measuring immediate adaptation performance for neural

Measuring Immediate Adaptation Performance for Neural Machine - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Measuring Immediate Adaptation Performance for Neural Machine Translation Patrick Simianer , Joern Wuebker, John DeNero Lilt NAACL 19 Outline Motivation & Approach 1 2 Evaluation Conclusion 3 2 / 20 Motivation Online adaptation is

  1. Measuring Immediate Adaptation Performance for Neural Machine Translation Patrick Simianer , Joern Wuebker, John DeNero Lilt NAACL ’19

  2. Outline Motivation & Approach 1 2 Evaluation Conclusion 3 2 / 20

  3. Motivation Online adaptation is a key feature of modern computer-aided translation (CAT) 3 / 20

  4. Motivation Online adaptation is a key feature of modern computer-aided translation (CAT) Non-adaptive system Der Terrier beißt die Frau Source #1: 3 / 20

  5. Motivation Online adaptation is a key feature of modern computer-aided translation (CAT) Non-adaptive system Der Terrier beißt die Frau Source #1: The dog bites the lady Hypothesis #1: 3 / 20

  6. Motivation Online adaptation is a key feature of modern computer-aided translation (CAT) Non-adaptive system Der Terrier beißt die Frau Source #1: The dog bites the lady Hypothesis #1: The terrier bites the woman Reference #1: 3 / 20

  7. Motivation Online adaptation is a key feature of modern computer-aided translation (CAT) Non-adaptive system Der Terrier beißt die Frau Source #1: The dog bites the lady Hypothesis #1: The terrier bites the woman Reference #1: Der Mann beißt den Terrier Source #2: 3 / 20

  8. Motivation Online adaptation is a key feature of modern computer-aided translation (CAT) Non-adaptive system Der Terrier beißt die Frau Source #1: The dog bites the lady Hypothesis #1: The terrier bites the woman Reference #1: Der Mann beißt den Terrier Source #2: The dog bites the man Hypothesis #2: 3 / 20

  9. Motivation Online adaptation is a key feature of modern computer-aided translation (CAT) Non-adaptive system Der Terrier beißt die Frau Source #1: The dog bites the lady Hypothesis #1: The terrier bites the woman Reference #1: Der Mann beißt den Terrier Source #2: The dog bites the man Hypothesis #2: The man bites the terrier Reference #2: 3 / 20

  10. Motivation Translators have a reasonable expectation that . . . 1 New vocabulary (in context) gets quickly picked up by the system, ideally right away 2 The system generally adapts to new domains 4 / 20

  11. Motivation Translators have a reasonable expectation that . . . 1 New vocabulary (in context) gets quickly picked up by the system, ideally right away 2 The system generally adapts to new domains With neural machine translation fine-tuning can readily be used [Turchi et al., 2017] ( inter-alia ): θ i ← θ i − 1 − γ ∇L ( θ i − 1 , x i , y i ) . 4 / 20

  12. Approach • Typically [Turchi et al., 2017, Peris et al., 2017, Bertoldi et al., 2014] ( inter-alia ) fine-tuning is evaluated in a batch setting • Corpus BLEU or isolated sentence-wise metrics are often used • These do not necessarily express how fast a system adapts 5 / 20

  13. Approach • Typically [Turchi et al., 2017, Peris et al., 2017, Bertoldi et al., 2014] ( inter-alia ) fine-tuning is evaluated in a batch setting • Corpus BLEU or isolated sentence-wise metrics are often used • These do not necessarily express how fast a system adapts As we will show this is not good enough → We seek to measure perceived, immediate adaptation performance 5 / 20

  14. Approach Calculate recall on the set of all words that are not stopwords, ignoring length [Papineni et al., 2002] and ordering issues 1 [Kothur et al., 2018] 1 In each of the data sets considered in this work, the average number of occurrences of content words ranges between 1.01 and 1.11 per sentence 6 / 20

  15. Approach Calculate recall on the set of all words that are not stopwords, ignoring length [Papineni et al., 2002] and ordering issues 1 [Kothur et al., 2018] Since the task is online adaptation — specifically focus on few-shot learning : Consider only first and second occurrences of words! 1 In each of the data sets considered in this work, the average number of occurrences of content words ranges between 1.01 and 1.11 per sentence 6 / 20

  16. One-Shot Recall R1 After seeing a word exactly once before in a reference/confirmed translation, is it correctly produced the second time around? 7 / 20

  17. One-Shot Recall R1 After seeing a word exactly once before in a reference/confirmed translation, is it correctly produced the second time around? R1 i = |H i ∩ R 1 , i | |R 1 , i | H i : Content words in the hypothesis i th example Content words whose second occurrence is in R 1 , i : the reference for i th example 7 / 20

  18. One-Shot Recall R1: Example Adaptive system Der Terrier beißt die Frau Source #1: 8 / 20

  19. One-Shot Recall R1: Example Adaptive system Der Terrier beißt die Frau Source #1: The dog bites the lady Hypothesis #1: 8 / 20

  20. One-Shot Recall R1: Example Adaptive system Der Terrier beißt die Frau Source #1: The dog bites the lady Hypothesis #1: The terrier bites the woman Reference #1: 8 / 20

