miguel alvarez outreach specialist las positas college

Miguel Alvarez Outreach Specialist Las Positas College ADMISSION - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Miguel Alvarez Outreach Specialist Las Positas College ADMISSION APPLICATION Las Positas College is proud to announce that the admission application for Spring semester, Summer term, and Fall semester 2020 will become available on October 1,

  1. Miguel Alvarez Outreach Specialist Las Positas College

  2. ADMISSION APPLICATION Las Positas College is proud to announce that the admission application for Spring semester, Summer term, and Fall semester 2020 will become available on October 1, 2019.

  3. STEPS TO SUCCESS Las Positas College has adopted a six-step process for new and returning students who wish to enroll.

  4. Six Steps for New Student Enrollment

  5. Changes for Spring Semester, Summer Term, and Fall Semester 2019 FASTPASS EVENTS Las Positas College will be hosting FastPass events in November, 2019 to provide the opportunity for new and returning students to complete the steps to success in an expedited manner.

  6. FASTPASS Enrollment Event!

  7. LPC offers a variety of certificate and/or degree options: Currently we have over 60 Associate Degree Programs and over 40 Certificate Programs. • Certificates of Achievements & Career (*30 units or less) • Associate of Science (AS) career technical degrees (60 units) • Associate of Arts (AA) (60 units). • Associate Degree in Transfer (ADT) (60 units) *Some Career Certificates are that are more than 30 units .

  8. Academic Programs & Certificates Chart

  9. Las Positas College...For You! LOW-COST TUITION

  10. $46 A UNIT Institution Est. 2018-19 Annual Tuition & Fees LPC $1,400 CSU $7,000 UC $14,000 PRIVATE $35,000

  11. Community College Pathway 2 YEARS 2 YEARS TOTAL AT LAS POSITAS AT A UNIVERSITY OF FOR A COLLEGE CALIFORNIA BACHELOR'S DEGREE $2,800 + $28,000 = $30,800 Est. Las Positas enrollment fees for two years, full-load. Source: LPC Financial Aid website.

  12. Community College Pathway 4 YEARS AT A UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Full-time undergraduate tuition stated only $56,000 for enrollment fees (4 years, full-load). *Does not include room and board, books/supplies, health insurance, and other expenses. Source: University of California Admissions Est. Las Positas enrollment fees for two years, full-load. Source: LPC Financial Aid website.

  13. Do you know? LPC has an Honors Transfer Program. 50% of students graduating from 4-year Designed to prepare highly-motivated universities come from a community students for transfer to four-year college. colleges and universities.

  14. Guaranteed Transfer Programs

  15. Las Positas College is among the top 10 California community colleges for transfer to four-year universities. • Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) to all 23 California State University (CSU) campuses • Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) to six University of California (UC) campuses • Transfer Admission Agreements (TAA) with multiple private universities

  16. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA (UC) Have a Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) program to 6 of its campuses .

  17. University of California (UC) Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) Pathway o Transfer agreements enable students to guarantee transfer admission without obligation to attend. o Available at the following UC campuses: UC Davis UC Santa Barbara UC Merced UC Irvine UC Riverside UC Santa Cruz * Students should meet with a counselor to ensure eligibility for specific TAG programs. Not all Majors are eligible for TAG.

  18. University of California (UC) Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) o Transfer pathways to UC Berkeley, UCLA and UC San Diego are available but not guaranteed. o Only students transferring directly from a California Community College are considered for a TAG, including international students. o Specific coursework and grades are required. o Students may apply for a TAG to only one participating UC Campus, but can apply for transfer to any UC campus. * Students should meet with a counselor during their first year at LPC to complete a Student Education Plan to ensure eligibility for the TAG program.

  19. California State University (CSU) Associate Degree For Transfer (ADT) Pathway o The ADT is a unique transfer pathway that students can use for guaranteed admission to the CSU System. o An option that allows students to complete an Associate’s Degree while satisfying general education and major requirements for transfer. o The ADT follows a prescribed pattern of courses for specific majors (AA-T and AS-T)

  20. ADT’s available at LAS POSITAS COLLEGE: ASSOCIATE IN SCIENCE FOR TRANSFER (AS-T) DEGREES: Administration of Justice Business Administration Early Childhood Education Geology Mathematics Nutrition and Dietetics

  21. ADT’s available at LAS POSITAS COLLEGE: ASSOCIATE IN ARTS FOR TRANSFER (AA-T) DEGREES: Anthropology Journalism English Kinesiology Communication Studies Psychology Geography Philosophy Global Studies Sociology History Studio Arts Theater Arts

  22. Numerous independent and universities also have Transfer Admissions Agreements (TAA) with Las Positas College.

  23. INDEPENDENT Colleges and Universities: John F. Kennedy University St. Mary’s College University of the Pacific OUT-OF-STATE Colleges and Universities: Arizona State University University of Arizona University of Hawaii at Hilo

  24. Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCU) Transfer Guarantee Agreements In 2015, the California Community College Chancellor’s Office signed an agreement with several Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to offer California community college students. Currently, there are over 20 HBCU campuses that offer guaranteed admission to community college students. More information: http://extranet.cccco.edu/HBCUTransfer.aspx

  25. Spotlight | Transfer Center 1: Transfer planning workshops Application Personal Statement etc… 2: Transfer specific counseling 3: University Representative Visits CSUEB, UCB, UCSD, UCSC, SFSU, UCSB, CSU Stanislaus, Academy of Art, University of Arizona, UOP and St. Mary’s. 4: Transfer Day – over 100 institutions are present 5: Honors Program LPC Honors Program is designed to prepare highly-motivated students for transfer to four-year colleges and universities and to build the intellectual and social skills needed for their success.

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