Navigators for a Healthy Louisiana State-wide Advisory Panel Meeting September 23, 2013
LA Area Health Education Centers
AHEC’s Role in the Affordable Care Act EDUCATION & ENROLLEMENT: Starting October 1, 2013, consumers in Louisiana will be able to choose new affordable health insurance options through a new Health Insurance Marketplace. In Louisiana, the Federal Government and the four AHECs will federally-facilitate the marketplace. In Louisiana, Navigators will play a vital role in helping consumers prepare electronic and paper applications to establish eligibility and enroll in coverage through the Marketplaces and potentially qualify for an insurance affordability program. Navigators will also provide outreach and education to raise awareness about the Marketplace, and refer consumers to health insurance ombudsman and consumer assistance programs when necessary.
Navigator Distribution Program Director Data Coordinator Central Louisiana Southwest LA Southeast LA North LA Regional Regional Regional Regional Coordinator (Bossier Coordinator (Alex Coordinator Coordiantor City) or BR) (Lafayette) (Hammond) Central LA NW LA Navigator South Central LA SE LA Navigator Navigator (Shreveport) Navigator (Lafayette) (New Orleans) (Alexandria) N.Central LA Central LA SW LA Navigator SE LA Navigator (E. Navigator (Ruston) Navigator (Acadiana) (Lake Charles) New Orleans) Central LA NE LA Navigator SE LA Navigator Navigator (Baton (Monroe) (Bayouland) Rouge) SE LA Navigator (North Shore) SE LA Navigator (Westbank)
Role of State-wide Advisory Panel To ensure consumers and stakeholders represented by panel members receive due consideration during program implementation. Assist Regional Coordinators in determining members for regional advisory panels. Serve as gatekeepers for their consumers by promoting NHL’s outreach activities in their communities.
Mapping Exercise The Advisory Panel will divide into 4 groups – each representing one of the 4 AHECs. Members will be asked to identify organizations, people, and leaders that should be included on the regional advisory panels. Some AHECs will be split in two communities due to geographical distance. The Regional Coordinator will use the names and organizations outlined in this activity to convene their regional panel and begin their mapping process.
Community Mapping Each region is undergoing a community mapping process where we are gathering information, identifying organizational support in each community, and looking at additional resources already present in communities to plan our outreach efforts. This includes: People and population groups that are underinsured 1. and uninsured – including characteristics, culture, and languages. Location – geographic and neighborhood boundaries. 2. Stakeholders & Leaders – formal and informal leaders, 3. community authorities, and community gatekeepers.
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