Goal To obtain access to R&D services in various pre-clinical and clinical therapeutic development areas. These services would complement internal scientific and acquisition resources within NCATS . S ervices may include: Lead opt imizat ion Animal disease model development Assay and process design and validat ion Chemist ry, Manuf act uring, and Cont rols (CMC) development Biologics manuf act uring Invest igat ional New Drug (IND)-enabling saf et y st udy complet ion Regulat ory st rat egy and f iling Clinical t rials conduct (in accordance wit h t he NCATS mission and congressional aut horizat ion)
Outcome Wit h it s own cont ract s t he Cent er can independent ly advance promising science when privat e sect or funding is inadequat e. The cont ract s will aid in de-risking promising t arget s and t herapeut ics. NCATS has leveraged cont ract resources previously t o: • Ident ify and develop new candidat e t herapeut ics • Generat e dat a for IND filings • Conduct clinical st udies S uccess will be measured by t he advances enabled by t he cont ract s, e.g. publicat ion of new approaches, achievement of regulat ory milest ones, and out -licensing of t echnologies.
Initiative Highlights • DPI would issue RFPs for medicinal chemistry, animal model development, CMC, PK/ Tox, regulatory and clinical services • The awarded contracts would empower current and future NCATS programs to meet their missions DPI programs such as TRND, BrIDGs, Chemist ry Technology and Mat rix S creening current ly leverage ext ernal sources for R&D study execut ion.
Highlights Continued • The awarded contracts would increase the flexibility and efficiency of these programs S t anding cont ract s may permit more rapid init iat ion of st udies NCATS -managed cont ract s would avoid reliance on scope- limit ed contract s managed by ot her ICs. • The awarded contracts would solidify the non-dilutive nature of NCATS collaborations and resource awards NCATS contracts will include Determination of Exceptional Circumstance clauses. DECs protect third party IP from the threat of dilution.
Highlights Continued • The awarded contracts would complement internal capabilities and other acquisition mechanisms CROs would be used when in-house resources are insufficient (e.g. GMP/ GLP st udies) and when t ime, cost , expert ise, and capabilit y considerat ions ident ify CROs as t he best opt ion.
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