motivation soft w a re systems in the la rge mas and

Motivation: Soft w a re Systems in the La rge MAS and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Motivation: Soft w a re Systems in the La rge MAS and Organizations The ORGAN Mo del MAS and ORGAN Conlusion and Outlo ok F rom Multi-Agent to Multi-Organization Systems Utilizing Middlew a re App roahes

  1. Motivation: Soft w a re Systems in the La rge MAS and Organizations The ORGAN Mo del MAS and ORGAN Con lusion and Outlo ok F rom Multi-Agent to Multi-Organization Systems Utilizing Middlew a re App roa hes Matthias W ester-Ebbinghaus , Daniel Moldt, Mi hael K�hler-Bu�meier http://www.inform at ik .un i- ha mbu rg .d e/T GI Universit y of Hamburg F a ult y of Mathemati s, Info rmati s und Natural S ien es Depa rtment of Info rmati s Theo reti al F oundations of Info rmati s ESA W 2008 W ester-Ebbinghaus, Moldt, K�hler-Bu�meier F rom Multi-Agent to Multi-Organization Systems

  2. Motivation: Soft w a re Systems in the La rge MAS and Organizations The ORGAN Mo del MAS and ORGAN Con lusion and Outlo ok Motivation: Soft w a re Systems in the La rge F requently referred to as Appli ation Lands ap es Ultra La rge S ale (ULS) Systems Soft w a re Cities Cha ra terization as la rge s ale Systems of Systems (SoS) OrgOSE Hyp othesis There exists a strong analogy b et w een mo dern soft w a re systems in the la rge and o rganizations in so ial so ieties. Thus, w e need an o rganization-o riented app roa h to soft w a re engineering. ✄ W ester-Ebbinghaus, Moldt, K�hler-Bu�meier F rom Multi-Agent to Multi-Organization Systems

  3. Motivation: Soft w a re Systems in the La rge MAS and Organizations The ORGAN Mo del MAS and ORGAN Con lusion and Outlo ok Motivation: Soft w a re Systems in the La rge F requently referred to as Appli ation Lands ap es Ultra La rge S ale (ULS) Systems Soft w a re Cities Cha ra terization as la rge s ale Systems of Systems (SoS) OrgOSE Hyp othesis There exists a strong analogy b et w een mo dern soft w a re systems in the la rge and o rganizations in so ial so ieties. Thus, w e need an o rganization-o riented app roa h to soft w a re engineering. ✄ W ester-Ebbinghaus, Moldt, K�hler-Bu�meier F rom Multi-Agent to Multi-Organization Systems

  4. Motivation: Soft w a re Systems in the La rge MAS and Organizations The ORGAN Mo del MAS and ORGAN Con lusion and Outlo ok T able of Contents 1 Motivation: Soft w a re Systems in the La rge 2 MAS and Organizations 3 The ORGAN Mo del 4 MAS and ORGAN 5 Con lusion and Outlo ok W ester-Ebbinghaus, Moldt, K�hler-Bu�meier F rom Multi-Agent to Multi-Organization Systems

  5. Motivation: Soft w a re Systems in the La rge MAS and Organizations The ORGAN Mo del MAS and ORGAN Con lusion and Outlo ok MAS and the Organizational Metapho r Me hanism of fo rmalization b o rro w ed from so ial s ien es Rationalit y resides in an o rganization's stru ture itself Allo ws fo r sepa ration of on erns in MAS engineering (o rganization vs. agent design) F o rmal o rganizational stru ture b oth restri ts and enables o rganizational b ehaviour ✄ ✄ W ester-Ebbinghaus, Moldt, K�hler-Bu�meier F rom Multi-Agent to Multi-Organization Systems ✄

  6. Motivation: Soft w a re Systems in the La rge MAS and Organizations The ORGAN Mo del MAS and ORGAN Con lusion and Outlo ok MAS and the Organizational Metapho r Me hanism of fo rmalization b o rro w ed from so ial s ien es Rationalit y resides in an o rganization's stru ture itself Allo ws fo r sepa ration of on erns in MAS engineering (o rganization vs. agent design) F o rmal o rganizational stru ture b oth restri ts and enables o rganizational b ehaviour ✄ ✄ W ester-Ebbinghaus, Moldt, K�hler-Bu�meier F rom Multi-Agent to Multi-Organization Systems ✄

  7. Motivation: Soft w a re Systems in the La rge MAS and Organizations The ORGAN Mo del MAS and ORGAN Con lusion and Outlo ok Con eptions of Organizations and MAS ...a division of tasks, a distribution of roles, autho rit y systems, ommuni ation systems, ontribution-retribution systems... [Bernoux 1985℄ ...stru tured, patterned system of a tivit y , kno wledge, ulture, memo ry , histo ry and apabilities that a re distin t from any single agent... [Gasser 2001℄ ... olle tive entit y op erating in a la rger system of relations... [S ott 2003℄ W ester-Ebbinghaus, Moldt, K�hler-Bu�meier F rom Multi-Agent to Multi-Organization Systems

