needham public schools

Needham Public Schools Superintendents FY21 Operating Budget - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Needham Public Schools Superintendents FY21 Operating Budget Request FY21 Budget Hearing Needham School Committee January 21, 2020 Portrait of a Needham Graduate Portrait of a Needham Graduate Strategic Priorities 2020-2025 PRIORITY #2

  1. Needham Public Schools Superintendent’s FY21 Operating Budget Request FY21 Budget Hearing Needham School Committee January 21, 2020 Portrait of a Needham Graduate


  3. FY21 Budget Overview Budget Overview FY 20/21 Superintendent's Recommended Operating Budget Expenditures by Program Area $80,943,823 FY20: $76,005,765 K-12 Student High School Support 12% Services 34% FY21 Proposed: Middle Schools $80,943,823 10% K-12 Elementary Academic $4,938,058 (6.5%) Schools Specialists 18% 15% Increase over FY20 General General Services Administration 8% 3% 2

  4. FY21 Budget Proposed Increases • Contractual Salary Increases* $2,933,544 • Level Service* $1,903,881 $100,633 • Program Improvements Plus, Total FY21 Budget Request: $4,938,058 * Opens the door to a similar and “level” service for students, families & staff 3

  5. FY21 Budget Proposed Increases • 6.5% Increase over FY20 0.10% 2.50% 3.90% Contracts Level Service Program Improvement 4

  6. FY21 Budget Context: Enrollment Historical Enrollment FY06-FY20 *FT21 Projected 5900 5800 5771 5721 5706 5665 5700 5588 5582 5600 5523 5521 5500 5476 5434 5377 5400 5317 5300 5200 5129 5082 5100 5053 4965 5000 4900 4800 4700 4600 5

  7. FY21 Proposed Increases: Staff • Grades 1-12 Classroom and 12.17 FTE Special Education Teachers • Paraprofessionals, 4.8 FTE Administration, Support Total FY21 FTE Request: 16.97 FTE

  8. FY21 Budget: Benchmark Data ✔ 2019 Middle School Class Size Comparison 25 23.5 24 22.9 22.8 23 22.1 21.7 21.7 22 20.6 20.5 21 19.9 20 19 18.0 18 17 16 15 7

  9. FY21 Budget: Benchmark Data ✔ 2019 Elementary Class Size Comparison 22.0 21.4 21.5 21.2 21.0 21.0 21.0 21.0 20.8 20.7 20.5 20.0 19.7 19.5 19.5 19.0 18.6 18.5 18.0 17.5 17.0 Natick Needham Weston Wayland Medfield Newton Franklin Winchester Wellesley Dedham 8

  10. FY21 Budget: Benchmark Data ✔ FY19 Student: Teacher Ratio 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 9

  11. FY21 Proposed Increases: Middle School & High School Staff • Grades 7-8 Classroom Teachers – 2.4 FTE Core and Elective Teachers to address enrollment growth of 60+ students • Grades 9-12 Classroom Teachers – 1.5 FTE math, English, social studies teachers for enrollment growth & interdisciplinary teaching

  12. FY21 Proposed Increases: Assistant Principals Assistant Principals provide vital administrative and leadership • capacity at the building level: – They help the principal and staff build a strong, positive, and inclusive school culture – They assist all students to grow, accept responsibility, and build relationships – They provide support, guidance, and direction to families and caregivers – They work closely with staff, including nurse, guidance, School Resource Officer, & others to meet student and school needs & ensure school and student safety/wellbeing – They supervise teachers and TAs and provide support, ideas, and suggestions for growth and improvement – Needham’s Assistant Principals act as “co-pilots” with their principal in leading each school

  13. FY21 Proposed Increases: Assistant Principals 0.8 FTE Assistant Principal Positions to improve student & school support and ensure equity among schools NHS Pollard The goal is to keep within High Rock a range of 560 to 660 K-5 students per AP Newman Mitchell Williams Eliot Broadmeadow - 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 Students Per 1.0 FTE Assistant Principal Recommended Ratio Base Ratio

  14. FY21 Budget Context: Inclusive Learning Focus is on building capacity and ensuring equity for all students in an inclusive learning environment that supports our strategic priorities. We do this through provision of a continuum of programs and services for students. Budget includes additional special education staff, English Language Learners (ELL), & school counselors to address increased student needs & enrollment ● Strengthen specialized programs for students with Autism and Emotional Disabilities (Connections, Transitions, Middle School Autism) ● Meet target caseloads for special education liaisons, related service providers, ELL teachers, and counselors 13

