addressing ad marin ma ine pla plastics tics

Addressing Ad Marin Ma ine Pla Plastics tics Liana Talaue - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Addressing Ad Marin Ma ine Pla Plastics tics Liana Talaue McManus A A Systemic ic Ap Appro roach Project Coordinator GRID-Arendal Global Partnership on Marine Litter Steering Committee Meeting 11 March 2018, San Diego, CA, USA Pr

  1. Addressing Ad Marin Ma ine Pla Plastics tics Liana Talaue McManus A A Systemic ic Ap Appro roach Project Coordinator GRID-Arendal Global Partnership on Marine Litter Steering Committee Meeting 11 March 2018, San Diego, CA, USA

  2. Pr Project Goal In Integ egrate e appr pproaches hes, mecha mec hani nisms ms and nd partner pa nershi hips into an n Advanced Waste Management Global Alliance Platform Solutions in Asia-Pacific For Circular Economy op operation onal pr programme mme Component 1 Component 2 Provide strategic with wi th commensurate guidance through a re resourc rces, , that can reverse cohesive roadmap th the mari rine plasti tics cri risis by fo focusing on its systemic dr driver ers

  3. Com Compon onent 1 1 Component 1 Global Alliance Platform For Circular Economy Provide strategic Cr Create a gl glob obal alliance guidance through a pl platform to to reconsider the cohesive roadmap design, des n, us use, e, reus euse e and nd di dispo posal of pl plastics Advanced Waste Management Solutions in Asia-Pacific Component 2

  4. Com Compon onent 2: 2: Component 2 Advanced Waste Management Solutions in Asia-Pacific Provide strategic guidance through a De Design ad advan anced w was aste cohesive roadmap mana ma nagemen ement & fina nanc ncing ng so solutions s fo for Asia-Pa Pacific Global Alliance Platform For Circular Economy Component 1

  5. Com Compon onent 4: 4: Component 4 Knowledge Sharing & Project Coordination Advanced Waste Management Global Alliance Platform Solutions in Asia-Pacific For Circular Economy • Co Coordinate project Component 1 Component 2 Provide strategic deliver del erabl bles es guidance through a • Fa Facilitate component cohesive roadmap ou output integr gration on into o an ac an actio ionab able le c cohesiv ive pr programme mme Strategy Development Component 3

  6. Com Compon onent 3: 3: Ecosystems Economy Advanced Waste Management • Iden dentify ho hot spo pots along ng Global Alliance Platform Solutions in Asia-Pacific For Circular Economy the mari th rine plasti tics value Component 1 Component 2 Provide strategic ch chain and life cy cycl cles guidance through a • Iden Identify existing ng cohesive roadmap internatio in ional g al governan ance fr fram ameworks, p par artnership ips, an and ac actio ion p plan lans

  7. Com Compon onent 3: 3: Ecosystems Economy Circular economy Linear economy Chain economy Resources • Integr In egrate e knowled edge e and Production pract ctice ce to build a ci circu cular ec economy model el for marine e Consumption plastics cs cognizant of the entire value ch chain Waste • propo pr pose i intervention po n points From waste to resources at the design, product ction, co consumption and waste ma manageme ment phases

  8. Com Compon onent 3: 3: Ecosystems Economy Roles of the GPML, RSP Ro Key partnership mech chanism for • Advanced Waste Management Global Alliance Platform Solutions in Asia-Pacific marine litter stakeholders ma For Circular Economy Component 1 (I (IGOs, GOs, CSOs, NGOs, Component 2 Provide strategic co companies, aca cademia) guidance through a Review of project ct outputs esp. • cohesive roadmap strategic c roadmap De Deliver t the r roadmap to to • sta stakeholders at at nat ational and regional levels for multi-sc re scale ci circu cular economies for marine plastics cs

  9. Vis Visio ion Ma Materi rial redesi sign of of • plas plastic ic pac packag aging ing, main main plas plastic ic de debr bris is in in sho horeline lines Ap Approp opriate e wa waste • ma mana nageme ment solut utions ns to to addr address cur urrent was aste in in As Asia-Pa Pacific with highest leak le akag age glo lobally bally Id Iden entified ed ho hotspo pots and and • kn knowledge ge gaps ps alo along ng the he va value chain & life cycles • St Strategic c roadmap of ci circu cular ec economy for ma marine ne pl plastics, , to stop ma material flows to the he oc ocean and address gaps at mul multipl ple governa nanc nce sc scales

  10. Pr Project Co Coordination Unit Unit gef gefmp-pc pcu@ u@grida. no Liana.McM


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