ICA-CEDIA-KULeuven Conference 10 to 13 June 2009 University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna Department of Water, Atmosphere and Environment research for development forum Networking in a Development Cooperation Context, with Focus on Sustainable Resource Management in Ethiopia Loiskandl Willibald ICA-CEDIA-KULeuven Conference 10 to 13 June 2009
Introduction Sources: • 6 framework project http://waterman.boku.ac.at � Dissemination • CGIAR-Project “Impact of Irrigation on Poverty & Environment in Ethiopia ( IIE )” � Research • Capacity building in universities � education and research ICA-CEDIA-KULeuven Conference 10 to 13 June 2009
Introduction Water plays a crucial role for reducing poverty and increasing food insecurity . Africa in general and Ethiopia in particular have a high potential for irrigation development and a need for a sustainable resource management . IIE: In Ethiopia, irrigation schemes have been promoted for long, yet few research activities of the impact of irrigation schemes have been conducted. WATERMAN: Even less activities are performed on dissemination. ICA-CEDIA-KULeuven Conference 10 to 13 June 2009
Waterman Researchers Researchers NGOs NGOs Extension Extension Dissemination of research results in semi-arid and arid Sustainable ecosystems with a focus on sustainable water resource Resource Donors Donors Management management in Ethiopia Community Community Policy makers Policy makers Farmers Farmers ICA-CEDIA-KULeuven Conference 10 to 13 June 2009
Participant structure IIE Impact of Irrigation on Poverty & Environment in Ethiopia Uni-Europe Companies Farmer 9% 10% Uni-Africa 0% 11% Goverment 24% Research-Inst Total participant No. 126 23% NGO's Final Symposium 23% ICA-CEDIA-KULeuven Conference 10 to 13 June 2009
Participant structure Waterman Companies Uni-Europe Farmer 4% 11% 15% Goverment 9% 40 NGO's Uni-Africa 9% Research-Inst 35 41% 11% 30 No. Participant 25 20 15 10 5 0 Research- Uni-Europe Uni-Africa NGO's Goverment Farmer companies Total participant No. 247 Inst 4 21 7 6 4 10 6 WS1 7 36 4 1 1 8 3 WS2 9 28 2 3 8 18 1 WS3 7 18 13 13 8 0 1 Symposium ICA-CEDIA-KULeuven Conference 10 to 13 June 2009
Waterman: Specific activities • Linking universities in Ethiopia and connecting them with partner universities in Europe. Cluster strategy is relatively new in Sub Saharan countries. • Connecting the participating universities with stakeholders (NGOs and local and regional policy makers). • Using modern technology for communication. Forster information transfer. • Establishing relations with and amongst farmers . To ensure end user participation and to learn with and from farmers ICA-CEDIA-KULeuven Conference 10 to 13 June 2009
Waterman: Key assumptions • Focus of research activities on knowledge generation • The majority of research is left sitt ing on the shelf, in papers and journals Knowledge is not in the right format, language or location Research does not always resp onds to a need on the ground WATERMAN project aimed to ‘ bridge the gap between research publication and implementation of research results ‘ ICA-CEDIA-KULeuven Conference 10 to 13 June 2009 Juni 09
Waterman Thinking differently about dissemination • Platforms for multilevel interactions for sharing and networking • Identification of applicably research results and gap analysis in a regional context • Trying out innovative approaches to dissemination, explore best practices • Bringing together a wide range of stakeholders. ICA-CEDIA-KULeuven Conference 10 to 13 June 2009 Juni 09
IIE: Guideline for irrigation • Generate information to improve the performance of irrigated agriculture, enhance benefits by minimizing negative externalities. • Guide future irrigation investments , fill knowledge gaps of impacts on economy, society and environment. • Address specific health and poverty alleviation issues. • Enhance capacity of inter-disciplinary research and its implementation for policy. Guidelines for assessing the impact of irrigation investment. ICA-CEDIA-KULeuven Conference 10 to 13 June 2009
IIE: Project realisation • Impact analyses of irrigation investments at a broad national scale • Case studies of irrigation schemes • Synthesis of the results • Developing, testing and refining irrigation impact evaluation methodologies and guidelines ICA-CEDIA-KULeuven Conference 10 to 13 June 2009
