medical leadership development tool


MEDICAL LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT TOOL PRESENTATION SKILLS Venue: Date: Time: Doctor: Duration: Topic: Audience: SET (includes environment) Please tick the appropriate boxes or mark as N/A if not applicable

  1. MEDICAL LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT TOOL PRESENTATION SKILLS Venue: Date: Time: Doctor: Duration: Topic: Audience: SET (includes environment) Please tick the appropriate boxes or mark as N/A if not applicable Needs Further Achieved Comments Development 1. Checks & adjusts layout 2. Checks equipment 3. Welcomes & introduces self 4. Sets the mood 5. States objectives 6. Establishes usefulness 7. Overall performance of set DIALOGUE 1. Presents material in a clear, logical sequence 2. Uses visual aids appropriately 3. Ensures voice projection 4. Addresses & engages the audience 5. Uses eye contact appropriately 6. Demonstrates enthusiasm 7. Uses humour appropriately 8. Uses personal and/or audience experience 9. Responds positively to answers 10. Keeps to time 11. Attitude/behaviour encourages learning & interaction 12. Overall performance of dialogue CLOSURE 1. Invites & answers questions 2. Tackles questions tactfully 3. Terminates session with a summary of objectives 4. Overall performance of closure Page 1 of 3 North Western Deanery, March 2010

  2. Any aspects which were especially good? Suggestions for improvement and Action Points: Assessor Name ………………………......................... Signature……………………….............. Date………… Doctor Name ………………………......................... Signature……………………….............. Date…………. Page 2 of 3 North Western Deanery, March 2010

  3. ASSESSOR’S GUIDE TO PRESENTATION SKILLS SET (includes environment) Requires Further Development Achieved Good 1. Checks & adjusts layout Layout inappropriate & no Appropriate layout Good attention to all details adjustments made 2. Checks equipment Fails to check and/or is unable to Checks & is able to use Uses equipment to best use equipment advantage throughout 3. Welcomes & introduces self Neglects to welcome and/or Welcomes and introduces Warm, clear & confident introduce self self welcome and introduction 4. Sets the mood Delivered in complete isolation/no Reference made to where Fully integrates presentation reference to the overall aims presentation fits in with the overall aims 5. States objectives Does not establish or Outlines objectives States realistic & achievable communicate objectives objectives clearly and logically 6. Establishes usefulness Fails to convey usefulness Conveys context of lecture Establishes usefulness 7. Overall performance of set Fails to understand or implement Puts into practice the Understands & confidently key elements of set concept of set demonstrates key elements of set DIALOGUE 1. Presents material in a clear, Presents material in a Clear & logical presentation Presents material in a clearly logical sequence confused/illogical way structured & sequentially linked form 2.Uses visual aids appropriately Inappropriate use of Competent & appropriate Imaginative & effective use of equipment/content use visual aids & materials 3. Ensures voice projection Speaks too quietly/too loudly/is Effective use of voice with Fluent, articulate delivery with inarticulate variation of tone & pace variation to emphasise points 4. Addresses & involves the Fails to involve the audience Involve all the audience & Interacts positively with audience addresses appropriately awareness of audience needs 5. Uses eye contact appropriately Fails to establish eye contact or Establishes good eye contact Uses eye contact to establish a inappropriate/aggressive with most of the audience productive relationship with the audience 6. Demonstrates enthusiasm Unable to motivate audience Enthusiastic delivery of Highly self-motivated & able to material motivate audience 7. Uses humour appropriately Inappropriate use of humour Uses humour sensitively & Capitalises on humour to make appropriately points 8. Uses personal and/or audience Does not use personal or audience Illustrates points to enhance Builds upon & uses answers to experience experience learning illustrate learning 9. Responds positively to answers Fails to acknowledge/accept Responds well to all answers Welcomes answers positively & answers sensitively 10. Keeps to time Runs out of time or finishes too Works within time Plans use of time well & early constraints imaginatively 11. Attitude/behaviour encourages Has difficulty in presenting a Behaviour/attitude allows for Behaviour/attitude encourages learning & interaction positive attitude, behaviour interaction & contributes to a interaction & positively shapes discourages interaction positive learning experience the learning environment 12. Overall performance of Fails to present information to Presents information in an Clear planning & excellent dialogue audience appropriate manner delivery of information CLOSURE 1. Invites & answers questions Fails to ask questions Uses questions & answers to Uses questions & answers properly/answers inappropriately clarify content constructively to clarify content 2. Tackles questions tactfully 3. Terminates session with a Fails to re-establish objectives Reiterates objectives & Summarizes by revisiting key summary of objectives and/ or unclear termination terminates clearly take home messages and terminates clearly 4. Overall performance of closure Drifts to no real conclusion Closure well constructed Links closure with other aspects of the programme & moves audience on Adapted with thanks from Resuscitation Council (UK) and the Advanced Life Support Group Generic Instructor Course Assessment Matrix Page 3 of 3 North Western Deanery, March 2010


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