  8. Motivation: Soft w a re Systems in the La rge MAS and Organizations The ORGAN Mo del MAS and ORGAN Con lusion and Outlo ok Con eptions of Organizations and MAS ...a division of tasks, a distribution of roles, autho rit y systems, ommuni ation systems, ontribution-retribution systems... [Bernoux 1985℄ ...stru tured, patterned system of a tivit y , kno wledge, ulture, memo ry , histo ry and apabilities that a re distin t from any single agent... [Gasser 2001℄ ... olle tive entit y op erating in a la rger system of relations... [S ott 2003℄ W ester-Ebbinghaus, Moldt, K�hler-Bu�meier F rom Multi-Agent to Multi-Organization Systems

  9. Motivation: Soft w a re Systems in the La rge MAS and Organizations The ORGAN Mo del MAS and ORGAN Con lusion and Outlo ok Con eptions of Organizations and MAS ...a division of tasks, a distribution of roles, autho rit y systems, ommuni ation systems, ontribution-retribution systems... [Bernoux 1985℄ ...stru tured, patterned system of a tivit y , kno wledge, ulture, memo ry , histo ry and apabilities that a re distin t from any single agent... [Gasser 2001℄ ... olle tive entit y op erating in a la rger system of relations... [S ott 2003℄ W ester-Ebbinghaus, Moldt, K�hler-Bu�meier F rom Multi-Agent to Multi-Organization Systems

  10. Motivation: Soft w a re Systems in the La rge MAS and Organizations The ORGAN Mo del MAS and ORGAN Con lusion and Outlo ok Con eptions of Organizations and MAS ...a division of tasks, a distribution of roles, autho rit y systems, ommuni ation systems, ontribution-retribution systems... [Bernoux 1985℄ ...stru tured, patterned system of a tivit y , kno wledge, ulture, memo ry , histo ry and apabilities that a re distin t from any single agent... [Gasser 2001℄ ... olle tive entit y op erating in a la rger system of relations... [S ott 2003℄ W ester-Ebbinghaus, Moldt, K�hler-Bu�meier F rom Multi-Agent to Multi-Organization Systems

  11. Motivation: Soft w a re Systems in the La rge MAS and Organizations The ORGAN Mo del MAS and ORGAN Con lusion and Outlo ok Limits of the Agent-Oriented App roa h SoS demand fo r the distin tion of di�erent levels of abstra tion (dep ending on the granula rit y of system units) A vailabilit y of me hanisms and framew o rks fo r the te hni al realization of olle tive agen y in/with MAS La k of on eptual me hanisms and framew o rks Broadened P ersp e tive Hyp othesis In o rder to exploit the true p otential of the o rganizational metapho r, w e need a b roadened p ersp e tive that a ounts fo r a systemati and dis iplined treatment of olle tive levels of a tion in OrgOSE. W ester-Ebbinghaus, Moldt, K�hler-Bu�meier F rom Multi-Agent to Multi-Organization Systems

  12. Motivation: Soft w a re Systems in the La rge MAS and Organizations The ORGAN Mo del MAS and ORGAN Con lusion and Outlo ok Limits of the Agent-Oriented App roa h SoS demand fo r the distin tion of di�erent levels of abstra tion (dep ending on the granula rit y of system units) A vailabilit y of me hanisms and framew o rks fo r the te hni al realization of olle tive agen y in/with MAS La k of on eptual me hanisms and framew o rks Broadened P ersp e tive Hyp othesis In o rder to exploit the true p otential of the o rganizational metapho r, w e need a b roadened p ersp e tive that a ounts fo r a systemati and dis iplined treatment of olle tive levels of a tion in OrgOSE. W ester-Ebbinghaus, Moldt, K�hler-Bu�meier F rom Multi-Agent to Multi-Organization Systems

  13. Motivation: Soft w a re Systems in the La rge MAS and Organizations The ORGAN Mo del MAS and ORGAN Con lusion and Outlo ok Limits of the Agent-Oriented App roa h SoS demand fo r the distin tion of di�erent levels of abstra tion (dep ending on the granula rit y of system units) A vailabilit y of me hanisms and framew o rks fo r the te hni al realization of olle tive agen y in/with MAS La k of on eptual me hanisms and framew o rks Broadened P ersp e tive Hyp othesis In o rder to exploit the true p otential of the o rganizational metapho r, w e need a b roadened p ersp e tive that a ounts fo r a systemati and dis iplined treatment of olle tive levels of a tion in OrgOSE. W ester-Ebbinghaus, Moldt, K�hler-Bu�meier F rom Multi-Agent to Multi-Organization Systems


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