MBS FileMaker Plugin Christian Schmitz
Monkeybread Software MBS FileMaker Plugin 4900 functions 648 new functions in 2015 852 new functions in 2016 635 new functions in 2017 already 500 example databases.
MBS FileMaker Plugin One Plugin file Easy to install & update supporting FileMaker 8.5 and newer FileMaker 16 fully supported since 7.2
MBS FileMaker Plugin FileMaker Pro, Advanced & Runtime FileMaker Server, Custom Web Publishing & Web Direct FileMaker Cloud with Linux FileMaker iOS SDK FileMaker Go only via Perform Script on Server
MBS FileMaker Plugin One central MBS function First Parameter = Function Name Can be calculated or from field Check for errors using MBS("IsError") Reference parameters for objects
CURL HTTP, FTP, SFTP Up/Download SSL/TLS, Proxy & Authentication Sync, Async or Background transfers parallel transfers Custom Requests Delete & Rename files for FTP
CURL & WebServices SOAP, REST & others HTTPS with TLSv1.2 Custom HTTP headers JSON & XML functions Send form data
CURL & Email Send Emails Multiple attachments HTML & plain text Proper text encoding Batch email send example with parallel transfers & reusing connections
CURL & Email Receive email IMAP & POP3 Extract subject, recipients, text, html, attachments & headers IMAP delete/move email Detect duplicates
PDF PDFKit Mac only framework from Apple Limited to PDF features supported by Apple DynaPDF Cross platform PDF Library Extra license
PDFKit & DynaPDF Merge PDFs Split PDFs Render picture from pages Print: PDFKit on Mac, DynaPDF on Win Extract text
DynaPDF Create, Edit, Merge & Render PDFs Convert PDF to PDF/A & PDF/X Embed XML in PDF for invoices Create/Set/Query form fields Extract images, text in area Encrypt/Decrypt with password
DynaPDF Find & Highlight text Find & Replace text Use Tables for Layouts Add, query, remove & flatten annotations Add links to pages or URLs Digitally sign PDF file
DynaPDF Optimize PDF files Recreate structure to fix errors Scale down images & convert to JPEG Replace duplicate fonts and images with references Remove private data
Styled Text in DynaPDF DynaPDF 4.0 Hello World Hello World red blue green red blue green 14 point 14 point 10 point 10 point bold , italic , underline, strikethrough bold , italic , underline, strikethrough Arial bold italic Arial bold italic Times bold italic Times bold italic Comic Sans bold italic Comic Sans bold italic test test
Encryption & Hash Elliptic Curve Digital Signatures RSA Signatures & Encryption AES & Blowfish Encryption SHA2 with up to 512 bit Encrypt & Hash container, files, texts HMAC & PBKDF2
Data Structures Global Variables Independent of database Dictionary: Assoziative Arrays Key ➜ Value Preserves data types QuickList Indexed list of text in memory
Word Files Open Word file (docx) Query Texts Replace Placeholders with Text Add table rows Write docx file e.g. for bulk letter
AV Recording Record Audio/Video for Mac to M4V file for Windows to AVI file List audio/video devices & select Show preview in layout Take snapshot
Clipboard Get & Set clipboard without field HTML, RTF & styled text File path/references Picture FileMaker XML Data formats Scripts, Layouts, Custom Functions…
Addressbook Access Contacts on Mac Sync to Exchange & Google Create, change and edit people/groups Search for contacts Open in Contacts.app Mac only.