  15. FY21 Budget: Student Services • Increased tuition costs and $1,339,787 student needs require additional funding • In order to meet student needs in an equitable manner with targeted student loads will require additional staff 10.19 FTE 14

  16. FY21 Budget Context: Special Education Enrollment SPECIAL EDUCATION ENROLLMENT Needham State 18 18 18 18 18 18 17.2 16.3 15.5 15.2 16.18 14.5 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 15

  17. FY21 Budget: Benchmark Data ✔ 16

  18. FY21 Budget Context: Special Education Liaison Caseload - Elementary 17

  19. FY21 Budget Context: School Counselor Caseload 18

  20. FY21 Budget Context: Speech Therapy Caseloads 19

  21. FY21 Budget Context: English Language Learners Caseloads 20

  22. FY21 Budget Context: English Language Learners Caseloads Comparison 21

  23. FY21 Budget Context: Special Education Out Of District Percentage 22

  24. FY21 Budget Proposed Reductions Level Service Item Cost Note iPad Carts 09,000 Defer to FY22 iPad Repairs 12,376 Reallocate/reduce other service Learning Ally Sub. 02,000 Defer to FY22 Perf. Report Mail 09,000 Defer to FY22/Seek grant WL Cart 19,000 Defer to FY22 Access Points 11,300 Defer to FY22 Emergency manuals 01,000 Defer to FY22 Employee Program 02,500 Reallocate/Defer to FY22 Salary/Contracts 04,243 Line item readjusted Music Accompanist 8,460 Reduced assistance 1.0 FTE teacher 70,356 Kindergarten teacher not needed .3 FTE PMS teacher 21,107 Music/Perf. Arts, reduced request .1 FTE NHS Counselor 07,035 Reduced request Subtotal Level Service Reductions: $177,377 23

  25. FY21 Budget Proposed Reductions Program Imp. Item Cost Note Teacher Leaders 07,765 Defer to FY22 Budgeting Tool 21,250 Defer to FY22 High Rock materials 01,000 Already reduced/ Defer to FY22 Perf. Report Mail 09,000 Defer to FY22/Seek grant Language Subtotal Program Improvement Service Reductions: $030,015 Subtotal Level Service Service Reductions: $177,377 Total Reductions from Original (12/10) Proposal: $207,392 24

  26. Deferred Needs: • Da Vinci Lab Program Specialist • Administrative support for Math intervention, Fine and Performing Arts, and World Languages • Clerical support at Needham High School • Curriculum materials and textbooks • Co-curricular stipends for student activities • Finance management systems 25

  27. FY21 Budget: Benchmark Data ✔ 2019 MCAS ELA % Meeting or Exceeding Expectations-Grade 10 90 90 89 88 87 86 85 85 84 84 84 83 79 78 77 73 67 64 59 57 26

  28. FY21 Budget: Benchmark Data ✔ 2019 MCAS Math % Meeting or Exceeding Expectations-Grade 10 94 91 91 89 89 88 88 88 87 87 86 84 83 83 82 79 71 64 63 62 27

  29. FY21 Budget: Benchmark Data ✔ Percent of 2019 AP scores 3 to 5 100.0 95.7 94.0 93.6 95.0 93.3 92.7 91.6 91.4 91.2 91.1 90.7 90.7 89.4 90.0 88.4 88.2 85.4 85.2 85.0 81.8 80.0 75.0 73.4 68.9 70.0 65.0 60.0 57.1 55.0 28

  30. FY21 Budget: Benchmark Data ✔ FY19 Average Tax Bill $20,000 $17,500 $15,000 $12,500 $10,000 $7,500 $5,000 $2,500 29

  31. ✔ FY21 Budget: Benchmark Data FY18 Per Pupil Expenditures $26,000 $23,000 $20,000 $17,000 $14,000 $11,000 $8,000 $5,000 30

  32. Needham Public Schools Superintendent’s FY21 Operating Budget Request: Next Steps • December/January - Finance Committee, School Committee & School Administration Review Budget • December 11 – Finance Committee/School Committee budget workshop • January 7 - Town Manager consults with School Committee • January 21 - Public Hearing on School Budget • January 22 - Finance Committee Reviews School Budget • January 28 - School Committee Votes School Budget Portrait of a Needham Graduate

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