naviance naviance student

Naviance & Naviance Student Presented by Andrew Akapnitis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Naviance & Naviance Student Presented by Andrew Akapnitis District Director of Guidance Paul D. Schreiber High School 1 What is Naviance? 2 Using Naviance Student An On-line Resource for Students and Parents for Post High School

  1. Naviance & Naviance Student Presented by Andrew Akapnitis District Director of Guidance Paul D. Schreiber High School 1

  2. What is Naviance? 2

  3. Using Naviance Student An On-line Resource for Students and Parents for Post High School Planning & Advising 3

  4. Overview ➢ What is Naviance Student? ➢ What Can Students And Parents Do Using Naviance Student? ➢ How do you access it? ➢ How do you register? ➢ How does it help with career and college planning? 4

  5. What is it? ➢ A web-based resource for students and parents that encourages and supports post high school career and college planning ➢ Naviance Student is specific to your school ➢ Naviance Student is linked with Naviance Succeed, a service that is used in the counseling office 5

  6. HOW TO LOG IN? ➢ Visit ➢ Every student will have login credentials starting in 9 th grade ➢ Naviance Student is linked with Naviance Succeed, a service that is used in the counseling office 6

  7. NAVIANCE STUDENT FEATURES FOR STUDENTS & PARENTS ➢ View college visits and sign up ➢ Complete a college search ➢ Develop a prospective college list ➢ Provide access to scholarship search engines ➢ Game Plan Survey ➢ Compare colleges ➢ Links to selected third party resources ➢ Track deadlines ➢ View scattergrams 7

  8. Using Naviance Student consistently provides the following: ➢ Shared resources linking home to school ➢ On-line tools for collaboration among counselors, students, and parents ➢ Accurate and complete records about student’s choices ➢ Graphs and charts displaying colleges where students have applied, were accepted and are attending

  9. Naviance: Career and College Readiness Your Role In Engaging Your Students in their Future

  10. What Is Naviance Student?

  11. What is Naviance Student? Naviance Student is a customizable website for students and families that allows you to share the powerful tools available in Naviance. Using Naviance Student allows users to access online resources, communication tools, and the Naviance planning tools.

  12. What Is Naviance Student? Naviance Student Connects Learning to Life The Student Lifecycle in Naviance: • Self-Discover: What makes a student unique in interests, traits, and ambitions? • Career Exploration: How will their discovered personality traits connect to career goals? • Academic Planning: With those career goals in mind, how will students be academically prepared? • Post-Secondary Preparation: What is the right fit for the student after graduation?

  13. What Is Naviance Student? Applying the Naviance Lifecycle to YOUR Student Discover Explore …search career and college …complete self -exploration activities like personality options that fit their unique assessments and career interests and goals. profiles. In Naviance Student, your student will… Engage Apply …meet with counselors to ...satisfy graduation requirements through the discuss next steps after school-wide scope and graduation. sequence document.

  14. What specifically will my student complete in Naviance Student?

  15. What specifically will my student complete in Naviance Student? Scope and Sequence: Grade 10 Fall Activities Spring Activities Int ntro rodu ducti tion on to o Navia iance Scaven enger r Hun unt: Students will complete a survey to familiarize MI Adv dvanta tage: e: MI Advantage uses multiple intelligences theory to generate a themselves with Naviance Student features comprehensive, personalized report covering nine distinct intelligences. Sho hort rt Term rm Goa Goal: l: Students will set SMART goals for academic, career, and personal/social Colle Co lege e Scavenger r Hun unt: t: Students will complete a survey to walk them through the college readiness search process identifying top college interests and key college terms Lon ong Ter erm Goa Goal: Students will set SMART goals for academic, career, and personal/social Colleges I’m Thinking About List: Students will save at least 4 colleges to the Colleges I’m readiness Thinking About list using the College. Search function (basic college search) Resu esume Bu Build lder er: Start resume builder, add at least one line item of Community Service, work, etc. Ca Caree eer r Cl Cluste ster r Fi Find nder er: Helps students discover career clusters that are most interesting to them. Once a student completes the Career Cluster Finder, top-matching career clusters are made available to them. Naviance Curriculum Lessons: Connecting Naviance Activities to Soft Skill Learning • • • Enhancing My Resume: Students learn how to My Success Habits: Creating certain habits can set Support Networks : Students will learn about enhance their resume students up for success. and identify their support network. • • • Connecting My Courses and Careers: Students My College Fears: Students tackle college fears. The Real Cost of College: Students find tuition- • learn how courses have an impact. What Debt Looks Like: Students learn the basics of and financial aid-related information in college • Participating in Life: Students learn that staying debt and learn tips to manage it well. profiles. engaged in school helps discover interests.

  16. What specifically will my student complete in Naviance Student? Scope and Sequence: Grade 11 Fall Activities Spring Activities Int ntro rodu ducti tion on to o Navain ince Scaven enger r Hun unt: Studens will complete a survey to familiarize Scho hola lars rship ip Sea earc rch: h: Students will use the local scholarship match tool to find scholarships themselves with Naviance Student features where their interests match Sho hort rt Term rm Goa Goal: l: Students will set SMART goals for academic, career, and personal/social Ca Caree eer r Inters nterst t Profi ofile ler: r: Assesses 10 talent themes for individuals and identifies each student’s three strongest emerging talents. Students will be provided with explanations of readiness their top three themes and will learn how to capitalize on their strengths. Lon ong Ter erm Goa Goal: Students will set SMART goals for academic, career, and personal/social Careers I’m Thinking About List: Students will use the completed assessments and career readiness search tool to add at least 4 careers to their favorites list. Resu esume Bu Build lder er: Start resume builder, add at least one line item of Community Service, work, etc. Co Compl mplete te Do o Wha What t You ou Are e Ass ssessmen ent Students will complete A Myers Briggs style assessment to determine their personality type and view matching careers Sup uper erMatc tch Co Coll lleg ege Sea earc rch: Students will use the SuperMatch search to find best fit colleges. Add 3 colleges of interest to their Colleges I’m Thinking About list. Colleges I’m Thinking About List: Studens will save at least 4 colleges to the Colleges I’m Thinking About list using the College. Search function (SuperMatch college search) Naviance Curriculum Lessons: Connecting Naviance Activities to Soft Skill Learning • • • My College Assessments: Students will learn the What Makes Me Unique?: Students find the unique Get Ready for the FAFSA: Basics of the basics of the major standardized tests. qualities they possess FAFSA and how to prepare. • College SuperMatch: The College SuperMatch ™ • • My College Essay: Students can investigate essays My Senior Year: Students reflect on how to allows students to find colleges right for them. now to be prepared for their applications. prepare for senior year. • • College Fit: Students need to find the colleges that Paying For College: Find out how other students "fit" them best. have paid their way through college.


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