FileMaker SQL Insert/Delete/Update records easily Preserves data types Insert Records via Query copy records to other table/file Insert Records from Tab/Return text Select containers & dates without text conversion
SQL to others Connect to other databases with native drivers. In Script & independent from ESS Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, DB2, Sybase, SQL Anywhere, Informix, FireBird, InterBase, SQLBase, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, ODBC and SQLite Copy records from/to FileMaker
Schedules Run script by name from any file. Schedule Start Script, Run SQL and Evaluate in time, at time, timestamp or on idle Query, cancel and modify schedules Logout user or leave field on idle MBS( "Schedule.StartScriptAfterDelay"; 10; Get(FileName); "testScript"; $param )
File Functions Copy, Move, Rename, Delete files/folders Query file information like size, dates, tags Mount/Unmount network volumes Query disk info, free disk space Check if file is in use
Image Editing Load images and convert formats Scale, Rotate, Compose & Mirror Draw vector graphics and text Find position of images Read EXIF/IPTC
Hotkeys Define Hotkeys Trigger script or evaluate on keydown Shift, Option, Command, Control + key Mac & Windows
TouchBar Create buttons for TouchBar with Text & Image TouchBar per window & per app Trigger script or evaluation Show/hide debugger & data viewer in FileMaker Switch TouchBars on layout change Only for macOS 10.12.2 or newer
JSON & XML Import Read JSON or XML file Detect records Create automagically tables & fields Import records Build your layouts / scripts after first import
Webviewer Run JavaScript in Webviewer Get current HTML & Text Query & fill form fields Read text, links & images Print web page Render image or PDF
Sockets TCP & UDP sockets Script trigger for incoming data UDP broadcast & multicast ServerSocket for incoming connections IPv6 & IPv4 SSL optional
SerialPorts Connect to serial ports USB to Serial adapters Trigger script for incoming data Line based reading Configure Data Bits, Stop Bits, Parity & Baud Rates DTR, DSR, CTS, RTS, XON
Calendars / Reminders Create, Query, Edit and Delete events & reminders Ask for permissions Add alarms & recurrence rules Synchronize to iPhone, Google, Exchange New Events functions for iOS & 64-bit Mac Old Calendar functions for 32 & 64-bit Mac
Printing List printers Control print dialog on Mac Print to PDF file Print on Windows with options (new in 6.5) Switch printer, paper, tray & more
Utility Change Dock icon & App Name Speak text on Mac & Win without crash Measure text width Detect right clicks Automatically generate database design report
Utility Query Windows Management Instrumentation Zip/Unzip files Send / listen for notifications Disable App Nap Login via SSH to other computer and run commands. LDAP / Active Directory
Scan Documents Flatbed & Document Feeders ImageCapture for Mac Windows Image Acquisition Twain for Mac & Win (deprecated) With or without dialog OCR to recognize text
Java Use any Java Version Create Java object from class Set/Query properties Call methods Automatic data type conversion Interface to existing Java code
FileSystem Events Monitor folder for changes DirectoryWatcher for Windows (new in 7.1) watch folder FSEvents for Mac watch folder or whole disk with history
Menus Show contextual menus Submenus With font styles With icons With color Trigger script on selection
Scroll Elasticity Scroll over edge Off, On or Auto for Layout and List
Syntax Highlighting Rule based calculation and script coloring Context Menus If/Loop block highlighting Relation Ship Graph search Script search GoTo Line All Mac only.
Syntax Highlighting
Contextual Menu Jump to script via context menu
XML Query subtrees Extract text values Set Variables based on XML List, query/set attributes List node names
Version 7.2 Windows User Notifications Windows Registry CURL with system certificates Changes for FileMaker 16 Webviewer rewritten Syntax Highlighting adjusted MBS Script Step
Windows MAPI Send email via client on Windows Outlook, Thunderbird, … Add attachments Can do HTML Multiple recipients
Windows MAPI
Version 7.3 Read/Write binary files Control AVPlayer on iOS Parse once & query often XML files Card Window mouse click trigger Dialog positions SQL.InsertOrUpdateRecords
Social Message Dialog
Email & Text Messages
Version 7.4 CoreImage detection of faces, rectangles, texts & QRCodes iOS Keyboard show/hide triggers Import CSV Set or query values in XML by path WebViewer Copy, Cut & Paste AVPlayer trigger SerialPort pause/resume
Core ML
Image View
Resizable field picker
Resizable palettes
Show Table & Field IDs
Script IDs
Version 7.5 beta Replace Image in PDF with DynaPDF Evaluate JavaScript on iOS without Webviewer
Replace images in PDFs
Ressources Website http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.com/filemaker/ Videos http://www.mbsplugins.com Blog http://www.mbs-plugins.com Mailing List http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.com/filemaker/ mailinglist.shtml
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