meta model are models too

Meta-model are Models Too Hans Vangheluwe School of Computer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Wintersim 2002 San Diego, CA 9 December 2002 Meta-model are Models Too Hans Vangheluwe School of Computer Science, McGill University, Montr eal, Canada Juan de Lara E.T.S. de Inform atica, Universidad Auton oma de Madrid, Madrid,

  1. Wintersim 2002 San Diego, CA 9 December 2002 Meta-model are Models Too Hans Vangheluwe School of Computer Science, McGill University, Montr´ eal, Canada Juan de Lara E.T.S. de Inform´ atica, Universidad Auton´ oma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain Wintersim 2002, 9 December, San Diego Meta-model are Model Too 1/34

  2. � ✁ ✁ � Meta-modelling and XML modelling and simulation meta-modelling meta-modelling and XML Experiences with A Tool for Multi-formalism, Meta-Modelling AToM 3 : Wintersim 2002, 9 December, San Diego Meta-model are Model Too 2/34

  3. � � � � Modelling and Simulation Wishlist Meaningful exchange and re-use of models Syntax and Semantics ! Domain/problem-specific (visual) modelling & simulation environments Syntax and Semantics ! Model transformation – simulation (state changes) – code-generation (syntax changes) – simplification (level of abstraction changes) – formalism transformation (formalism changes) Meaningful multi-formalism modelling Wintersim 2002, 9 December, San Diego Meta-model are Model Too 3/34

  4. Petri Net model of Producer Consumer 1 1 P.Calculating Wait4Prod Rem.from buffer Produce 0 Buffer 0 0 C.Calculating Wait4Cons 1 Buffer−p Consume Put in Buffer reachability analysis + simplification + simulation + code generation Wintersim 2002, 9 December, San Diego Meta-model are Model Too 4/34

  5. Statechart model of Producer Consumer Producer Buff Consumer Producing Wait4Prod Produce Empty buffer−− [in Buff.Empty] [in Buff.Full] Consume buffer++ / buffer++ / buffer−− Wait4Cons Full Computing simulation + code generation + transformation to equivalent Petri Net Wintersim 2002, 9 December, San Diego Meta-model are Model Too 5/34

  6. Timed Automata model of a Traffic Light pi pcr show(R) R pi show(O) pcr PCR CO 10 after off 60 after pi after 10 show(O) show(G) O after 50 G off off pi off off show(OFF) OFF smulation + code generation Wintersim 2002, 9 December, San Diego Meta-model are Model Too 6/34

  7. Generated Application Wintersim 2002, 9 December, San Diego Meta-model are Model Too 7/34

  8. GPSS model of Manufacturing system 5 INSPQ 12 9 INSPECTR INSPECTR 3 1 1 INSPECTR Name: TRANSIT Low.Limit: 5 INSPQ Int.Size: 5 TRANSIT Num.Intervals: 10 .1 1 1 Wintersim 2002, 9 December, San Diego Meta-model are Model Too 8/34

  9. Generated GPSS code * Manufacturing shop model 4 * G. Gordon Figure 11-9/9-8 SIMULATE L0 GENERATE 5 ; Create parts L7 QUEUE INSPQ ; Queue for an inspector L5 ENTER INSPECTR,1 ; A single inspector becomes busy L8 DEPART INSPQ ; Leave the inspector queue L9 MARK ; Start counting transit time L1 ADVANCE 12,9 ; Inspect L6 LEAVE INSPECTR,1 ; Make the inspector idle again L10 TABULATE TRANSIT ; Tabulate parts’ transit time L2 TRANSFER .1,ACC,REJ ; Randomly determine defective parts ACC TERMINATE 1 ; Accepted parts REJ TERMINATE 1 ; Rejected parts TRANSIT TABLE M1,5,5,10 INSPECTR STORAGE 3 START 1000 END Wintersim 2002, 9 December, San Diego Meta-model are Model Too 9/34

  10. Forrester System Dynamics model of Predator-Prey uptake_predator loss_prey Grazing_efficiency prey_surplus_BR predator_surplus_DR Predator Prey 2−species predator−prey system transformation to Ordinary Differential Equations + analysis Wintersim 2002, 9 December, San Diego Meta-model are Model Too 10/34

  11. Causal Block Diagram model of Harmonic Oscillator 0.0 x0 K 0.0 1.0 x IC − OUT I y0 1.0 PLOT y IC analysis + simplification + simulation Wintersim 2002, 9 December, San Diego Meta-model are Model Too 11/34

  12. Event Scheduling DAE model of a Train Departure_Event Initialize_Model passengers = passengers − IF x = x_0 v = v_0 1 Train_at_rest passengers = 0 IF AFTER 1 0 START EVENT DepartureStart IF AFTER passengers > 0 AFTER print "Train arrived at t 0 5 Train_is_full Passenger_arrive IF print "Train is leaving i IF passengers = passengers 1 passengers >= 10 AFTER 0 Test_zerospeed IF passengers < 10 AFTER 5 monitoring fct.: v AFTER +− random.uniform ( 1 , 10 ) Train_starts print "Train is leaving a BrakingODE x v v − k * ( v + 3 ) AcceleratingODE x v testmax v k * ( v − v_init + 5 ) Start_Braking monitoring fct.: v_max − v +− Stop_Accelerating Start_Accelerating test_arrival testmin monitoring fct.: stopping_x − x +− monitoring fct.: v − v_min +− FrictionODE x v v − k * ( v − 20 ) code generation Wintersim 2002, 9 December, San Diego Meta-model are Model Too 12/34

