Development of Interactive NAO Robot Music Application for Children Fabrianne Effendi EEE30
Why NAO? ◎ Interactive and engaging, thus children learn better from NAO ◎ Caters to needs of various children ◉ Autism kids more receptive to NAO than humans ◎ Immense potential in the field of music education
Overview of music application
3-step process to impart new music skills
Key interactivity features
Speech Recognition Feature Allows NAO to recognise predefined words or phrases, subsequently responding to it.
Animated Say Box Used to increase interactivity and make the robot more human-like through carrying out human-like gestures while it speaks
Python Script Box Allows for more complex and precise behaviours to be programmed
Timeline Box Contains a motion layer and multiple behaviour layers, allowing NAO to do multiple things simultaneously
Flashcards Help children in their learning as they are visually appealing, capturing children’s attention
Results & Discussion
Finding Optimal Speech Recognition Confidence Threshold Confidence level for speech recognition Environment Accurate Confidence detection level ✓ Quiet 25-45% ✗ Noisy <25% Thus, NAO’s optimal speech recognition confidence threshold was set to 25% for optimal detection accuracy.
Evaluation of methods to integrate flashcards with NAO robot music application
Object recognition Mode of Able to Accurate Speed of Main disadvantage detection differentiate detection detection (1: flashcards under various slowest; 3: lighting fastest) conditions ✗ ✓ Detects images 1 Unable to detect based on the (only able to external shape of recognition of differentiate 3D 2D objects key points objects)
ALColourBlob Detection Mode of Able to Accurate Speed of Main disadvantage detection differentiate detection detection (1: flashcards under various slowest; 3: lighting fastest) conditions ✗ ✓ Detects 2 2 May detect similar (since it is dimensional colour from dependent on vision-based surroundings before predefined RGB colour blob. flashcard is shown, colour) resulting in incorrect detection of flashcard
NAOmark Each unique NAOmark corresponds to a unique integer output Mode of Able to Accurate Speed of detection differentiate detection detection flashcards under various (1: slowest; lighting 3: fastest) conditions ✓ ✓ Detects unique 3 NAOmark.
NAO Video
Conclusion ◎ Successfully developed NAO robot music application ◎ Demonstrates future potential for humanoid robots to be used as an educational learning tool in classrooms ◎ Future work: ◎ To test the application on children ◎ To customise music application for children with autism
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