1 WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Division of Management Services DOC-544A (Rev. 4/01) LESSON PLAN Lesson Title Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) - December 2015 Presentation Guide Notes to Trainer Needed Supplies/Equipment- BEFORE TRAINING: Projector/screen/clicker Greet attendees, request that they sign- Laptop/cords/batteries /mouse in on DOC-548 and encourage Speakers for videos Myth/Fact Exercise. QPR PowerPoint disc/flash drive (BTM approved) Flip chart & markers and/or Paper & pens for exercises Have booklets/Evaluations/Myth-Fact QPR booklets with cards/QPR Trainer List/DOC and worksheet on tables before participants community resources/Evaluations/DOC-548 Training arrive. Log/Myth-Fact worksheet Candy for participation! (optional) Introduction- Welcome and thank you for coming! Housekeeping – restroom--Breaks I am………. Here’s a little background information about how we got here today: a couple years ago, some DOC staff members attended Mary Van Houte’s training; Mary is a suicide prevention educator and trainer who works for the QPR Institute. The staff enjoyed her training so much that they wanted to bring QPR training to DOC. They filed a grant request with the Charles E. Kubly Foundation. The Charles E. Kubly Foundation is a public charity that uses donations to fund “quality mental health projects that aim to reduce suicide and the stigma associated with depression”. They received the grant money and the DOC graciously matched the funding. Starting in 2016, DOC is offering QPR training, staff suicide prevention training, to all staff! Okay, that being said let’s begin… Learning Objective- Following short lecture, group activity, discussion and distributed material, participants will be able to: 1) Explain what QPR means 2) Identify risk factors and early warning signs of suicide 3) Apply QPR principals to help save a life OR find someone who can
2 There are a few things that we want you to keep in mind: we realize that many people have been touched by suicide in some way and that this may be an uncomfortable topic. We want to remind you that this is a safe classroom; what is said in this classroom stays in this classroom and what it learned in this classroom leaves the classroom. Knowing that it can be a sensitive topic, we ask that you please respect the feelings of everyone here today. And one last thing, if you have recently lost someone to suicide, this training may be too difficult. We encourage you to take care of yourselves and if you need to leave, that’s OK; just know that one of us may follow you to make sure that you are OK. To put things into perspective, let’s start by talking about suicide statistics. In the US, suicide is the 10 th leading cause of death. These are the 2013 statistics from the CDC taken from the National Vital Statistics Report. Suicide is also the 10 th leading cause of death in Wisconsin. These are the 2013 Wisconsin statistics from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. Wisconsin 2013 Statistics Is suicide more common than we thought? ( solicit responses ) Ca use of De a th All Ag e s Suic ide 854 Mo to r Ve hic le 561 These statistics are only reflecting reported data Ho mic ide 178 Knowing that, there may also be many unreported deaths by suicide and these numbers may be low. Wisc o nsin De pa rtme nt o f He a lth Se rvic e s, Divisio n o f Pub lic He a lth, For example: if someone overdoses and is treated in the Offic e o f He a lth Info rma tic s, “Wisc o nsin De a ths, 2013” pub lishe d Ma rc h 2015. ICU; let’s say that their liver fails from the medication and they die. The death is reported as liver failure, not as suicide. We have looked at the state and national data, but how about us? Since 1998, Wisconsin DOC has lost 39 Correctional WI DOC Statistics Professional to suicide. That equals more than two of us Sinc e 1998, Wisc o nsin DOC per year. This is why we are we here today. ha s lo st 39 Co rre c tio na l Pro fe ssio na ls to Suic ide = It’s unfortunately fair to assume that at this rate, in the Mo re tha n 2 o f us pe r ye a r next 15 years, another 30 of us will be lost if we do nothing to help. Who are they? Are they here today? We have to ask to find out and help save lives!
