muography painting

Muography Painting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Muography Painting S T Hiroshi NAKAJIMA Science and Art Hiroshi NAKAJIMA ICTP Trieste Sep.20, 2018 !"#$%&"'()*)+,-)

  1. Muography Painting Traditional Painting inspired by S & T Hiroshi NAKAJIMA

 Science and Art Hiroshi NAKAJIMA ICTP Trieste Sep.20, 2018

  3. !"#$%&"'()*)+,-) ( +./.01%12 3%.4.'50"61#%"78' 3%.4.'9"78'50"61#%"78' 3%.4.'50"61#%"78'$:')#7%';#.<=.71'>?&$$@' A&BCB'D'E"01')#7'2' +./.0')#7"%7%')%%$?".7"$0' ,071#0.7"$0.@')#7"%7%')%%$?".7"$0

  4. Education, Science and Art

  5. Power of Science • ;$$<'A$"07%'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''F.<'/$"07%

  6. Power of art

  7. 芸術・アート

  8. Power of Art )%'7$'7&1'-=$G#/&8'A#$H1?7I'7&1'7J$'K1@$J'.#1'"L/$#7.07B' 1. We are moved by art. 2. Art visualizes the invisible.

  9. Art and Science • )#7'?.0'L.41''7&1'G101#.@'/=K@"?' "071#1%71<'"0'<"::"?=@7'%?"10?1B' • >?"10?1'?.0'L.41'.#7'J"<10'7&1'.#7' 1M/#1%%"$0B

  10. Science and art have a lot in common. • Imaginaton ( 想像 SOUZOU) • Creation (創造 SOUZOU) • These two elements are the most important for science and art. • Science and Art are like brothers or sisters.

  11. We are moved by Art

 Art is a common language 
 !"#$ %&'()* 연애 LIEFDE 
 méil + بح sevgi How many of you know the meaning of seven words above ??????

  13. Art is a common language. 
 • The answer to the previous question is below. • You can imagine ! The answer is love.

  14. >11'7&#$=G& 
 N#.8% ・ L=$G#./&8 ・ 01=7#"0$

  15. Art can visualize the invisible. 
 You can see the outside, but cannot see the inside. 

  16. Only the numbers. Is it interesting ? 
 Scientific data

  17. If the numbers get colors? 

  18. We can imagine there is something. 
 ( First step to muography painting)

  19. The difference 
 The general public perhaps get interested in the right one.

  20. If it gets more representational ? 
 ( First step to muography painting)

 The image of the tube of Volcano 
 Imagination is important for art. 
 We cannot see the inside directly. 

  22. Imagination 
 Imagination is important for art. 

  23. There are many forms of arts • Science contributes a lot to us. • Science is thought to be difficult or impossible to understand. • We get familiar with science by the help of art. • Science is known to the general public .

  24. Many ways to express art. 
 Rather representational 

 Representatonal Muography painting 
 The penetration power is stronger than X rays. 
 Muography is a new visualization technique 

  26. More artistic 
 Visualization technique to see the inside.

  27. Imagination and more artistic

  28. More artistic

 Quality of muon 
 penetrating power, random moving etc. 

  30. Penetrating Power 
 Huge objects such as volcanoes,pyramids and Kofun tumuli

  31. ' muography painting 

  32. Muography Painting 

 Muography Painting 

  34. Muography Painting

  35. Muography Painting

  36. Muography Painting

  37. Muography Painting

  38. -=$G#./&8'/."07"0G 
 %117&#$=G&P181% ( %11 ⇔ K1'%110 ⇔ %11 )

  39. -=$G#./&8'/."07"0G 

  40. -=$G#./&8'/."07"0G 
 %117&#$=G& P 181% 

  41. -=$G#./&8'/."07"0G 
 %117&#$=G&'P 181% 


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