Institut für Sozialforschung und Gesellschaftspolitik Measuring Employability – A First Empirical Approach Dr. Helmut Apel ISG - Institut für Sozialforschung und Gesellschaftspolitik
Institut für Sozialforschung und Gesellschaftspolitik Overview 1. Motivation and Background 2. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework 3. Empirical Application 4. Results 5. Conclusions and Outlook Helmut Apel Evaluation Conference Nürnberg, 13.06.2007 2
Institut für Sozialforschung und Gesellschaftspolitik 1. Motivation and Background Institutional background: Evaluation of reformed means-tested welfare system „Basic security benefits for job-seekers“ (SGB II, Hartz IV reform) Specifically: Evaluation of the temporary experiment concerning the the two models of implementation, i.e. ARGE: Cooperation of municipalities and local employment agencies (in 355 regions) zkT: Municipalities alone (in 69 municipalities) Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) has established a research network comprising 4 research fields: Field 1: Data collection and descriptive analyses (IAT, ZEW) Field 2: Implementation and governance analyses (ISR, infas, WZB) Field 3: Micro-econometric impact analyses (ZEW, IAQ, TNS Emnid) Field 4: Macro-economic analyses (ifo, IAW) Helmut Apel Evaluation Conference Nürnberg, 13.06.2007 3
Institut für Sozialforschung und Gesellschaftspolitik 1. Motivation and Background Since SGB II mainly aims at combating long-time unemployment “preservation and improvement of employability” is an important objective of the new welfare system. Hence, the administrative contest between ARGE and zkT focuses on two outcomes: Job placement (primary objective) Progress in employability (secondary objective) � In research network: Field 3 is supposed to develop an empirical concept for measuring employability progress . ISG as coordinator of the research network has together with Field 3 initialised a pilot study for this purpose. Helmut Apel Evaluation Conference Nürnberg, 13.06.2007 4
Institut für Sozialforschung und Gesellschaftspolitik 1. Motivation and Background Specific requirements and restrictions Applicable in telephone interviews (CATI) Quantitative information Data parsimonious Almost no examples in existing literature � Particularly the application by CATIs implies important limitations for the collected information Helmut Apel Evaluation Conference Nürnberg, 13.06.2007 5
Institut für Sozialforschung und Gesellschaftspolitik 2. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework Primary theoretical contributions Bernard Gazier (1999): Employability. Concepts and Policies. Susanne Blancke, Christian Roth, Josef Schmidt (2000): Employability als Herausforderung für den Arbeitsmarkt. Axel Deeke, Thomas Kruppe (2003): Beschäftigungsfähigkeit als Evaluationsmaßstab? Existing empirical concepts „Fachkonzept Beschäftigungsorientiertes Fallmanagement SGB II“ (job-oriented case management concept of Federal Employment Agency) Arbeitshilfen Eingliederungsvereinbarungen und Profiling (Aktuelles“ Nr. 40, HE/GA) (manual and guidelines for „Integration Contracts“) Evaluation concepts from municipalities‘ labour market projects (Prof. Trube, Universitiy of Siegen) Helmut Apel Evaluation Conference Nürnberg, 13.06.2007 6
Institut für Sozialforschung und Gesellschaftspolitik 2. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework Review of theoretical literature and existing empirical concepts can be summarized into six dimensions of employability which are feasible for a CATI-survey: I. Activities level Job-seeking activities Further education activities II. Motivation level Intrinsic motivation Extrinsic motivation III. Willingness for concessions with respect to: Working conditions (e.g. status, mobility / flexibility requirements) Income Helmut Apel Evaluation Conference Nürnberg, 13.06.2007 7
Institut für Sozialforschung und Gesellschaftspolitik 2. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework IV. Assessment of skills and capabilities Job-related self-image („ ... got good qualification / experience“) Self-assessment soft skills (e.g. reliability, team-orientated) Self-assessment basic skills (reading, writing, internet) V. Social context Social network (meeting friends, knowing to be needed) Social support (being supported by family / friends) Milieu / peers (many unemployed friends / friends successful in job) Private situation (family conflicts, ties and obligations) VI. Psychological and somatic health Physical conditions / troubles Emotional problems Helmut Apel Evaluation Conference Nürnberg, 13.06.2007 8
