music and metadata the musiconis database and fab

Music and Metadata: The Musiconis Database and FAB-Musiconis Project - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Music and Metadata: The Musiconis Database and FAB-Musiconis Project Susan Boynton, Department of Music (Columbia University) Musiconis ( is a metabase that analyzes medieval visual representations of musical

  1. Music and Metadata: The Musiconis Database and FAB-Musiconis Project Susan Boynton, Department of Music (Columbia University) Musiconis ( is a metabase that analyzes medieval visual representations of musical performances (instrumental musicians, singers, and dancers) in art from the 8th to the 16th century imported from existing databases, with the addition of music-related metadata. Musiconis came out of a long-term project that involved both music historians and art historians. In 2016, Columbia joined the Paris team for FAB-Musiconis, a three-year transatlantic exchange involving graduate students and faculty. Graduate student participants learned how to create and edit records in the Musiconis metabase; an engineer improved functionality in real time during working sessions. The Columbia University Libraries supported the project through excellent seminars on metadata, digital humanities seminars, guidance on learning outcomes, and access to spaces and collections.

  2. “Representation of Sound and Music in the Middle Ages” (2011 -15, Paris) collaborative project supported by the French National Research Agency Fundamental objectives 1 / creation of a meta-database of images representing medieval music 2 / conceptualization of theoretical tools for a new indexing model , starting point for research on the subject of the representation of the sound, and the place and function of sound in Medieval culture

  3. Musiconis: Representation of Sound and Music in the Middle Ages Original indexing system 1. Import basic information extracted from partner databases: Location, date, century, url, technique, material, accession number, etc. 2. Add musicological & iconological elements: ● A / Organology, playing and singing techniques ● B / Analogies and sound characteristics, as a result of iconographic analysis (symbolic interpretation of images rooted in earlier studies and articulated with the results of the research team). Musiconis now includes 2200 performances in which are analyzed more than 2300 musicians and 2700 instruments (from 58 separate instruments belonging to 4 families).

  4. FAB-Musiconis: 2016-19 (Columbia University and Paris-Sorbonne University

  5. Bilingual Musiconis database:

  6. Query: Angel playing a harp

  7. Medieval instrumentarium in images 4 families & 29 instruments (in Musiconis) 1. Aerophones (12) 2. Cordophones (12) 3. Membranophones (3) 4. Idiophones (2)

  8. Aerophones (1/4) Shawm, Bagpipe, Pipe Modern organological feature

  9. Aerophones (2/4) Horn, Cornet, Trumpet, Sackbut Modern organological feature

  10. Modern Aerophones (3/4) organological feature Flute, Double flute, panpipes,

  11. Aerophones (4/4) Organ Modern reconstruction

  12. Modern reconstruction Cordophones 1/5 Lute & gittern Modern reconstruction

  13. Cordophones 2/5 Harp, Lyre, Crwth Modern reconstruction Modern reconstruction

  14. Cordophones 3/5 Monocord & dulcimer

  15. Cordophones 4/5 Psaltery & Rote, Vielle à roue (Organistrum)

  16. Cordophones 5/5 Vièle, Rebec, Viole

  17. Membranophones Bedon, Rommelpot, Tabor

  18. Idiophones Bells & Triangle

  19. Partner databases Existing partnerships: Gothic Ivories Project (The Courtauld Institute of Art) – Image database of carved ivory objects Initiale (IRHT)- Medieval illuminated manuscripts Musicastallis (Université Paris-Sorbonne) - Musicians and singers in choirstalls from all over Europe Romane (CESCM de Poitiers)- Romanesque sculpture and painting Sculpture (Centre André Chastel) – Architectural sculpture from French cathedrals Vitrail (Centre André Chastel) – Image database of stained glass from French cathedrals Metropolitan Museum of Art - Digital image collections of the Metropolitan Museum (added in 2019 by FAB-Musiconis ) Partnerships in the planning or proposal stage: Index of Medieval Art, Princeton University - i conography database, currently subscription-only access Pierpont Morgan Library – open-access database of medieval illuminated manuscripts

