meeting the climate change challenge in agriculture

Meeting the Climate Change Challenge in Agriculture Michelle - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Meeting the Climate Change Challenge in Agriculture Michelle Kearney, Climate Change and Bioenergy Policy, DAFM 22nd February 2019 Presentation messages Sustainability is central to Irish food production Global demand for food is

  1. Meeting the Climate Change Challenge in Agriculture Michelle Kearney, Climate Change and Bioenergy Policy, DAFM 22nd February 2019

  2. Presentation messages Sustainability is central to Irish food production  Global demand for food is increasing and Irish produce is regarded as  very efficient Policy is actively engaging with agriculture – “carrot & stick” approach;  targeted approach CAP is evolving – environmental targeting  Significant challenges, including recognised low mitigation potential,  but also part of the solution An Roinn Talmhaíochta , Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

  3. Potential Climate Change Impacts An Roinn Talmhaíochta , Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

  4. The Climate Change Challenge GHG Targets Renewable Energy Energy Efficiency GHG Emissions Targets Targets > 30% of GHG 20% emissions 20% Energy Efficiency emissions from reduction by 2020; 16% of energy by 2020 Agriculture demand from 30% by 2030 renewable by 2020 32.5% Energy Efficiency EU agricultural Both GHG and by 2030 emissions are approx. 32% EU target by 2030 ammonia emissions 10% projected to increase by 2030

  5. Sustainability is key An Roinn Talmhaíochta , Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

  6. Agriculture in Ireland ~ 4.5 million hectares (of a total of 6.9 million hectares) is  dedicated to agricultural land 92.1% grassland, 6.3% cereals, 0.2% potatoes and 1.4%  other Livestock production is the primary type of farming  conducted 137,100 family held farms  The average farm size: ~ 32.5 hectares  41,200 farmers are age 65 and over, 7,400 are under 35  Average family farm income for full time farms ~€31,300  (dependent on farm type) An Roinn Talmhaíochta , Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

  7. An Roinn Talmhaíochta , Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

  8. Current CAP & the Reform of CAP Current CAP CAP POST 2020 Pillar I –  Simplifying and modernising the policy  Direct payments to farmers on an annual basis More targeted, result and performance based  support Pillar II –  Fairer distribution of direct payments  Enhancing environmental and climate ambition  Infrastructure, Environment and Development Support 40% of CAP’s budget is expected to contribute  to climate action An Roinn Talmhaíochta , Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

  9. GLAS BDGP Some current measures supporting Climate Friendly Farming/ Nitrates TAMS Sustainable Farming RDP 2014-2020 (CAP Pillar II payments) Knowledge Transfer Programmes inc. Health and Safety Training European Innovation Partnerships

  10. Role of Agriculture in Energy Production and Energy Use

  11. Energy & Agriculture Energy MACC Energy On-Farm Efficiency Energy On-Farm Generation Supplier of Bioenergy Feedstock's Sustainable Energy Agriculture Sector

  12. Forestry > 300,000 ha planted since 1990 and €2.5 billion of state  investment to date Contributes €2.3 billion to GDP, 12,000 employed  Irish Round harvest was approximately 3.54 million cubic metres  in 2017 Nearly 4 million cubic metres of roundwood harvested each year.  This will more than double to 8 million cubic metres by 2035 Irish forests have sequestered about 3.8 million tonnes of CO 2  per year from the atmosphere (2007-2016) Demand for forest products is expected to increase by 20% by  2030 across Europe An Roinn Talmhaíochta , Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

  13. Forestry: Challenges & New Incentives Afforestation  Low afforestation rates: ~ 4,000 ha in 2018 Forest Roads  Small plantations, average private grant aided 8.8 ha Woodland Improvement  Road construction in private estate Neighbourwood Knowledge transfer groups  Bioeconomy and biomass supply shortfall Forest Certification  Potential wood fibre available in RoI for energy, wood based panels and other uses to increase from ~1.9 million m 3 in 2018 Management Plans to ~ 4.2 million m 3 in 2035 An Roinn Talmhaíochta , Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

  14. Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Supports LED Targeted Agriculture Modernisation Scheme Lighting Energy Efficiency Measures Heat Energy Transfer Efficiency Units Upgrades Renewable Energy T echnology Supports Biomass Solar PV Boilers Horticulture Programmes Producer Organisation Scheme Commercial Horticulture Scheme

  15. Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Supports EIP Projects Small Biogas Demonstration Programme T otal investment Biorefinery Glas Project of €3 million Irish Biochar Cooperative Society Animal-By Product Regulations T o encourage alternative safe domestic disposal outlets including the safe use of ABP as a feed stock in biogas plants Environmentally friendly, sustainable process 10 biogas plants under DAFM regulation operation with 2 additional plants shortly

  16. Summary Need to protect Green Credentials - BUT Significant challenges  Agriculture is a contributor to climate change, impacted by climate change, but is also part of the  solution Policy actively engaging with agriculture  Understand points of engagement – market, regulation, incentive vs tax, adaptation  Optimise use of CAP reform opportunities and next agri food strategy  The unique role of agriculture & forestry in the global climate change response is increasingly  recognised: Continued improvement in on-farm efficiencies  Maximise carbon removals  Increase contribution to energy inside and outside farm gate  An Roinn Talmhaíochta , Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

  17. Thank you An Roinn Talmhaíochta , Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

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