Institut für Sozialforschung und Gesellschaftspolitik 3. Empirical Application Data base Survey data 4,000 CATI-interviews (2,000 SGB II / 2,000 SGB III) Full range of unemployment duration In small number of selected ARGE-regions Controlled regional variation: east-west; urban-rural Age restriction: 18 – 57 years Interview period September 22 – October 19, 2006 Survey information is matched with data from Federal Employment Agency Labour market status five month after interview: � Employed (regular employment or apprenticeship) � Not employed (otherwise) Helmut Apel Evaluation Conference Nürnberg, 13.06.2007 9
Institut für Sozialforschung und Gesellschaftspolitik 3. Empirical Application 1 st Step: Principal components analysis (PCA) Multivariate statistical method to reduce information redundancies and to identify empirically independent dimensions PCA retrieves important “factors“ and their “marking variables“ � Aim: Identify a compact set of survey items which capture relevant components / dimensions of employability Result: 18 variables - out of originally 77 - to represent the six dimensions (2 - 4 variables for each dimension) Helmut Apel Evaluation Conference Nürnberg, 13.06.2007 10
Institut für Sozialforschung und Gesellschaftspolitik 3. Empirical Application Active job search during last 4 weeks I. Activity level Preparation of self-employment Participation in further education in last 12 months Intrinsic: „I set and pursue targets for myself“ II. Motivation Extrinsic: „Most important issue w.r.t work is income“ level Change of occupation III. Willingness for Change of residence concessions low(er) income Self-grading: reading IV. Assessment of Willingness to learn: „I enjoy ... new experiences“ skills and „I have sound professional experiences“ capabilities Self-grading: writing e-mail Social support: „Nobody really supports me“ V. Social context Disintegrated milieu: „... got many unemployed friends“ Social integration: „… often joining friends …“ Family ties and conflicts „.. too many fam. conflicts“ Physical fitness: Hours, being able to work per day VI. Psycho-somatic Positive attitude: „ … mostly find positive aspects, too“ health Helmut Apel Evaluation Conference Nürnberg, 13.06.2007 11
Institut für Sozialforschung und Gesellschaftspolitik 3. Empirical Application 2 nd Step: Probit estimations LHS variable : Employed five months after interview (yes / no) RHS variables: Observable socio-demographic characteristics: sex, age, schooling, professional qualification, situation before unemployment (work, training) 18 indicators of employability identified by PCA Seven specifications: Spec.1: Socio-demographic variables only Specs. 2-7: Stepwise inclusion of the 6 groups of employability indicators � Aim: Testing the predictive power of the employability indicators controlling for socio-demographic characteristics Idea: Employed individuals exhibit high degree of employability ⇒ variables displaying a significant association with employment probability indicate relevant dimensions of employability Helmut Apel Evaluation Conference Nürnberg, 13.06.2007 12
Institut für Sozialforschung und Gesellschaftspolitik 4. Results Continuous increase of pseudo R 2 : Model pseudo R 2 1: Benchmark: Socio-demographics only .062 2: plus Job search / further education activities .066 3: plus Motivation level .073 4: plus Willingness for concessions .089 5: plus Assessment of skills and capabilities .096 6: plus Social context .098 7: plus Psycho-somatic health .116 Predictive power of group of socio-demographic characteristics continuously decreases; but variables remain jointly significant Each group of employability indicators is jointly significant (at least weakly); individual significance of indicators within each group varies Helmut Apel Evaluation Conference Nürnberg, 13.06.2007 13
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