  21. One-Shot Recall R1: Example Adaptive system Der Terrier beißt die Frau Source #1: The dog bites the lady Hypothesis #1: The terrier bites the woman Reference #1: R1=0/0 8 / 20

  22. One-Shot Recall R1: Example Adaptive system Der Terrier beißt die Frau Source #1: The dog bites the lady Hypothesis #1: The terrier bites the woman Reference #1: R1=0/0 Der Mann beißt den Terrier Source #2: 8 / 20

  23. One-Shot Recall R1: Example Adaptive system Der Terrier beißt die Frau Source #1: The dog bites the lady Hypothesis #1: The terrier bites the woman Reference #1: R1=0/0 Der Mann beißt den Terrier Source #2: The terrier bites the man Hypothesis #2: 8 / 20

  24. One-Shot Recall R1: Example Adaptive system Der Terrier beißt die Frau Source #1: The dog bites the lady Hypothesis #1: The terrier bites the woman Reference #1: R1=0/0 Der Mann beißt den Terrier Source #2: The terrier bites the man Hypothesis #2: The man bites 1 the terrier 1 Reference #2: 8 / 20

  25. One-Shot Recall R1: Example Adaptive system Der Terrier beißt die Frau Source #1: The dog bites the lady Hypothesis #1: The terrier bites the woman Reference #1: R1=0/0 Der Mann beißt den Terrier Source #2: The terrier bites the man Hypothesis #2: The man bites 1 the terrier 1 Reference #2: R1=2 / 2 8 / 20

  26. One-Shot Recall R1: Example Adaptive system Der Terrier beißt die Frau Source #1: The dog bites the lady Hypothesis #1: The terrier bites the woman Reference #1: R1=0/0 Der Mann beißt den Terrier Source #2: The terrier bites the man Hypothesis #2: The man bites 1 the terrier 1 Reference #2: R1=2 / 2 R1=2 / 2 Total: 8 / 20

  27. Zero-Shot Recall R0 Not having seen a word before, is it still correctly produced? Is the system adapting to the domain at hand? 9 / 20

  28. Zero-Shot Recall R0 Not having seen a word before, is it still correctly produced? Is the system adapting to the domain at hand? R0 i = |H i ∩ R 0 , i | |R 0 , i | H i : Content words in the hypothesis for i th example Content words that occur for the first time in the R 0 , i : reference for i th example 9 / 20

  29. Zero- and One-Shot Recall R0+1 Combined metric. R0+1 i = |H i ∩ [ R 0 , i ∪ R 1 , i ] | |R 0 , i ∪ R 1 , i | H i : Content words in the hypothesis for i th example Content words that occur for the first or second R 0 , i ∪ R 1 , i : time in the reference for i th example 10 / 20

  30. Corpus-Level Metric � |G| i = 1 |H i ∩ R 0 , i | R 0 Corpus = � |G| i = 1 |R 0 , i | Corpus of |G| source, reference/confirmed seg- G : ment, hypothesis triplets 11 / 20

  31. Complete Example Adaptive system Der Terrier beißt die Frau Source #1: The dog bites the lady Hypothesis #1: The terrier 0 bites 0 the woman 0 Reference #1: R1=0 / 0 12 / 20

  32. Complete Example Adaptive system Der Terrier beißt die Frau Source #1: The dog bites the lady Hypothesis #1: The terrier 0 bites 0 the woman 0 Reference #1: R1=0 / 0 R0=1 / 3 12 / 20

  33. Complete Example Adaptive system Der Terrier beißt die Frau Source #1: The dog bites the lady Hypothesis #1: The terrier 0 bites 0 the woman 0 Reference #1: R1=0 / 0 R0=1 / 3 R0+1=1 / 3 12 / 20

  34. Complete Example Adaptive system Der Terrier beißt die Frau Source #1: The dog bites the lady Hypothesis #1: The terrier 0 bites 0 the woman 0 Reference #1: R1=0 / 0 R0=1 / 3 R0+1=1 / 3 Der Mann beißt den Terrier Source #2: 12 / 20

  35. Complete Example Adaptive system Der Terrier beißt die Frau Source #1: The dog bites the lady Hypothesis #1: The terrier 0 bites 0 the woman 0 Reference #1: R1=0 / 0 R0=1 / 3 R0+1=1 / 3 Der Mann beißt den Terrier Source #2: The terrier bites the man Hypothesis #2: 12 / 20

  36. Complete Example Adaptive system Der Terrier beißt die Frau Source #1: The dog bites the lady Hypothesis #1: The terrier 0 bites 0 the woman 0 Reference #1: R1=0 / 0 R0=1 / 3 R0+1=1 / 3 Der Mann beißt den Terrier Source #2: The terrier bites the man Hypothesis #2: The man 0 bites 1 the terrier 1 Reference #2: 12 / 20

  37. Complete Example Adaptive system Der Terrier beißt die Frau Source #1: The dog bites the lady Hypothesis #1: The terrier 0 bites 0 the woman 0 Reference #1: R1=0 / 0 R0=1 / 3 R0+1=1 / 3 Der Mann beißt den Terrier Source #2: The terrier bites the man Hypothesis #2: The man 0 bites 1 the terrier 1 Reference #2: R1=2 / 2 12 / 20


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