Waterman: dissemination activities • Networking: http://waterman.boku.ac.at • 3 Workshops in Ethiopia focused on sharing key water research. • Hawassa University • Haram aya University • Mekelle University • International Symposium “Mobilising water research for development: Thinking differently about dissemination” • Project Plan Award competition & a special Gender Prize ICA-CEDIA-KULeuven Conference 10 to 13 June 2009
Waterman: Workshop II Hawassa University Water supply and integrated water resource management Covered Topics: Spring development techniques; Water Conservation measures; Sand filter technology Used Dissemination Tools : Presentation, Demonstration, Poster exhibition, Field Visits , Group discussion (World Café), Action Planning , Gap analysis ICA-CEDIA-KULeuven Conference 10 to 13 June 2009
Waterman: Workshop III Haramaya University - Soil fertility and salinity Covered Topics: Soil Salinisation Problems in the Middle Awash, Use of organic manure to increase soil fertility and productivity, etc. Used Dissemination Tools: Presentation, Demonstrations - Biofertilizer, Mushroom Production; Field Visits, Group discussion : Scientific topics, Ways of Dissemination and Constrains, Indigenous Knowledge. ICA-CEDIA-KULeuven Conference 10 to 13 June 2009
Waterman: Workshop IV Mekelle University - Water management, irrigation and groundwater utilization Covered Topics: Use of groundwater, Hand dug wells, Recharging practices for shallow hand dug wells. Used Dissemination Tools: Presentation, Poster exhibition, Field Visits , Group discussion: Dissemination formats , Identification of Research Demands & Knowledge gaps, Information needs. ICA-CEDIA-KULeuven Conference 10 to 13 June 2009
International Symposium “Mobilising water research for development: Thinking differently about dissemination” Covered Topics: Use of Innovative print materials (Visual display), Innovative interactions (farmers meetings), Innovative media (Documentary, Software), Dissemination formats Open Space: for people to hold discussions or share knowledge and experiences of their own. Market place: for people to present examples of their dissemination methods or to do dissemination of their research results in marketplace via posters, literature, photos, websites etc. ICA-CEDIA-KULeuven Conference 10 to 13 June 2009
Project plan Award • Designed for the definition and planning of high impact, sustainable water management projects • motivate young researchers Benefits of the award: • Invitation of winners to international symposium "WATERMAN". • Fellowship • Project application will be provided • Intellectual property stays with project proposer • Improve proposal writing skills through supervision and monitoring Source: Matula, CULS ICA-CEDIA-KULeuven Conference 10 to 13 June 2009
Gender Award “ Use Treadle Pump- Drip Irrigation Set Combination for Small Scale Vegetable Production by Women in Ethiopia “ Tigist G/Micheal & Mitslal G/slassie Haramaya University ICA-CEDIA-KULeuven Conference 10 to 13 June 2009
Conclusions • Opportunity to see the use of various dissemination mechanisms • Dissemination is equally important to knowledge generation • Research needs to get into the hands of end users • Researchers need contact with end users; Feedback from communities • End users should set the agenda • End users and Target Groups could be variable • Need of consistent policy from the top • Role of extension workers Final project goal: motivate participants through successful project experiences and sharing information between stakeholders to work closer together for the benefit of regional development . ICA-CEDIA-KULeuven Conference 10 to 13 June 2009
Contact University of Agricultural Sciences Vienna Department of Water, Atmosphere and Environment Institute of Hydraulics and Rural Water Management Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU) Department für Wasser – Atmosphäre – Umwelt Institut für Hydraulik und landeskulturelle Wasserwirtschaft Thank you for your attention Willibald Loiskandl Muthgasse 18, A-1190 Wien, AUSTRIA Tel.: +43 1 36006 5451, Fax: +43 1 36006 5499 Willibald.Loiskandl@boku.ac.at, http://ihlww.boku.ac.at ICA-CEDIA-KULeuven Conference 10 to 13 June 2009
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