A network of people and experiences emphasizing mul8‐disciplinary collabora8on, design thinking, and experien8al learning. miami design COLLABORATIVE miami university • oxford • ohio
miami design collabora8ve… what is it? The Miami Design Collabora8ve is a mul8‐disciplinary design ini8a8ve at Miami University that brings together students and faculty from throughout campus to develop exper8se in design thinking and to implement that knowledge through complex, team‐based, problem‐solving experiences. Design‐based experiences cluster together under one umbrella to posi8on, promote and clarify rela8onships and opportuni8es both on‐campus and beyond. MDC integrates faculty and students in every academic division into a “networked” curriculum that will offer a cer8ficate program that complements a student’s major. Students: • experience design process and development through project‐based learning. • engage with industry and organiza8ons outside of Miami University’s physical boundaries. • extend tradi8onal disciplines by building theory and prac8ce on mul8‐disciplinary fron8ers. • expand understanding through the incorpora8on of contemporary social issues.
independent NETWORK miami design COLLABORATIVE miami university • oxford • ohio
look for connec8ons & appreciate differences
miami design collabora8ve 08–09 steering commiYee The following individuals serve on the steering commiYee for the Miami Design Collabora8ve: Michael Bailey‐Van Kuren, Associate Professor, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Michele Dickey, Associate Professor, Educa8onal Psychology Susan Ewing, Dis8nguish Professor, Art; Associate Dean, School of Fine Arts Peg Faimon, Professor, Graphic Design; Director, Miami Design Collabora8ve Timothy Heath, Joseph C. Seibert Professor, Marke8ng Sco@ Johnston, Associate Professor, Architecture and Interior Design Jay Smart, Assistant Professor, Psychology Glenn Pla@, C. Michael Armstrong Professor in Interac8ve Media and Marke8ng; Director, AIMS John Weigand, Chair and Professor, Architecture and Interior Design
miami design collabora8ve addi8onal partners University ParGcipants Par8cipants have also included individuals represen8ng: Botany, Computer & Systems Analysis, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Environmental Science, Geology, Management Informa8on Systems, and Theatre Industry Partners John Foster, Head of Talent and Organiza8on, IDEO/Palo Alto Challis Hodge, VP of User Experience, The Nielsen Company Mark Eckman, Partner, RoseYa Elizabeth Bartley, Design Educator and Researcher
Business Graduate School Education Regional: Miami Design Hamilton Collaborative A network of people Fine Arts Industry and experiences emphasizing Partners multi-disciplinary collaboration, design thinking, and experiential learning. Regional: Engineering Middletown Arts and Libraries Science Led by the School of Fine Arts, the MDC collaborators come from across campus.
industry ACADEMIA miami design COLLABORATIVE miami university • oxford • ohio
look & learn from outside yourself
building science research The Center for Building Science Research, led by ScoY Johnston, has become part of the Miami Design Collabora8ve at Miami University to foster student centered research and design opportuni8es working in collabora8on with organiza8ons outside the University. The Building Research Studio con8nues the tradi8on of working with clients in the area to provide design and consul8ng services in the following areas: • Glazing System Modeling • Sustainable Design Innova8on • Thermal Performance Modeling • Dayligh8ng Design and Analysis
building science research, cont. Selected Project/Client List Conservatek Industries: System detailing and thermal performance modeling for the Spectraform space frame structural system to expand the commercial market. Cincinna5 Zoo and Botanical Gardens: Shading and UV radia8on analysis of the canopy design for the Sumatran Rhino Exhibit. Served as consultants for Glazerworks Architects. Environmental Protec5on Agency: Development of a modular interior wall system (ECO‐ Wall) for commercial buildings made of recycled paper. P3 Awards Honorable Men8on from the Na8onal Academies of Science and Engineering. Kirkmont Center: Preliminary designs for a new sustainable nature center for the 270 acre camp operated by the Miami Presbytery. Conducted wind power feasibility study for the site and a shading study of Goodrich Lodge. Gilkey Window Company: Worked with engineering and marke8ng staff to develop ideas for the next genera8on energy efficient replacement windows for Gilkey Window Co.
flash of genius ITERATION miami design COLLABORATIVE miami university • oxford • ohio
repeat it un8l you get it right
mul8‐disciplinary design studio: spring 08 This studio, one of the Miami Design Collabora8ve curricular offerings, occurs each spring semester, with a different project concept each year. In 2008, six interdisciplinary teams, consis8ng of graphic designers, interior designers and architects, designed comprehensive branding solu8ons for an arts and architecture bookstore in Cincinna8’s Over‐the‐Rhine area. Each team was commiYed to design the project at every level of detail proposing a package of integrated architectural, interior and graphic design. Project instructors were Peg Faimon and John Weigand.
prepara8on IMPLEMENTATION miami design COLLABORATIVE miami university • oxford • ohio
don’t just talk — act
armstrong interac8ve dublin: summer 08 Armstrong Interac8ve, another of the Miami Design Collabora8ve curricular offerings, is a client‐based capstone course which goes interna8onal each summer, most recently in Shanghai and Dublin. A recent client wrote “This class has met and exceeded all my expecta8ons for ‘redefining’ our corporate image. I would put the work your class produced for us up against any agency and know you would equal and probably surpass many.” The images represent parts of the Dublin project: to create an interac8ve career planner. The workshop was led by Glenn PlaY, Jim Coyle, Peg Faimon and Ira Greenberg.
serious PLAYFUL miami design COLLABORATIVE miami university • oxford • ohio
play is the key to crea8vity
mul8‐disciplinary design studio: spring 09 This studio, another of the Miami Design Collabora8ve curricular offerings, occurs each spring semester, with a different project concept each year. In 2009, five interdisciplinary teams, consis8ng of graphic designers, interior designers and architects, designed comprehensive branding solu8ons for a microbrewery in Cincinna8. Each team was commiYed to design the project at every level of detail proposing a package of integrated architectural, interior and graphic design. Studio instructors were Sam Perkins and Mary Ben Bonham.
simplicity COMPLEXITY miami design COLLABORATIVE miami university • oxford • ohio
simplicity is at the heart of complexity
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