Mrs Sam Sumsion Mrs Sally Wichmann Mrs Lucy Morgan (St Salvatore) (St William) (St William) TAs (Teaching Assistants): Mrs Maria Hernandez – Full time Mrs Claire Lyon – Tuesday to Friday Mrs Halina Vadala – Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Mrs Tamara Frizell- Wednesday mornings Miss Annalise Baldock – Monday morning and Wednesday afternoons
Treat others as we would like to be treated.
Our Wonder Kindness Friendship Thankfulness Honesty Hope Respect Forgiveness Love Tolerance
7. 8. Collaboration Reflection 1. 9. 6. High Presentation Independence Expectations 10. 5. 2. Writing Progress Engagement Quality 4. 3. Assessment Challenge for Learning
S P +A +A +C +C +E +E
At St Thomas of Canterbury we promote high expectations with the children by encouraging them to have a growth mind-set and a can-do attitude. We discuss with the children the importance of our Characteristics of Effective Learning. Research shows these attitudes help children to become resilient and lifelong learners. Ellie Marvin Connie Concepts we like to foster to encourage a growth mindset: Playing and exploring – engagement Active learning – motivation Creating and thinking critically – thinking
Making S=P+A+C+E to talk
It is for children aged 0-5 and covers the years from birth to the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage.
• Offers a range of experiences, allowing the children to make their own discoveries • Encourages independence • Ensures that children are active in their learning through play and first hand experiences • We follow the children's interests and this feeds into our learning
• Set out what most children are expected to achieve by the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage • There are 7 areas of learning made up of 3 prime areas and 4 specific areas of learning
• Personal, Social & Emotional Development (PSED) • Communication & Language (C&L) • Physical Development (PD)
• Mathematics - Number and Shape, Space and Measure (N and SSM) • Expressive Arts and Design (EA&D) • Literacy – Reading & Writing (R, W) • Understanding the World (UW)
At St Thomas’ we follow the Come and See programme. Our Autumn Term RE topics are Myself , Welcome and Birthdays. We say a morning prayer, lunch time prayer and a home time prayer. In each classroom there is a prayer table which can be used in RE lessons or at the children’s discretion. Throughout the year children will participate in a Prayer Service, Nativity Play and Class Worship, as well as whole school masses and religious celebrations. We also would like to encourage a home-school link in RE such as bringing in a welcome photo (Baptism etc.) to share and display at school.
Reading: • Reading books, library books and Phonics Bug Writing: • Handwriting, cursive style
As reading is a vital life skill, here at St Thomas’ we encourage a strong partnership between parents, pupils and staff to build your child's confidence and ability when reading. It takes time and commitment from all parties and it is important that all involved know their role. Please sign the reading promise with your child when their reading record comes home.
Numeracy : • Maths mastery; counting and understanding number. Shape, Space and Measure: • Children use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money to compare quantities and objects and to solve problems.
At the end of the school year each child’s level of development must be assessed against the Early Learning Goals. These reflect what a child is expected to have achieved by the end of their Reception year. Children will receive Emerging, Expected or Exceeding against each ELG.
• Successful and Confident St Thomas’ Learners : Making S= S=P+ P+A+ A+ C+E +E for learning • Making a Positive Contribution • Being a Responsible Role Model • GOLDEN RULE: Following our Golden lden Threads hreads • Wonderful Writing • GREEN AWARD Looking after the environment • Making S= S=P+ P+A+ A+ C+E +E for ME : Healthy choices
• Curriculum Weeks: – Autumn Term – Well Being Week – w/b Monday 11 th November – How can we keep ourselves physically and mentally well? – Spring Term – Book week – w/b Thursday 5 th March – A love of reading and writing – Summer Term – Olympics’ Week – w/b Monday 15 th June – Links to the Olympics
Registration 8.50am: Followed by whole class input, independent and adult led learning Snack bar open throughout the morning (Please send in a small piece of fruit every day) Lunch 11.45am Afternoon registration 1pm Followed by whole class input, independent and adult led learning Snack and fruit bar open throughout the afternoon (fruit provided by school) Home time- children to be collected from 3.20pm: the infant playground
Once your child has settled we please ask you to encourage your child to come into class independently and resist the temptation to peer through the windows. This will also support those children who are still getting used to the routine. In the afternoon can we please ask you to collect your Reception child before older siblings. If your child is being collected by someone different, please notify the EYFS staff at drop-off or by email.
Reading record books will be sent home with your child daily. Please comment in their records so we know that your child has read to you and record the page number if the book remains unfinished. Phonics and Tricky words : Your child will given a wallet to store the sounds and tricky words that come home each week as they learn them. This should be a fun way to learnt them by sight. Phonics Bug : This is an initiative we started toward the end of last term and was a huge success with both parents and teachers alike. The on-line books are allocated to the children by the class teachers to suit their current reading level. There is a huge array of books to choose from. Beginning after half term break. Handwriting and number formation booklets : T his will be sent home on a weekly basis. Please complete one page at a time, ensuring that your child is sitting at table and using a HB pencil.
The children will have the pleasure of taking Basil (RW) and Hamish (RS) home for the weekend. He will come home on Friday and needs to be back in school by the following Thursday. We ask you to record your weekends fun, however we do not mind who does the writing. Please could we ask you to keep to one page only.
From Tuesday 24 th September (tomorrow) the children will come to school in their outdoor PE kit (Weather appropriate). During the week the children will take part in music and movement and will change into their indoor PE kit (shorts and T-shirt ) which will be left in school in the school PE drawstring bag.
• Please help your child by naming all items of clothing, water bottles etc. • Hooks on items of clothing enable children to be independent. • Coat with a hood as children will be accessing the outdoor learning areas. • Wellies
Just a thought …….. Rather than bringing in sweeties for your child to share on their special day you may wish to donate a special book to add to our book corner that all their friends can enjoy.
All parent helpers volunteering in school and accompanying trips are now required to have a DBS applied for through the school. Please collect a form from the office and fill in an application form online. Once the online form is complete please come into the school office with £10 and three forms of identification – including a document with an address (i.e. utility bill). Governor Fund forms are also available from the office but this contribution can now also be paid on-line using Scopay.
Nothing The but the CHILD CHILD Improved A creative, outcomes for continuous and EVERY consistent mastery CHILD in curriculum Maths preparing for life A robust PSHE curriculum to meet the needs of our children The whole CHILD • Helping out… – DBS and safeguarding meeting with Mr Lewin – Trips, help in classes – Friday morning cooking • Open afternoons – Last Friday of the month – see School diary for set dates • Parent Prayer group – 1 st Friday of the month • PTA – Meetings and events are in the diary
Nothing The but the CHILD CHILD Improved A creative, outcomes for continuous and EVERY consistent mastery CHILD in curriculum Maths preparing for life A robust PSHE curriculum to meet the needs of our children The whole CHILD • Parent evenings – October: • Thursday 17 th • Monday 21 st – February • Monday 10 th • Thursday 27 th – Book appointments via scopay
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