Multi ast Address-Set Claim (MASC) Up date
USC F OIL 1 MASC In ternet Draft Status A p oin ter to the new draft just sen t to the � ML Sev eral subse tions added/ hanged � A n um b er of bug �xes � One suggestion for hange is still p ending � (Should b e) ready to go for last all b efore � end of July
USC F OIL 2 Changes Sin e Last IETF Bo otup Op eration � Leaf/Non-Leaf MASC Domain Op eration � Clo k Sk ew W ork around � Se urit y Consideration � \Sample Algorithms" App endix added �
USC F OIL 3 Bo otup Op eration T o reate the appropriate sibling-paren t as- � so iation, establish onne tions to the P AR- ENT no des b efore the SIBLING no des. T o restore the in ternal state from more trust- � w orth y sour e, establish onne tions to the P ARENT no des and/or INTERNAL PEER no des b efore the onne tions to the CHILD and SIBLING no des.
USC F OIL 4 Leaf/Non-Leaf MASC Domain Op eration A leaf MASC domain should adv ertise all of � its managed addresses to the MAASs A non-leaf MASC domain should laim from � itself (and omp ete against its MASC hil- dren domains) the spa e to adv ertise to the MAASs (default = 48 hours) The la k of laims b y MASC hild domains � should trigger op eration in \leaf mo de", and vi e v ersa
USC F OIL 5 Clo k Sk ew W ork around Ea h laim's absolute timestamp is used to: De�ne ollision winner. � Collisions are presumably rare, hen e the slo w, \unfair" lo ks are not a signi� an t problem Estimate ho w long to k eep a laim in a no de's � a he. Expiring sibling's PREFIX IN USE more than 48 hours earlier reates the p oten tials for lash. Keeping an expired laim for addi- tional 48 hours will omp ensate for lo k sk ew for up to 48 hours.
USC F OIL 6 Se urit y Consideration T rust y our P aren t and In ternal P eers, but � ma y drop in ternal state through Children and Siblings. Denial of Servi e atta k (to o man y ollisions) � b y a single no de an b e iden ti�ed b y all of its siblings, and ignore that no de's laims. Denial of Servi e atta k with m ultiple ori- � gin addresses an b e prev en ted b y a epting laims only through the paren t, and \through" the laim no de-originator itself.
USC F OIL 7 \Sample Algorithms" Pre�x allo ation algorithms re�ned through � (re en t) sim ulations and brie�y des rib ed in an App endix Read the sour e o de for algorithms details � ;)
USC F OIL 8 \Op en" Issue Curren tly , siblings with more than one om- � mon paren t an m ultiplex all UPD A TEs o v er a single TCP onne tion T o o ompli ated; negligible sa vings of few � TCP onne tions Solution: op en a new TCP onne tion b e- � t w een siblings for ea h ommon paren t (sim- pler and easier to debug)
USC F OIL 9 MASC Implemen tation Status Detailed testing, re�ning and bugs �xing of � MASC pro essing o de through sim ulations ( mas and share the same MASC- d mas sim sp e i� o de). QUER Y/RESPONSE debug messages added � (des rib e them in APPENDIX?) MASC-AAP in terfa e + AAP \ lien t" in � progress (it will b e v ery helpful if someone already has MADCAP/AAP implemen ta- tion)
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