Montgomery County Food Equity Coalition November 20, 2019
Strong ng Commun unities
Nicole Wasmuth, Hall Hunger Initiative Chaz Amos, Thurgood Marshall Student
Str trong C Communiti ties Supports civic Builds diverse and participation, political collaborative relationships, empowerment and trust, and reciprocity local leadership Responds to Contributes to healthy community food needs neighborhoods
GOAL 1 1: Expan and c community f y food i initiatives i in Montg tgomery C Cou ounty f foo ood d desert cen t census tr tracts ts. . 1. Recruit corner stores to implement the Healthy Corner Store Initiative. 2. Identify gaps & barriers to healthy eating in food deserts. 3. Expand community food initiatives in food deserts.
GOA OAL 2: Amplif lify the e voi oice of of r resid esidents impacted by low commun unity food security. 1. Develop a story about access to healthy food barriers. 2. Develop a food access simulation. 3. Develop a youth connection. 4. Explore possibilities to partner with universities regarding hidden hunger.
GOAL 3 3: Ensure inclu clusio ion of of th thos ose w with th l lived experie iences i in con onversatio ions a and p pol olic icy-maki aking impacti ting M Montgom omer ery County ty’s food od s system em. 1. Develop a Food Champion toolkit. 2. Involve communities in the planning and decision-making process. 3. Present quarterly at community meetings.
Next Steps…Join Us! Contact Haley Carretta Project Manager - Food Systems 937-496-3308
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