Multicast Address-Set Claim (MASC) Deplo ymen t Ramesh Go vindan, Deb orah Estrin, P a vlin Radosla v o v (USC/ISI)
USC F OIL 1 MASC F unctions Asso ciates group ranges(pre�xes) with AS's. � Ranges are used b y: { Lo cal Multicast Address Allo cation Serv ers (e.g. MDHCP) { Children MASC domains MASC to inject lo cal asso ciations in to G- � RIB (to b e used b y BGMP) MASC deplo ymen t is orthogonal to BGMP . This talk is only ab out deplo ying MASC to allo w dynamic address allo cation.
USC F OIL 2 MASC in the long-run Eac h AS will b e a MASC domain � MASC top ology will follo w the net w ork top ol- � ogy P aren t-c hild relation will b e based on pro vider- � clien t relation T ypically , MASC will b e run b y BG(M)P � b order routers; no additional con�guration required A limited n um b er of T op-Lev el Domains (TLDs): � only the large pro viders
USC F OIL 3 MASC deplo ymen t stages Tw o stages: Exp erimen tal/cen tralized stage � Decen tralized stage � There is no strict line b et w een the t w o stages; as the n um b er of participan ts increase, the �rst stage will gradually ev olv e in to the second.
USC F OIL 4 Exp erimen tal stage example TLD3 TLD2 TLD4 TLD1 TLD0 TLD5 MASC TCP connection TLD0: * Well known (during this stage) * Initiates TLD advertisements TLD7 * Point of debugging TLD8 TLD6
USC F OIL 5 Exp erimen tal stage details Relativ ely small n um b er of TLDs/participan ts � ( < 100); eac h participan t is a TLD MASC no des can b e end-user mac hines; a � single MASC no de p er domain TLD0 will b e a w ell-kno wn mac hine/address � TLD0 will p erio dically adv ertise the global � address space TLD0 will b e also as a p oin t of debugging � and v eri�cation of new implemen tations Eac h TLD could ha v e c hildren at its o wn � discretion
USC F OIL 6 Decen tralized stage example TLD3 TLD2 TLD4 TLD13 TLD1 TLD0 TLD5 TLD12 TLD7 TLD8 TLD6 TLD11 TLD9 TLD10
USC F OIL 7 Decen tralized stage details 1. Motiv ation: to o man y TLDs/participan ts 2. Start adding short-cuts b et w een TLDs; con- nections to TLD0 migh t b e remo v ed 3. If y our pro vider/neigh b ors is/are not run- ning MASC, start p eering with the closest MASC domain (similar to Mb one) 4. MASC p eering will gradually start follo wing the net w ork top ology 5. A large TLD pro vider should not allo w its clien ts to b e TLDs 6. Ov er time TLD0 ma y disapp ear; someb o dy else m ust tak e o v er the function to adv ertise p erio dically the global address space
USC F OIL 8 MASC proto col c hanges + status UPD A TE messages (claims and withdra ws) � pro cessing re�ned In tro duced t yp e-based ordering of exc hanged � messages after p eering (re)established: sim- pler implemen tation and allo ws easier sanit y c hec k MASC domain ID c hanged from 16 to 32 � bits Stand-alone implemen tation in progress �
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