ncfrp 49 new sources of freight data for urban and

NCFRP 49 New Sources of Freight Data for Urban and Metropolitan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

NCFRP 49 New Sources of Freight Data for Urban and Metropolitan Mobility 2018 Ohio Conference on Freight Donald Ludlow, AICP Cincinnati, Ohio Vice President, CPCS August 17, 2018 A Fundamental Question: What Are Freight Data Data that

  1. NCFRP 49 – New Sources of Freight Data for Urban and Metropolitan Mobility 2018 Ohio Conference on Freight Donald Ludlow, AICP Cincinnati, Ohio Vice President, CPCS August 17, 2018

  2. A Fundamental Question: What Are Freight Data Data that track the movement, quantity, value, and type of goods; the conveyance, or vehicle, or the infrastructure that supports these movements. Freight data help us make decisions … 2

  3. National Data Sets Provide Good Intercity Coverage… 3

  4. And allow us to analyze regional freight flows… 4

  5. But, Persistent Data Gaps Make it Difficult to Address Some Challenges in Urban Goods Movement • Focus on improving truck observability : the detailed knowledge of truck movements and factors affecting movements • Need finer-grained data to address urban and metropolitan freight mobility challenges 5

  6. Urban Freight Challenges 6

  7. Potential Uses of New Data to Solve Challenges 7

  8. What are Potential Applications of [New] Data? • Truck probe data • Sensors (e.g. V2I, loop detectors, cameras) • Computer vision • Land use databases 8

  9. Applications of GPS Data (beyond bottlenecks) • Origin-destinations, truck parking, truck touring , • Trip generation, land use, truck volume estimation, model calibration Source: ATRI 9

  10. Urban Truck Sensing (Delivery Zones) Source: DC DOT (2016) What was the project objective? To improve urban freight sustainability through Waze- like routing for OS/OW; real-time loading zone and parking management What were the data used? Meter transactions, still and video images 10

  11. Computer Vision • Computer Learning – Computers are Photo: Yousuf Fahimuddin pretty good at recognizing text • Latest research focused on recognizing, tagging, classifying audio and video • Computers starting to learn how to tell commercial vehicles apart

  12. Computer Vision Example at Intersection Source: Miovision 12

  13. Truck Speeds in Chicago from Computer Vision Truck Data in Chicago from Computer Vision • Illustrate how trucks traverse network • Can display both flows and classification data • Need appropriate data source, ex. manual vs computer vision vs GPS Source: CPCS analysis of data from Miovision, Fish Transportation Group, AES Services Inc., and Gewalt Hamilton Associates Inc. 13

  14. Truck Speeds in Chicago from Computer Vision Source: CPCS analysis of data from Miovision, Fish Transportation Group, AES Services Inc., and Gewalt Hamilton Associates Inc. 14

  15. Truck Speeds in Chicago from Computer Vision Source: CPCS analysis of data from Miovision, Fish Transportation Group, AES Services Inc., and Gewalt Hamilton Associates Inc. 15

  16. Real Estate / Business Records to Visualize Freight and Land Use • Real estate / business records to assess / visualize freight clusters • Combine with other sources (e.g. truck GPS speed data, counts, volumes) Source: CPCS – MetCouncil Freight Corridors Source: CPCS – Met Council Freight Corridors

  17. Key Themes in Applying Freight Data to Urban Freight • Data Fusion. Most “new” data sources must be “fused” with other sources— especially location- based data — to provide value. • Analytical Frameworks. The analytical procedures and business models are as important as the data sources. • Applicability of Data to Challenges . The value proposition of any new data source is tied to the applications that the data can support (e.g. how it addresses freight mobility challenges). 17

  18. Considerations for Transportation Agencies • Which freight mobility challenges do you face that freight data may inform or resolve? • What are your data gaps and which emerging data sources may help close them? • What are examples of best practices in applying new data sources? • What are the next steps to leverage data to inform issues? • What resources are needed staff, IT, external advice or systems? 18

  19. Questions and Discussion Donald Ludlow, MCP, AICP Vice President, United States 1000 Potomac St. NW, 5 th Floor, Washington, DC 20007 C: +1 703 216 2872 | | 19

  20. Introduction to CPCS Global management consulting firm (formerly consulting arm of Canadian Pacific Railway, est. 1969) • Strategy, economic analysis, policy, specific to transportation and energy sectors • Multimodal transportation practice (road, rail, air, marine, pipeline) • Global presence and experience • Over 1000 projects in more than 90 countries CPCS countries of work experience (shaded) and offices Recent North American project experience: • Arizona State Freight Plan • Ohio Maritime Strategy • Florida Last-Mile Freight Data Strategies • NCFRP 49 – New Freight Data Sources • American Highway Users Alliance National Bottleneck Study • Toronto Off-Peak Deliveries Pilot • Twin Cities Regional Truck Highway Corridor Study 20

  21. Summary of Recent CPCS Experience Freight Port & Multi- Passenger Rail Terminals modal & Transit Transport 100+ Strategy 35+ Strategy 10+ Strategy projects projects projects 30+ Strategy 8 Transactions 30+ Transactions 3 transactions projects $3+ billion in deals $5+ billion in deals $3 billion in deals 21


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