nc department of public safety

NC Department of Public Safety Emergency Management NCEM Overview - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

NC Department of Public Safety Emergency Management NCEM Overview & Response To Man-Made Hazards Mike Sprayberry, Director 29 November 2016 North Carolina Growth 9 th th most populous state 10+ million people (Decade ago: 8.7 million 11 th

  1. NC Department of Public Safety Emergency Management NCEM Overview & Response To Man-Made Hazards Mike Sprayberry, Director 29 November 2016

  2. North Carolina Growth 9 th th most populous state 10+ million people (Decade ago: 8.7 million 11 th ) 12 Growing & aging 10 population compounds 8 challenges of disaster response & recovery 6 4 2 0 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

  3. North Carolina by the Numbers  100 Counties  4 Nuclear Facilities that can effect NC  1 Tribe: Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians  6 Metro areas  Charlotte Raleigh - Durham  Greensboro - Winston-Salem – High Point   Rocky Mount- Wilson  Asheville  Wilmington  110 Colleges & Universities  16 state universities  58 community colleges  36 private universities

  4. NCEM at a Glance  Housed within NC Department of Public Safety  NCEM Director reports to DPS Commissioner of Operations  Homeland Security is included under NCEM  NCEM Director is Deputy Homeland Security Advisor  188 FTE Employees  Funding from:  State appropriations  Federal funds  Receipts

  5. Nor orth h Carol arolina ina Em Emergency rgency Man anagement agement ader is is Nat atio iona nal l Le Leader  Nationally ionally Accred edit ited ed under r the Emerg ergency ncy Managemen gement t Accreditation ditation Program ogram with h Zero De Deficiencies ciencies  Earn rned ed an Enhanc anced ed Haz azar ard d Mitigatio igation n Plan an  Intern ernat ation ionall ally Recogn ognized ized Search h & Rescue cue Program ogram  Na Nationally ionally Recogn ognized ized Coastal stal Region ion Evacuation uation & & Shelt ltering ering Guide de  Cutt tting ing Edge e Plans ans & T Tools ls to Enhance nce Public lic Safety ty  Schoo hool Safety ty Fue uel l As Assur urance ance  Licensed censed Care e Faci ciliti lities es Ment ntal al He Health th  Dam Safety ty EA EAPs Flood ood Warnin ning  Child ld Care e Cent nters

  6. NCEM Coordinate Priorities emergency Planning Provide specialized & management Training Administer for emergency responders disaster & local officials Recovery & Hazard d Mitigation programs Support locals in emergency Increase public awareness & Response Preparedness for threats & hazards

  7. SERT Director Business Joint Operations Information Center Center Fiscal Plans Risk Operations Recovery Logistics Management Homeland Field Staff Individual Assistance Training Security Impact Modeling Public Assistance Exercises 24 Hour Center Radiological Safety Hazard Mitigation IT / Applications Logistics support Emergency Natural Hazards Flood Risk / Alert Services Technical Hazards Hazard Mitigation Human Services Data Analysis Civil Air Patrol Geodetic Survey

  8. Concept of Operations All disast aster ers star art t & end locall lly and are managed on a daily basis at the closest possible geographical, organizational and jurisdictional level Commi mmitme tment: t: To provide a four-tie tiered red respon sponse se to any major disaster which is: Locally lly cent ntere ered, Regio gionally nally augment mented, ed, Stat ate e backed & Federally rally assis sisted ed, Where all Counties have some capability to respond to significant events.

  9. Local Role  Local governments (counties or municipalities) respond to daily emergencies  Use own resources OR OR  Use mutual aid (via agreements w/other jurisdictions)  If beyond local capability, EM director can request state assistance  Request made through NCEM

  10. State Role  NCEM backs local governments  Provides state resources such as SAR teams, RRT, staffing help, etc.  Use mutual aid (via EMAC or agreements with other states)  Provides training & funding support

  11. Federal Role  If beyond state capability, governor can request federal assistance  Request made through FEMA  FEMA may pre-position with NCEM for large storms  FEMA provides resources and funds for disaster response & recovery  FEMA leads recovery efforts on federally-declared disasters

  12. Our role is consequence management  Search and Rescue  Provide Mass Care  Protect Life and Property  Provide Incident Management  Supplement Local Resources  Help Communities Recover