3 Staff leap in response to crisis in at our worksites. We run blindly to save each other in business….that’s what we do. But how about in real life? Do we do this only because we are in pay status? Today you learn about your role as a gatekeeper and you may be asking yourself, what is a gatekeeper? QPR QP A gatekeeper is anyone in a position to recognize a crisis and take action. This is not treatment, but a citizen Ask a Que stio n, Save a L ife emergency response to a crisis: Awareness, Surveillance, Detection Dr. Paul Quinnett created QPR in the 80’s for an elderly population in WA that he served when he saw several suicides with them. QPR reduced the risk of suicide and lowered the suicide rate. He noted law enforcement officers and Corrections as QP QPR higher risk groups compared to the average population. Why do you think that we are at higher risk? Does our culture affect our risk? ( solicit responses ) Que stio n, Pe rsuade , Re fe r QPR is a nationally recognized program with Law Enforcement and Corrections both on the county and state level. We know that we are just people, we are not counselors. QPR QPR QPR is not treatment, it’s a plan for response to crisis. It’s simple, like CPR or the Heimlich Maneuver; the goal is to sustain life until the professionals arrive. QPR is no t inte nde d to b e a fo rm o f c o unse ling o r tre a tme nt. QPR is inte nde d to susta ining life QPR is intended to offer hope through positive action. until he lp a rrive s – like CPR. Feeling hopeless for any reason is the #1 reason cited for QPR is inte nde d to o ffe r ho pe thro ug h po sitive a c tio n suicide. What does hope mean? ( solicit responses ) Hope can mean: • dreams • tomorrow • things are going to be ok • a feeling that a wish or desire will be filled • there is a solution to a problem
4 Myths/Facts Exercise Now, let’s go over the answers from the Myths/Facts QPR QPR MYTH YTHS & & FA FACTS TS board or sheet. ( Discuss responses to each myth/fact pair and g ive Myth - No o ne c a n sto p a suic ide , it candy-optional- for correct answers/participation ) is ine vita b le . F a c t - If pe ople in a c risis g e t the he lp the y ne e d, the y will proba bly Worksheet reads: No one can stop a suicide, it is ne ve r be suic ida l a g a in. ineveitable. ( Myth ) The fact is that if people in a crisis ge the help they need, they will probably never be suicidal again. Worksheet reads: Asking someone direct and caring questions about suicidal intent lowers anxiety, opens up QPR QPR communication and lowers the risk of an impulsive act. MYTH YTHS & & FA FACTS TS ( Fact ) Myth - Co nfro nting a pe rso n a b o ut suic ide will o nly ma ke the m a ng ry A common myth is that confronting a person about a nd inc re a se the risk o f suic ide . suicide will only make them angre and increase the risk F a c t - Asking some one dire c t a nd c a ring que stions a bout suic ida l of suicide. inte nt lowe rs a nxie ty, ope ns up c ommunic a tion a nd lowe rs the risk of a n impulsive a c t. Talking about suicide will not encourage it, it may be the only thing that prevents it. Worksheet reads: Only experts can prevent suicide. ( Myth ) QPR QPR MYTH YTHS & & FA FACTS TS The fact is that suicide prevention is everybody’s Myth - Only e xpe rts c a n pre ve nt business and anyone can help prevent the tragedy of suic ide . suicide. F a c t - Suic ide pre ve ntion is e ve rybody’s busine ss a nd a nyone Part of this training is to empower you to be able to talk c a n he lp pre ve nt the tra g e dy of about suicide so that you can help someone who may be suic ide . in a suicidal crisis. You don’t need to know everything about suicide to be able to help someone; remember, you are sustaining a life until the professionals take over. Worksheet reads: Most suicidal people communicate QPR QPR their intent sometime during the week preceding their MYTH YTHS & & FA FACTS TS attempt. ( Fact ) Myth - Suic ida l pe o ple ke e p the ir pla ns to the mse lve s. The myth is that suicidal people keep their plans to F a c t - Most suic ida l pe ople themselves. c ommunic a te the ir inte nt some time during the we e k pre c e ding the ir a tte mpt. This leads to the next myth/fact pair:
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