of Santa Monica – City Planning Division 1685 Main Street, Room 212 Santa Monica, California 90401 E ‐ mail comments: Comments accepted through June 3, 2013 City of Santa Monica Miramar Hotel Project– EIR Scoping Meeting 16

  17. 05/17/2013 PROVIDE PUBLIC COMMENTS AT STATIONS Station 1: Station 4:  Project Description  Cultural Resources  Air Quality – construction & operational Station 2:  Greenhouse Gas/Climate Change  CEQA and City Process  Noise – construction & operational Station 3: Station 5:  Aesthetics/Shade ‐ Shadows  Traffic/Circulation/Parking –  Geology and Soils construction & operational  Land Use and Planning Station 6:  Other Issues/Topics  Extra comment cards & drop ‐ box City of Santa Monica Miramar Hotel Project– EIR Scoping Meeting 17


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