
Menu provides an avenue for ODE to Documentation introduce the - PDF document

This afternoon we are discussing menu Slide 1 documentation and recipes. This topic was chosen as a follow - up to this mornings session on Food Purchasing for Child Care Centers. The topic also Menu provides an avenue for ODE to

  1. This afternoon we are discussing menu Slide 1 documentation and recipes. This topic was chosen as a follow - up to this morning’s session on Food Purchasing for Child Care Centers. The topic also Menu provides an avenue for ODE to Documentation introduce the recently released USDA and Recipes Recipes for Child Care. Additionally, during our reviews we have noticed that Sponsors continue to have findings associated with menu record documentation and meal pattern requirements. This session will provide you with tools to help you in meeting record keeping requirements for reimbursable meals. The booklet you have received contains Slide 2 updated USDA recipes. These recipes supersede all previous recipe versions and provide updated crediting information. To avoid using the wrong recipe, sponsors should discard previous versions. Indexes of the recipes are located at the end of this printed booklet. The recipes are designed to help you serve quality meals to your participants. Quality meals are meals that: • Taste good, • Offer good nutrition, and • Are attractive. As recommended in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, these recipes will help you add variety to your menus with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole - grain products. All of the recipes were carefully developed and tried— and retried—for product quality, consistency, and yield. They are written for 25 and 50 servings, so they can easily be adjusted to serve larger or smaller groups. This publication has three components:

  2. a) this printed booklet, b) a CD - ROM containing recipes, the booklet, and supplemental information resources including food safety posters, and c) a bonus CD - ROM of Team Nutrition’s Food Buying Guide to help with purchasing food for your program. The USDA Recipes for Child Care Slide 3 packet includes a CD with the Food Food Buying Guide Buying Guide. If you have a hard copy for Child Nutrition Programs in the three - ring binder, you have an out - dated version. The latest update to the Food Buying Guide was made in January, 2008. (under Menu Planning Tools), or It will be important to utilize the CD enclosed with the USDA Recipes for Child Care booklet you have received today or go to the link from our ODE CNP website. It will take you to the most current version posted on the USDA Child Nutrition website.

  3. Today, we plan to go through this Slide 4 Today’s goals: booklet with you and provide a hands on opportunity to use the tools in the • You will: booklet. You will be able to develop – Use the tools available for menu development. – Determine that combination foods are reimbursable and adapt recipes and menus for your before service. – Determine that supporting documentation is individual situation. You will know complete and on-file before service. what documents to retain to support – Recognize that working menus accurately document reimbursable meals. your monthly claim. Slide 5 We will cover: • Current Menu Record Requirements • Manufacturers Product Analysis Sheets • Standards of Identity • The NEW USDA Recipes for Child Care • Modifying, writing, and standardizing Recipes This is a train - the - trainer training as Slide 6 well as providing hands - on skills. You all hold different positions in your program (directors, cooks, finance, What is your role? bookkeepers) and s ome of you may not be responsible for directly planning and preparing food. If you will not be writing, working with or evaluating menus and menu documentation, you will be able to train those who do on the skills and tools we will cover today. Use the person in your program with the strongest skills as a resource if needed

  4. Reimbursable meals for the Child and Slide 7 What Records are Required? Adult Care Food Program have specific requirements based on the meal patterns • Working menus • Food receipts used. The meal pattern depends on the • CN labels type of meal being served (breakfast, • Manufacturer’s Product lunch, snack, or supper). A reimbursable Analysis Sheet • Product Label meal must contain a specified quantity • Recipes by age for each of the food components: • Meat or meat alternate • Vegetable or fruit • Grains/breads • Milk Activity: At each table, have participants discuss what records are required to support reimbursable meals. Give 45 seconds to do this. The person at each table who exercised the greatest number of minutes yesterday is the table leader. At the end of 45 seconds have the each table leader share one supporting record that their group identified. The documents listed on this slide are the supporting documents you need to verify that menus and meals served meet meal pattern requirements and minimum portion sizes. Activity #2: Assign each table one record type. Each table will have as a table leader the person who has worked the longest for their organization. The table leader will be the scribe and report back to the group. Each table will take 3 minutes to brain storm everything they know about the record they have been assigned. After reporting post the flip chart on the wall. We have discussed the different types of menu records that Sponsors must keep.

  5. This morning we had a thorough Slide 8 An Authentic CN Label Contains discussion about CN labels. We would 6-Digit Product Identification Logo With Distinct Border Number like to talk about what we are finding in 000000 your files when we come on review and This 5.00 oz pizza with Ground Beef and Vegetable Protein what we are seeing some Product provides 2.00 oz equivalent meat/meat alternate, 1/8-cup serving of vegetable, and 1-1/2 servings of bread alternate for the Child Nutrition Meal Pattern Requirements. manufacturers, wholesalers or food (Use of this logo and statement authorized by the Food and Nutrition Service, USDA XX-XX **) brokers submitting to Sponsors when Month and Year of Approval Meal Pattern asked for a CN label. Contribution Statement Statement Specifying CN Label Was Authorized by FNS The rectangle is not the CN label. It is Slide 9 the CN around the rectangle and the information in the rectangle that determine whether the CN label is valid. Do you know your CN Labels? 5 minutes Some valid CN labels Some invalid CN labels Review in groups and then talk about why a label is valid and why a label is not/what’s missing. Envelope with a label or two and a question sheet. Then discuss. If you are serving a commercially Slide 10 Manufacturer’s Product prepared combination food without a Analysis Sheet (MPAS) CN - label then you should try to obtain a MPAS to support the meal pattern  Not the product label contribution.  Not the Nutrition Facts label  Not a Summary End Product Data A Manufacturer’s Product Analysis Schedule Sheet (MPAS) is an official product  Must contact the manufacturer to obtain analysis sheet from the food manufacturer. It has been signed by the manufacturer’s representative and is not a product spec sheet from the sales representative.

  6. A Summary End Product Data Schedule – The manufacturer creates this sheet for USDA to use with the commodity foods. Must be an official statement from the Slide 11 Manufacturer’s Product manufacturer showing the formulation Analysi lysis s Sheet t (MPAS) of the product, the amount of each • A list of all ingredients ingredient credited toward a pattern • Weight per serving of each ingredient to be credited component • The weight of ingredients specified as raw or cooked • The weight or volume of the product serving size, • , i.e. grain products must be specified or the number of pieces per serving. • The signature and title of a manufacturer’s official whole grain or enriched; Sometimes you might desire to write to Slide 12 (Center letterhead here) a manufacturer to obtain an MPAS for a Date Manufacturer Name Address product you would like to menu. This Address Dear____________: slide provides some sample wording Our Child Care Program would like to utilize your product listed on the attached form as part of our USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Prior to menuing your product we require very specific information to guarantee the product will be creditable * towards the meal components required by USDA Child Nutrition Program regulations. and the next slide provides a sample We/I are/am requesting that you complete the attached form and return it to us as soon as possible. Your product cannot be menued and served prior to our office receiving this information. If you have any questions or require clarification about any of the information requested, please do not hesitate to format to ensure that the manufacturer contact us/me. Thank you, in advance, for your assistance with this process. We/I look forward to serving your product as part of the nutritious CACFP meals we prepare each day for our children/participants/adults. provides all the information you need. Sincerely, Sponsor’s name, title ENC: Manufacturer’s Product Analysis Sheet form * Creditable foods: foods that may be counted toward meeting the requirements for a reimbursable meal in each of the four types of meal pattern components. Reference Document: USDA Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition This sample letter is located on the CD Program, for your convenience.


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