  20. Example of a record from the Gothic Ivories database

  21. Musiconis record with iconclass metadata for the scene

  22. Musiconis record: performer metadata for 3 instruments

  23. Origin of new records: Spreadsheet of medieval musical scenes in the Metropolitan Museum

  24. Record on does not fully describe the instruments in the scene

  25. From the Metropolitan Museum website, basic metadata from the collection database

  26. Musiconis record for the same manuscript leaf from the Metropolitan Museum

  27. Performance classification of the scene in the Musiconis metabase

  28. FAB-Musiconis: 2016-19 (Columbia University and Paris-Sorbonne University

  29. Autres fiches Editing a scene david-accordant-une-harpe.html Ex : http://musiconis.huma- david-accordant-sa-harpe.html Geonames ID : 2988507 (MAP) Références à la théorie et à la perfection musicale : Siècle : 0 accordage, loi mathématique divine : Dates : Empty - Empty Univers référentiel du son : musique de la Loi, Notation Iconclass : Empty musique savante Performateur, Instrument, Nombre de Obs : le roi David semble écouter l'accord pour régler au mieux l'instrument. La parole de Dieu est marquée comme performateurs musicale par l'intervention de David accordant la harpe. En ligne ?

  30. FAB-Musiconis indexing workshops New York April-May 2019

  31. Indexing session studio@butler (2018)

  32. Login into Musiconis: login: student password: etudiant2017 Wiki: login: FabMusiconis password: FabMusiconis19

  33. Database: what to index In order for a record to be published online in Musiconis, there are 6 principal fields to verify: 1. Title in French and Title in English 2. Locations (current & original) 3. Century + Date 4. Technique 5. Material 6. Performance : musician + instrument ( if relevant ) Optional fields to be indexed are located in the Sound section: 1. Sound function 2. Reference to music theory and musical perfection 3. Source of musical inspiration 4. Instrumental classification 5. Referential framework of the sound

  34. Wiki: architecture & tools (templates, queries, properties, special pages) Why this wiki? ● Started as an explanatory tool for Fab Musiconis ● Is now a teaching tool for first year Musicology students at Sorbonne University (& may be implemented for master students who will become middle and high school teachers, as medieval music is part of the national curriculum) ● Growing importance in the project though LOD features (images from Musiconis, HSI/Mimo inputs, wikidata, etc.) ● Will be connected to DB. Ex: instrument definitions

  35. Wiki: architecture Categories Our objective is to provide definitions for Instrument all these interconnected notions. Celestial Horn Entries Properties music Eventually, Database and Wiki will be Angel connected to each Sound other semantically, while remaining 2 Performer separate tools.

  36. Wiki: categories Each of the pages in the Category namespace represents a so-called category , a grouping of related pages, and contains an index for the pages of its category. If you open the category page, you will see a link to this page there. EX: "Category:Instrument" To add a page or uploaded file to a category, simply edit the page and add the following text (where Name is the name of the category you want to add it to). [[Category: Name ]]

  37. Wiki: properties Properties are the basic way of entering Examples of types semantic data in Semantic MediaWiki. ● Page - Holds names of wiki pages, and displays them as a link Properties can be viewed as «categories for ● Boolean - Holds boolean (true/false) values in wiki pages». values ● Date - Holds particular points in time They are used by a simple markup, similar to the ● Email - Holds e-mail addresses ● Monolingual text - Holds a text value syntax of links in MediaWiki: that associates the annotation with a specific language code ● Number - Holds integer and decimal numbers, with an optional exponent [[ Property name :: property value ]] ● URL - Holds URIs/URLs ● Reference - Holds a value that associates it to individual defined provenance metadata record (important for Properties have types. By default -> Pages wikidata)

  38. Wiki: tools -> special pages From MediaWiki Semantic MediaWiki Only ● ● Uncategorized files Browse wiki ● ● Uncategorized pages Property label similarity report ● ● Unused files Search by property ● ● Unused properties Semantic MediaWiki Graph ● ● All pages Semantic search ● Properties ● Search ● File list ● List of files with duplicates


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