nasa unity campaign

NASA Unity Campaign Enterprise Strategy and Implementation Plan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

NASA Unity Campaign Enterprise Strategy and Implementation Plan Presentation to NASA Mission Support Council Jan. 22, 2020 Unity Campaign Overview Launched on Sept. 6, 2019 Goal: Power and propel NASAs workforce and

  1. NASA Unity Campaign Enterprise Strategy and Implementation Plan Presentation to NASA Mission Support Council – Jan. 22, 2020

  2. Unity Campaign – Overview • Launched on Sept. 6, 2019 • Goal: Power and propel NASA’s workforce and organizations to work together even more effectively to accomplish our missions. 2

  3. Unity Campaign – Enterprise Strategy 1. Transcendence Elevate and expand focus and mindset of individuals and organizations 1.1 Magnify Focus on Enterprise Identity 1.2 Magnify Focus on Enterprise Mission 2. Connection Enhance jointness and connectedness of individuals and organizations 2.1 Amplify Organizational Engagement 2.2 Amplify Employee Engagement 3

  4. Unity Campaign – Enterprise Implementation Plan Transcendence Objective 1.1 Magnify Focus on Enterprise Identity Deliverable Target Date Unity Pledge signed by NASA Senior Leaders. March 31, 2020 Unity Performance Requirement in: (1) NASA Managerial and May 31, 2020 Supervisory Performance Plans, and (2) NASA SES Plans. Oct. 30, 2020 Workforce Policy Statements updated and issued (i.e., D&I, EEO, March 1, 2020 and Anti-Harassment) . Unity Training Class developed with and operated on reimbursable Oct. 1, 2020 basis by OPM’s Federal Executive Institute (1-2 days). Unity Training Course developed and delivered by ODEO at no April 1, 2020 cost (2 hours). Local Organizational Implementation Plans developed by NASA Sept. 30, 2020 Centers, Mission Directorates, and Functional Offices to reinforce focus on agency and organizational identity. 4

  5. Unity Campaign – Enterprise Implementation Plan Transcendence Objective 1.2 Magnify Focus on Enterprise Mission Deliverable Target Date Communicate Enterprise Information on Agency and Weekly Missions. Unity Orientation Program for Onboarding Employees Quarterly, beginning delivered at each NASA Center by ODEO in partnership with on Oct. 1, 2020 OCHCO. Unity Package of Information on NASA’s Missions, Priorities, Oct. 1, 2020 and Organizations posted electronically on NASA’s website and physically on posters at NASA facilities. Local Organizational Implementation Plans developed by NASA Sept. 30, 2020 Centers, Mission Directorates, and Functional Offices to reinforce focus on agency and organizational missions. 5

  6. Unity Campaign – Enterprise Implementation Plan Connection Objective 2.1 Amplify Organizational Engagement Deliverable Target Date Local Organizational Implementation Plans developed by NASA Sept. 30, 2020 Centers, Mission Directorates, and Functional Offices for regular engagement between key NASA partner organizations. Pilot Communication Tools and Methods to connect employees Nov. 30, 2020 and foster communities of practice within and across NASA organizations. NASA Organizational Engagement Practices Guide developed Feb. 1, 2021 by ODEO to share organizational engagement practices across NASA. 6

  7. Unity Campaign – Enterprise Implementation Plan Connection Objective 2.2 Amplify Employee Engagement Deliverable Target Date Local Organizational Implementation Plans developed by NASA Sept. 30, 2020 Centers, Mission Directorates, and Functional Offices to reinforce regular engagement between employees within organizations and across key NASA partner organizations. Talent Marketplace used by all NASA Centers, Mission April 1, 2020 Directorates, and Functional Offices to post all internal detail opportunities, short-term/part-time assignments, lateral reassignments, and rotations. Delivery of Enterprise Learning and Development Programs On-going (e.g., SES onboarding, SES Day of Learning, NASA First) NASA Organizational Engagement Practices Guide developed Feb. 1, 2021 by ODEO in partnership with OCHCO to share employee engagement practices across NASA. 7

  8. Unity Campaign – Local Organizational Implementation Plans Transcendence and Connection – local implementation may include: • Leadership Communications and Engagements with the Workforce (Unity Messages, Town Halls, Unity Dialogues, Lunch/Coffee Conversations). • Unity Learning and Development Programs (Mentoring and Coaching, Power and Privilege, Diversity Dialogues, Unconscious Bias, Overview Effect talks by astronauts or other NASA employees, Guest Speakers from other organizations, Perspective- Shifting, Empathy, Compassion, Kindness, Civility, Emotional Intelligence). • OCHCO Programs to enhance unity (e.g., onboarding, training, performance management, employee engagement, coaching, mentoring, Talent Marketplace for detail assignments/rotations, cross-organizational collaborations and learning projects), in support of agency programs, products, and services. • Team-Building and Bonding Activities (social/networking events, cross- organizational lunches, story-telling sessions, retreats, team-building experiences). • Leadership and Sponsorship by Employee Resources Groups • Reinforcement of Values and Intentional Acts of Unity 8

  9. Unity Campaign – Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity (ODEO) Leads ODEO Lead for NASA Enterprise Implementation Plan: Candice Blackford Senior Advisor to the Associate Administrator for Diversity and Equal Opportunity Tel. (202) 358-4489 E-mail: ODEO Leads for NASA Local Organizational Implementation Plans: Janet Sellars Vince Patterson Director Deputy Director Diversity and Data/Analytics Division Diversity and Data/Analytics Division and Field Operations Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity Tel. (202) 358-0952 Tel. (202) 358-0730 E-mail: E-mail: 9


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