  13. � � � � What is Meta-modelling ? A meta-model is a model of a modelling formalism A meta-model is itself a model . Its syntax and semantics are governed by the formalism it is described in. That formalism can be modelled in a meta-meta-model. As a meta-model is a model, we can reason about it, manipulate it, . . . In particular, properties of (all models in) a formalism can be formally proven. Formalism-specific modelling and simulation tools can automatically be generated from a meta-model ( e.g., in AToM 3 A Tool for Multi-formalism Meta-Modelling). Wintersim 2002, 9 December, San Diego Meta-model are Model Too 13/34

  14. � ✂ � Formalisms can be tailored to specific needs by modifying the meta-model (possibly through inheritance if specializing). Building domain/application specific, possibly graphical modelling and simulation environments becomes affordable. Semantics of new formalisms through extension or transformation. Wintersim 2002, 9 December, San Diego Meta-model are Model Too 14/34

  15. FSA model of Even Binary Number recognizer 1 1 Init End_1 0 1 0 End_0 0 Wintersim 2002, 9 December, San Diego Meta-model are Model Too 15/34

  16. ER model of the FSA formalism syntax (meta-model) FSATransition FSAState current Name type=String init.val isInitial type=Boolean in isFinal type=Boolean init points_to Wintersim 2002, 9 December, San Diego Meta-model are Model Too 16/34

  17. ER formalism + constraints (OCL/Python) # check for unique input labels (FSA) for transition1 in state.out_connections: for transition2 in state.out_connections: if transition1 != transition2: if == return("Non-determinism: input " Wintersim 2002, 9 December, San Diego Meta-model are Model Too 17/34

  18. ER model of the ER formalism (meta-meta-model) ERrelationship ERentity name type=String init.val attributes type=List init Wintersim 2002, 9 December, San Diego Meta-model are Model Too 18/34

  19. Meta-meta-. . . MMF (ER) meta-meta a model of a class of models (the formalism MF) model semantics within formalism MMF describes: structure and constraints MF (ER) user meta-model meta-model a model in formalism MF input processor -create a model of a class of models (the formalism F) -delete semantics within formalism MF -verify (local, global) describes: structure and constraints F (FSA) user meta-model a model in formalism F model input processor -create -delete -verify (local, global) Wintersim 2002, 9 December, San Diego Meta-model are Model Too 19/34

  20. Causal Block Diagram Semantics ? 0.0 x0 K 0.0 1.0 x IC − OUT I y0 1.0 PLOT y IC Wintersim 2002, 9 December, San Diego Meta-model are Model Too 20/34

  21. ✠ ✡ ✠ ✞ ✟ ✟ ✞ ✞ ✞ ✄ ✝ ☎ ☎ ✆ ☎ ☎ ✞ Causal Block Diagram Denotational Semantics dx y x 0 0 dt dy Kx y 0 1 dt K 1 Wintersim 2002, 9 December, San Diego Meta-model are Model Too 21/34

  22. FSA model Operational Semantics ? 1 1 Init End_1 0 1 0 End_0 0 Wintersim 2002, 9 December, San Diego Meta-model are Model Too 22/34

  23. Simulation steps Wintersim 2002, 9 December, San Diego Meta-model are Model Too 23/34

  24. 1 1 1 1 Init End_1 Init End_1 input 0 0 0 Rule 1 Rule 2 1 1 0 0 End_0 End_0 Current State Current State 0 0 1 1 1 1 Init End_1 Init End_1 input 1 0 0 input 0 Rule 2 Rule 2 1 1 0 0 End_0 End_0 Current State Current State 0 0 end of input Final Action "Accept Input" Wintersim 2002, 9 December, San Diego Meta-model are Model Too 24/34

  25. Graph Grammar model of FSA OpSem Rule 1 (priority 3) Locate Initial Current State 1 1 ::= <ANY> <COPIED> 3 2 Current State Rule 2 (priority 1) State Transition 1 1 Current State Current State condition: 2 2 matched(4).input == input[0] 4 3 <COPIED> / <COPIED> 3 5 ::= 5 4 <COPIED> <ANY> / <ANY> <ANY> <ANY> <COPIED> action: remove(input[0]) Rule 3 (priority 2) Local State Transition 1 1 Current State Current State condition: matched(4).input == input[0] 2 2 ::= 4 4 <COPIED> <COPIED> <ANY> / <ANY> / 3 3 action: <COPIED> <ANY> remove(input[0]) Wintersim 2002, 9 December, San Diego Meta-model are Model Too 25/34


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