  13. Experienced Possibilities •  Hurricanes Drought •  Winter Storms Pandemic Flu •  Tornadoes Chemical /Biological Attack •  Floods Nuclear Attack •  Hazardous Material Spills School Attack •  Forest Fires Infrastructure/System Failures •  Earthquake Nuclear Power Issue •  Transportation Accidents Airplane Crash •  Water System Failures Animal Disease •  Missing Persons Food Contamination

  14. Actions During Emergencies  Evaluate required resources  Activate State EOC – including all SERT partners  Dispatch requested state resources; coordinate and manage the resources  Governor declares a State of Emergency  Notify FEMA re: EOC activities/level  Establish County Receiving and Distribution Points  Identify additional needed resources  Use WebEOC, our critical incident management system  Coordinate resources with other states  Demobilize response & transition to recovery

  15. Activation Levels Level 5 – Normal Operations Level 4 – Local Event; some support Level 3 – Partial Activation Level 2 – Full Activation Level 1 – Full Activation + Federal Support

  16. Typical Mission Requests  Auxiliary power  Public / Functional needs shelter  Food, water & ice  Security & traffic control  Search & rescue  Debris clearance  EMS & fire fighting

  17. Disaster Declaration Thresholds in SE US State Threshold Total uninsured losses must meet/exceed North Carolina $13,445,031 threshold to ask for South Carolina $6,521,763 federal financial Georgia $13,659,591 assistance to offset cost Florida $26,509,847 to communities for Tennessee $8,948,008 emergency protective Mississippi $4,183,889 measures, facility repair Alabama $6,739,428 and debris removal. Kentucky $6,118,507

  18. Regional Coordination Centers  Liaise with counties  Submit resource requests  Provide staff support for counties

  19. Joint Information Center  Conduct media interviews  Send safety messages to media  Coordinates messaging among SERT partners  Write/send news release  Post to social media  Host News Conferences

  20. Emergency Services  Fire & Rescue  Disaster Medical  Law Enforcement  Search & Rescue  Hazardous Materials

  21. Human Services  Shelters  Mass Feeding  Mental Health  Public Health  Public Water Supply  Food Banks  Animal Care

  22. Infrastructure  Transportation  Debris Removal  Public Works  Engineering  Energy Courtesy: Charlotte Observer

  23. Logistics Operations  Personnel & supplies  Donations management  National Guard resources  Div. of Adult Corrections  Purchasing  Services & equipment  State-wide mutual aid  EM Assistance Compact

  24. Plans & Homeland Security  Disaster Planning  Homeland Security  Radiological Protection  Collect Information  Develop Situation Reports & Incident Action Plans  Manage situational awareness on Web EOC

  25. Recovery Section  Individual Assistance  Public Assistance  Hazard Mitigation

  26. Risk Management  Hazard Impact Modeling and Analysis  Risk Management Plan Apps UAS/UAV  Data Acquisition & Analysis  Floodplain mapping / warning  Mitigation Planning  Web EOC / IT Systems / Apps  Geodetic – Unmanned Aircraft

  27. SERT State Agencies  NCDP DPS (Lead Agency) – NCEM, Corrections, SHP, NCNG, ALE  Ad Admin inist strat ation on – Purchase & Contract, Facility Mgmt.  Insuran urance ce – Fire Marshal’s Office, Building Inspections  Labor or – OSHA  Agricul cultu ture – Food Safety, Animal Protection, Forestry, Crop Damage & Insurance  Transpor sporta tati tion on – Debris Clearance, Road /Bridge Repair, Snow & Ice Removal, Hwy. Mgmt.  Public ic Instr structi uction n – School Safety, School Buses  Commerc rce – Economic Development, Retail Merchant’s Association  Health th & Human n Services ices – Public Health, Office of Emergency Medical Services, Mental Health, Social Services (Shelters), Radiation Protection  Envir ironm nmen ent t & Natural ural Resou ources ces – Air and Water Quality, Public Water Supply, Dam Safety, Landslides  Cultu tural al Resou ources ces – Historic Sites, Museums  NCSU SU – Coop. Extension – Agriculture Advice, Support to Disaster Impacted Communities

  28. SERT Volunteers  American Red Cross  Lutheran Disaster Response  Salvation Army  Mennonite Disaster Services  Amateur Radio  Catholic Social Ministries  Telephone Pioneers  N.C. Baptist Men  Food Banks  Adventist Disaster Response  Hearts with Hands  Volunteer Administrators  State Bar  ….and many others  United Way


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